Ointment from hemorrhoids Aurobin, instructions for use

The modern pharmacological industry produces a large number of medicines aimed at treating hemorrhoids. At the same time, both foreign and domestic enterprises, companies and institutions are constantly working to improve the medications issued for many years, and the development of new, more effective drugs.

Most people find it difficult to understand the assortment of hemorrhoids presented on pharmacy shelves and to stop their choice on really effective preparations that can relieve pain and itching, stop bleeding and stop inflammation. At the same time, one correctly chosen tool can cope with all these tasks. Among the reliable and popular drugs is ointment from hemorrhoids Aurobin.

Brief description of the ointment Aurobin from hemorrhoids

Almost odorless, homogeneous in structure white ointment Aurobin is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent with anesthetic effect. It is widely used in proctology as a topical preparation.

Ointment can be used, both for external use and rectally, by injecting it into the anal canal using a special nozzle. This drug helps to reduce swelling and successfully fights inflammatory processes. In addition, Aurobin contributes to the restoration of damaged tissue and has an antimicrobial effect, thereby effectively disinfecting the anus. Instructions for ointments from hemorrhoids Aurobin contains complete information about this drug.

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The ointment is produced in aluminum tubes, which contain 20 g of this product. Aurobin per gram of the drug contains:

  • Prednisolone - 2 mg;
  • D-panthenol - 20 mg;Lidocaine - 20 mg.

As auxiliary components are liquid paraffin, macrogol, stearic acid, propylene glycol, triclosan, polysorbate and neutral oil.

Store the drug at a temperature of + 8 ° C to + 15 ° C in a place inaccessible to small children. Under these conditions, the shelf life of the substance is two years.

Therapeutic effect of ointment Aurobin in hemorrhoids

Thanks to the active ingredients entering into the ointment, it is a very effective remedy. Its components are arranged in such a way that each of the constituent substances enhances the therapeutic properties of the other. And as a result of their joint action, the symptoms of the acute form of hemorrhoids quickly disappear. The main components of Aurobin have the following effect:

  • Prednisolone is an artificially created glucocorticosteroid. Local action - anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. It also has a stimulating effect on the tone of blood vessels, strengthening the veins and improving their elasticity. Presence of exudative properties allows to struggle with edemas and inflammatory processes, and also with an itch.
  • Lidocaine is a very strong anesthetic, which not only will quickly relieve the pain, but also in the anorectal region will relieve the feeling of discomfort( burning and itching).
  • Triclosan is a broad-range antiseptic that does not allow the development of various fungi and pathogenic bacteria on inflamed tissues.
  • D-panthenol - vitamins of group B, stimulating tissue regeneration.

A certain portion of prednisolone and lidocoin, when used locally, penetrates the circulatory system and spreads to other parts of the body.

When to apply ointment from hemorrhoids Aurobin?

Instructions for use of this tool inform you of the main indications when Aurobin Ointment is recommended for use:

  • Hemorrhoids in acute and chronic form;
  • Fistulas and microcracks in the anus;
  • Dermatitis in the anal area;
  • Itching and eczema in the anus;
  • Anopapilite.

For hemorrhoids at the initial stage, when hemorrhoids are small in size, edema is practically absent, skin irritation is not observed in the anus area, Ourobin ointment should not be used because of low efficiency.

In any case, before you start using Aurobine from hemorrhoids, you should study the annotation and consult a doctor. Self-medication in some cases can lead to complication of the disease or the emergence of new pathologies.

Instructions for ointment Aurobin for hemorrhoids

It is recommended to empty the intestine before applying the ointment. This procedure can be performed independently( natural defecation) or forced, using enema and neutral solutions. After this, it is necessary to carry out hygiene measures. To do this, you can wash the anal area with warm water and wipe dry with a soft towel or napkin:

  • External hemorrhoids. On the affected area of ​​the skin, apply a thin layer of ointment in a small volume. Since Aurobin has a light structure and is very quickly absorbed, it does not need to be rubbed. If the disease worsened, then this procedure is performed 3-4 times a day. When the condition has stabilized, then the ointment should be applied no more than 2 times a day. Ointment from hemorrhoids Aurobin is very comfortable to use, as it leaves no traces on the linen.
  • Internal hemorrhoids. Rectal ointment is prescribed for the treatment of microcracks, edema and cones inside. To do this, the agent in a small amount( squeezed from the tube 5-8 millimeters) is administered no more than 4 times a day in the anal canal. After the signs of the disease become less obvious, you can apply rectally ointment no more than 2 times a day.

After using the ointment, you need to wash your hands thoroughly so that Aurobin does not get into the eyes, mouth and other mucous membranes, and also for personal hygiene. The recommended course of treatment does not exceed 7 days.

The presence of potent components in the composition of Aurobin makes the use of this remedy with hemorrhoids itself a very risky occupation. First, you need to make sure that the patient does not have allergic reactions to the substances in the product. Secondly, prednisolone, being one of the main components of the ointment, is contraindicated in a number of cases, for example, when the patient has bacterial, fungal or viral infections on the skin. Also the presence of prednisolone in the drugs used is undesirable for people with detected tumoral processes. Ouro Aurobine is not prescribed for children up to a year, pregnant and breast feeding women, since it contains prednisolone.

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