Teaching video - first aid for epilepsy in children and adults

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Epilepsy is one of the most widely known diseases of the human neuropsychiatric system known since ancient times. At the heart of the onset of the seizure is an abnormally high electrical activity of individual parts of the brain, leading to discharges. In turn, these discharges spread to separate parts of the brain and there is a seizure, which is expressed by a violation in movements, feelings, vegetative and mental activity suffers.

The use of a doctor-appointed therapy in most cases will allow to fully control the functioning of the brain, excluding the occurrence of seizures or significantly reducing the number and severity of their manifestations.

Epileptic seizures can occur for the first time at any age and in the most unsuitable place. A sick person does not control the work of his brain and body, and therefore during an attack can get a lot of injuries, aggravates the general condition and improperly rendered pre-medical care.

Every person can become a witness of an epileptic seizure attack and therefore the knowledge of the basics of providing basic care can come in handy at any time.

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The first signs of epilepsy

Epileptic attack by the nature of its manifestation is divided into generalized( large) and partial( small).Generalized seizures are caused by the activation of electrical impulses in the deeper parts of the brain, due to which all of its areas are involved in the pathological process. Surrounding people in most cases notice just a large fit, since small people can pass with less symptoms.

The picture shows signs of an epileptic attack.

  • A generalized attack of is a contraction of the muscles of the entire body, lasting only a few minutes. The onset of an attack of a patient can sometimes be predicted by the appearance of headaches, malaise, lack of appetite, irritability, all these signs develop one to two days before the attack. Right before the attack, the patient develops an aura - a condition in which there is a sensation of a light blow,visual or voice hallucinations. After the aura, the seizure actually develops, divided into several phases.
    1. The first phase of muscular relaxation. Full relaxation leads to the fact that a person unexpectedly for himself and others falls. The fall often occurs forward, less often backwards and sideways.
    2. After the relaxation of the musculature, a phase of tonic convulsions occurs, lasting no more than a minute - the trunk and limbs become strained, stretched, the head tilts back. Perhaps the appearance of a sudden scream, due to spasm of the glottis. In addition to the general muscle tension, there is a swelling of the veins of the neck, cyanosis( cyanosis) of the nasolabial triangle, a quickening of the pulse.
    3. The phase of clonic seizures is determined by jerky movements in the limbs and throughout the body. Clonic convulsions in the face are expressed in the twitching of the head, a jaw contraction leads to a biting of the tongue, which causes the pink foam to separate. The breath becomes noisy due to the accumulation of saliva and tongue twisting, the pupils are dilated, immobile or their chaotic movements are observed. The phase of clonic convulsions lasts about three minutes. There may be an involuntary urination and defecation. Gradually, the body twitches are reduced, the breathing is leveled, the clarity of consciousness is restored within an hour.
    4. Completion phase. At the end of the attack, the patient feels weak, drowsiness, headaches, episodic twitchings in the limb muscles are noted. Sleep can last for several hours, after it there is still a general depression of mood, fatigue, it can last several days.

    One of the most painful sensomotor disorders, known neurology, is restless legs syndrome. You can find out the symptoms of restless legs syndrome and ways of treatment.

    In children, it is difficult to detect absent epilepsy. To notice the illness at the time, read this article.

  • Small epileptic seizure of can be expressed in a short-term fainting condition, the appearance of uncontrolled twitching in a separate part of the body. The propulsive fit is characterized by multiple nods and torso of the trunk. This kind of seizures develops more often in young children due to perinatal CNS involvement, often a seizure occurs during a night rest. Retropulsive fits are determined by switching off consciousness, the head is thrown back, the look stops, movements in the limbs and the body do not. Small seizures last from a few seconds, the twilight state of consciousness can sometimes last several days.
A generalized seizure of epilepsy in severe cases can last several hours and even days. In this condition, assistance should be provided in a medical institution, since the status epilepticus leads to a disorder of the whole blood circulation, respiratory activity, promotes the development of edema of the brain.

The first first aid

Due to the fact that the epileptic seizure most often occurs outside the walls of a medical institution, the primary responsibility for providing first aid is borne by the surrounding people - parents and just casual witnesses of the attack. Many people can get confused and inept actions cause more harm, so knowing the basics of basic care will never interfere and help prevent injury to the patient.


  1. If you see that a stranger suddenly starts to fall, then if possible, it is advisable to pick up it, preventing injuries at the time of falling. It is undesirable to move a person, it is necessary to do this only if it has fallen on the carriageway, the railway tracks, that is, where there is a further danger to his health. It is necessary to remove the nearby sharp objects.
  2. It is not recommended to restrain seizures and keep a patient. Under the head is desirable to put a soft roller out of clothes, bag. With abundant drooling, the head turns sideways, if the mouth is slightly open at the time of the attack, then you can put a twisted handkerchief into it, this will prevent the tongue from biting. During the seizures, they try to hold the head, you can place it between the knees and press it lightly with the palm. It is necessary to relieve the clothes that are crushing the body - belts, ties, scarves. The patient may stop breathing, it's not worth the fear of - breathing will recover in a few minutes.

Leading programs to "Live Healthily" tell us what epilepsy is and how to provide first aid to the patient:

To the child

The first signs of epilepsy first arise in most cases in childhood and adolescence. The child is unable to adequately assess and explain the signs of worsening of the general state of health before a seizure, so he can get it anywhere - at home, school, kindergarten, any public place. The first aid for a child is provided by the same principles as for an adult, that is:

  1. Protects against injuries, is taken from dangerous places.
  2. Hold the head and prevent suffocation from accumulated saliva.
  3. It is important to immediately call an ambulance, you can ask others to do this.
  4. Children quickly develop a disorder of blood circulation and respiratory activity, so if breathing is not restored after cessation of convulsions, it is necessary to provide resuscitation - artificial respiration, cardiac massage.
  5. If the child has recovered, it is necessary to wait for an ambulance or take him home to the address indicated. You can not leave him alone - after the attack, confusion is noted and the child can leave in an unknown direction.

A night attack of epilepsy - what you need to do

The onset of nocturnal epilepsy begins with an unexpected awakening, headache, tremors in certain parts of the body, possible vomiting. Sometimes a seizure can be judged by indirect signs - a bite of the tongue, traces of saliva on the pillow, involuntary urination, sometimes after a fit, a person finds himself sleeping on the floor.

In children, a night attack of epilepsy is expressed in the body movements forward, nodding the head. Fixing an attack of epilepsy in a dream will require the surrounding protection of a sick person from blows to the back of the bed, falls. When urinating after a seizure change the laundry, if the attack completely stopped, then the patient calmly falls asleep.

The term "encephalopathy" is understood to mean various brain lesions. They can manifest themselves in a fairly mild form, but often more serious pathologies - oligophrenia, myelopathy, epilepsy. A condition that clinically recalls epilepsy is called residual encephalopathy with an episodrom. What is the similarity and difference from epilepsy, how to diagnose for clarification? Find answers to these and other questions.

With the symptoms of another brain disease - myelopathy, see this article. Find out what this disease is, how to diagnose it and treat it.

Seizures may be symptoms of purulent meningitis. How to treat purulent meningitis in the article http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii / infekcionnye-zabolevanija / gnojnyj-meningit.html

Why it is impossible to unclench the teeth

Some helping people think that it is necessary for the patient to unclench the teeth and insert a spoon or other object between them. You need to remember that you can not do this, at the time of an attack, all the muscles in the human body are as tense as possible, this applies to the muscles of the jaw.

Forced disconnection of the dentition can lead to fracture of the teeth and to injuries in the person who assists. At the same time, if it was possible to insert an object between the teeth, it may happen that the patient will bite or injure him.

Also, when breathing is stopped, indirect cardiac muscle massage and ventilation are not done. Circulation is usually restored in a few minutes.

In the psychomotor seizure of epilepsy

The psychomotor attack of epilepsy is characterized by the performance of unconscious motor movements in patients. A person can make various movements with his hands and feet, try to move furniture, undress, endlessly chew, try to escape, build incoherent dialogues.

You can not try to keep a patient, you just have to watch him and clean up dangerous items that are in the surrounding space.

With alcoholic epilepsy

Alcoholic seizure of epilepsy develops in patients with alcoholism one to two days after a long binge. Seizures occur unexpectedly, the face turns blue, saliva is released, vomiting is possible, such a bout is characterized by burning pain in the body and a strong sense of contraction of the muscles.

Help is to prevent injuries and suffocation due to vomiting. Alcoholic epilepsy often turns into a chronic form and seizures can last up to several times a day.

Instructions for first aid in pictures.

Assistance for withdrawal from an attack

Actions of the caretaker after an attack:

After the cessation of the spasms, the patient is turned on his side, with an involuntary act of urination, it is necessary to cover the patient's body with clothes, packets, which may not bother him when returning consciousness. After an attack a person can try to rise abruptly, it is undesirable to do this for the first minutes, then you can put him on a bench.

You do not give medicines without the knowledge of the patient, if you see that the attack has gone completely, the patient adequately answers the questions, is aware of his condition and is oriented in space, then you can consider that you provided the first aid correctly and in full.

Approximately 10-15 minutes after the end of the attack the patient can leave one, making sure that he is able to independently reach the house.

To call an emergency team is necessary for the following categories of patients:

  1. Seizures follow one after another.
  2. After an attack, a person does not regain consciousness for a long time or does not fully understand the surrounding reality.
  3. Convulsions were observed in a woman in the position or in a child.
  4. If the fit of a loved one has happened for the first time.

Used drugs

The appointment of an antiepileptic treatment regimen is carried out in each case strictly individually. The doctor selects the drug based on the cause of the disease, the age of the patient, the severity of the attack. The drugs of choice are Karmabazepine, Clonazepam, Ethosuximide, Felbamant.

Some of these drugs help with generalized attacks, others are prescribed for small epileptic seizures. Treatment of the detected epilepsy begins with small doses and is gradually brought to the point at which the seizures completely go away or the severity of their manifestations decreases.

During an attack, the drug can not be given to a patient, it can be drowned. In this case, oral administration provides an effect in 30 to 40 minutes, by which time seizures usually pass.

Video from past competitions to provide first aid to a pregnant woman with epileptic seizure in conditions close to real:

First aid in a hospital

A patient with an epileptic seizure enters the hospital if seizures continue for a long time or occur one after another. The task of doctors is to remove a person from an epileptic status, for which they use drugs to cramps, prevent asphyxia, and remove brain edema.

All drugs are administered intravenously and intramuscularly, which ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic effect. At the first occurrence of an attack after exiting the seizure, a complete diagnosis of the organism is carried out and the cause of the seizures is determined.

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