How to help a patient with otitis

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1 Complications and consequences of auditory organ disease

Often children and people who have suffered such diseases as influenza, laryngitis and tonsillitis are sick. In addition, inflammation of the auricle can provoke hypothermia, trauma, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and infections that attack the body. All this weakens immunity and is a fundamental factor for the development of complications.

To determine the presence of the disease is very simple, the symptoms are: fever, hearing loss and crackling in the auricle. Depending on the form of otitis symptoms will change. So, with acute otitis clearly manifested pulsating pain in the patient's ear, hearing decreases. And with purulent inflammation of the auricle begins to stand pus.

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Otitis in the child may have other symptoms: dizziness, diarrhea, lack of appetite, apathy.

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If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the auricle, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely help will avoid complications. The doctor will check and prescribe the necessary treatment.

This disease, like otitis media, can lead to partial or total hearing loss. That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms in time and to eliminate a dangerous disease. In addition, complications in acute otitis media lead to other equally dangerous diseases - mastoiditis, paresis, labyrinthitis and various intracranial disorders.

Chronic otitis media is dangerous because with another cold disease the ear can become inflamed, so it is advisable not to start the disease. With chronic otitis in the auricle, there can be significant changes that lead not only to hearing loss, but also to constant pain. More difficult is considered when pus does not find an outlet to the outside and begins to spread into the area of ​​the skull.

2 What to do is not recommended

If discomfort in the ears arises, urgently need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. If you start treatment, then there is a high probability of overflow of acute otitis media into the chronic form or otitis of the inner ear. It is important to remember that incorrect actions lead to irreversible consequences, so you need to know what can not be done with otitis media. Here are the basic rules:

  • you can not try to clean the pus yourself, as you can push it further into the ear canal;
  • it is impossible to blow your nose in both nostrils at the same time, as this will make your ears even stronger;
  • does not make thermal compresses at high temperature;
  • can not be dripped into the ear of any drops without prior examination of the doctor;
  • when excreting pus from a diseased ear can not be healed by any means.

Improper treatment will promote the reproduction of bacteria, as a result of which the inflammatory process will intensify. That's why experts do not recommend using self-treatment. Also, carefully use antiseptics, since some of them contain alcohol, which is dangerous for young children.

3 Prevention measures to combat the disease

In order to avoid complications in the form of otitis media, it is necessary to take such preventive measures:

  1. Monitor the water balance in the body, drink more water.
  2. Avoid getting into the body.
  3. Timely cure colds.
  4. Strengthen immunity.

It is important to monitor your health and, at the first symptoms, seek medical advice rather than wait until the disease passes by yourself. Do not take any attempts to cure otitis on your own, because you can aggravate the situation.

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