Juices with gastritis, can I drink tomato and freshly squeezed in the treatment of the disease?

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Doctors believe that some freshly squeezed juices with gastritis can be very useful. They are actively included in the program of complex treatment. But not all fresh ones are used in this case. There is a wide range of contraindications. It is absolutely necessary to get acquainted with it before making a decision on choosing a particular drink.

Today, the treatment of gastritis with juices is very popular. Preference is given to beverages with the lowest acidity content. You can not choose fresh without a doctor's recommendation. And all because little, who knows what effect on the body have these or other compositions. Thus, for example, beverages from cherries, currants or sweet cherries contain in large quantities special tannins. They have a fixing effect. Those who suffer from constipation, it is forbidden to use them. The opposite effect is exerted by carrot, plum and beet juice.

The use of a large number of fruit freshies during a diet, can provoke an upset stomach. Therefore, it is so important to know what kind of juice can be consumed with gastritis, and what is best to give up once and for all.

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What kind of juice can I drink with gastritis?

There are general rules for minimizing existing risks. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. All the juices with gastritis must necessarily be diluted with water in the proportions 1x1.
  2. Before use, it is important to preheat the water a little beforehand in a water bath.
  3. For making fresh mushrooms, it is better to choose mature, and even slightly overripe vegetables and berries. Decayed fruit can not be used. Remember! In poor-quality raw materials the quantity of mineral and vitamin substances is reduced several times.
  4. Sweeten beverages best with honey.

Treatment of gastritis with

juices As practice shows, today a good half of all mankind suffers from gastritis. This is probably the only disease in which a patient is not put in a hospital, but prescribes a treatment regimen for him, allowing him to implement it at home on his own. The basis is the right menu. Juices with gastritis help to speed up recovery, or to cure individual manifestations.

So, for example, the following freshly squeezed herbal juices with gastritis help to stop small gastric bleeding:

  1. From a shepherd's bag( 2 teaspoons per glass of water).Stopping of bleeding in this case is promoted by vitamins K and C, which are contained in a large amount in the designated plant.
  2. Geranium, boiled for two minutes( 1 teaspoon per glass of water).A drink is taken twice a day.
  3. Aloe. Take 10 grams three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Tomato and freshly squeezed juices with gastritis

When asked if it is possible to juice with gastritis, it is important to know what acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased. To determine the degree of acidity in the stomach at home helps a simple test. If a person eats a slice of lemon without sugar, without frowning, the acidity of the stomach is lowered. A more precise definition can only be given by the gastroenterologist after the examination:

  • With increased acidity, potato juice is very useful for gastritis. It is necessary to drink it on an empty stomach, diluting the concentrate with water in the proportions 1x1.The dose gradually increases and is brought to three spoonfuls. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. Then you need to take a break.
  • With reduced acidity, carrot juice, diluted with water and honey, is very useful.
  • If the acidity is lowered, helps the lemon drink diluted with a tincture prepared from rose hips.
  • Beet and tomato juice in gastritis is also effective in the same case. The latter intensifies peristalsis, stimulates the production of gastric juice, preparing the body for food. Increase the digestibility of the drink can be by adding a few drops of any olive oil. Take freshly squeezed juice doctors do not recommend, drink must be pasteurized before consumption. Drinking a drink from tomato with increased acidity is strictly prohibited.
  • A cabbage drink helps to normalize acidity. It is taken three times a day for 100 grams per hour before meals in a slightly warmed form.
  • Well relieves all the painful symptoms of a squeeze from the leaves of fresh green salad. If you take this drink every day for two weeks, the damaged gastric mucosa is quickly restored. To prepare a single dose of the drink 70 grams of leaves are taken, grinded, the resulting liquid is squeezed through gauze and diluted with honey.

As you can see, gastroenterologists pay attention to the fact that not only fruit and vegetable drinks, but also some herbal juices possess therapeutic properties in gastritis. The medicine can only be fresh, made from very high quality raw materials.

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