Pancreatic necrosis - symptoms, causes and signs of pancreatic necrosis, medical history, treatment

Pancreatic necrosis is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment and has a high mortality rate among the sick people. Therefore, it is especially important to know what causes lead to pancreatic necrosis and what are the symptoms of this pathology.

Causes of pancreatic necrosis

To protect yourself from pancreatic necrosis, you should know the etiology of the disease and thus be able to exclude as much as possible from your life the causes that lead to the symptoms of pancreatic necrosis.

Often the causes of pancreatic necrosis are the abuse of alcoholic beverages and cholelithiasis, leading to reflux of enzymes in the pancreas. Slightly less often, this disease is caused by overeating and abuse of fatty and fried foods. In addition to the above reasons, the following symptoms are caused by the symptoms of pancreatic necrosis: an overabundance of vitamins E and A, severe infectious and viral diseases, previous operations on the pancreas, damage to the gland ducts during retrograde pancreotography, pancreatic acinus injury, severe and frequent poisonings, problems with blood clotting insidevessels, characteristic of disseminated syndrome, as well as problems with microcirculation in a state of shock.

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In addition to the above reasons, there is a possibility of the appearance of symptoms and the development of the disease according to unknown etiology. This probability is 10-15%.

Pancreonecrosis symptoms

Knowing what causes pancreatic necrosis can provoke, you can pay more attention to your health and minimize the negative factors that affect the functioning of the gland, but it is equally important to know the symptoms of the disease so that when they appear in time, consult specialists.

The underlying symptom of pancreatic necrosis will be severe pain in the left hypochondrium, which will give to the side, shoulder, back, and possibly in the heart area. The pain is permanent, but it can decrease a little if you lie down and press your knees to your stomach. Pain is a permanent and indispensable symptom of pancreatic necrosis, but the nature of pain depends on the course of the pancreonecrosis itself, its shape and the causes that caused the disease.

  • 10% of patients are in a state of collapse due to intolerable pain;
  • 44% of patients characterize their painful sensations as very strong;
  • 40% suffer from severe pain;
  • 6% of patients describe their pain as mild.

No less important symptom of this serious disease of the gland that needs treatment, will be frequent vomiting, which does not bring any relief to the patient. The result of frequent vomiting becomes dehydration.

As the content of vasoactive substances increases in the blood plasma of patients with pancreatic necrosis, one more symptom, indirectly indicating necrosis of the gland, will be a prolonged reddening of the face. But in a state of collapse, the skin becomes, on the contrary, a pale shade.

With pancreatic necrosis, the blood level of elastase increases, which in large quantities destroys the blood vessels, and this leads to the occurrence of bleeding in the digestive tract.

As a consequence of pancreatic necrosis and destruction of blood vessels, another symptom of pancreatonecrosis is observed in patients: syne-violet spots on the buttocks, around the navel, in the anterior abdominal wall and on the side walls of the abdomen.

This symptoms of pancreatic necrosis does not end there. Thus, in an examination in the pericardial cavity, the abdominal cavity and the pleural cavity, an effusion is detected.

In order for the symptoms of pancreatic necrosis to be the result of another less serious disease, you should study the causes of pancreatic necrosis, eliminating the negative factors from your life.

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