Types of colitis: spastic, catarrhal, atonic, granulomatous, erosive, membranous

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Colitis is called colonic pathology, which is characterized by an inflammatory lesion of an inflammatory nature against the background of the effects of ischemic, infectious or medicinal factors.

All colitis proceeds in chronic or acute form and is accompanied by defecation disorders, painful sensations in the abdomen, false defecation urges, etc.

What are the types of intestinal colitis?

Columns are classified according to various criteria. In accordance with the provoking factors colitis are:

  • Infectious and ischemic;
  • Medicinal and ulcerative;
  • Invasive or alimentary;
  • Radiation and neurotic;
  • Toxic or secondary;
  • Unexplained or mixed etiology.


Acute colitis is an acute inflammatory lesion of the intestinal mucosa, which develops against a background of non-bacterial food poisoning, damage by toxic substances or viral infections.

Acute colitis often develops as a result of shigella or salmonella damage.

This colitis occurs suddenly, the symptomatology occurs unexpectedly, the patient suddenly begins to worry about abdominal pain and false defecation, diarrhea and flatulence, fever and frequent vomiting.

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Diarrhea is profuse, the stool has admixtures of blood or mucus. At the same time, the pain symptomatology is of a grippy, spilled character. When palpation in the colon, pronounced soreness is felt. The gut is a spasmodic and swollen area replacing each other.


Colitis of chronic form is inflammatory, dystrophic and staphical colonic changes, accompanied by violations of the secretory and motor type.

Develop against a background of toxic effects of drugs and toxic substances, infectious pathologies caused by shigella or salmonella, etc.

  • Flows with periods of remission and exacerbations.
  • The pathology is aggravated against intoxication and infectious diseases of the body, allergic or alimentary processes, endocrine disorders or under the influence of neuropsychic effects.
  • The main symptoms of chronic colitis are stool disorders and pain syndrome.

Pain manifestations are most often expressed as aching discomfort in the lateral parts of the abdomen.

Soreness is localized in the place where lesions of intestinal tissues take place. Pain syndrome can be manifested intensively with a characteristic increase after eating. After the release of gases and defecation, soreness decreases.


Infectious colitis is caused by pathogenic parasitic or bacterial vital activity, these microorganisms enter the intestine when using insufficiently processed foods or raw water.

Inflammatory lesions of colonic structures occur against the background of parasite infestation of intestinal mucous membranes.


Non-infectious colitis occurs for reasons not related to fungal or bacterial infections. Such colitis is usually caused by:

  1. Disorders of dietary regimens( alimentary form);
  2. The presence of other gastrointestinal tract pathologies like enteritis, pancreatitis, gastritis( concomitant colitis);
  3. Under the influence of chemicals( toxic form);
  4. Against the background of dysbiosis( chronic form);
  5. Long-term uncontrolled antibiotic therapy( chronic drug intestinal inflammation);
  6. Allergic patients on the background of similar reactions often develop allergic inflammatory bowel disease of non-infectious nature;
  7. In cases of circulatory disorders, ischemic colitis is formed;
  8. Hypodinamy and alcohol abuse, as well as other causes that do not have an infectious origin, trigger the development of spastic colitis.

Non-infectious forms are accompanied by a rumbling in the abdomen, a lack of appetite, a general malaise, a gray patina on the tongue, digestive disorders and defecation disorders.


The main factor that causes the development of ulcerative colitis is the violation of immune processes, against which the intestinal mucosa is covered with small ulcers.

Most often ulcerative colitis occurs in chronic forms, with varying degrees of severity.

With mild and moderate severity of the pathological process, patients are concerned about signs of general malaise, chronic fatigue, severe weakness, frequent diarrhea and feverish attacks.

If the severe form of the flow of colitis is detected, then urgent intervention of surgeons is indicated.


With a similar form of colitis, intestinal lesion is segmental and develops as a result of blood supply disorders. The intestinal region located in the region of the spleen flexure is affected.

The pathology of this form is most typical for patients of the elderly age group, because they have atherosclerotic vascular lesions. Also, the deficit of blood supply can be provoked by intestinal lap or hernia.

If a gangrenous form of ischemic colitis is detected, immediate hospitalization of the patient with further surgical intervention is indicated.

A pathology of this form is accompanied by sharp stitching pains, characteristic of overeating. Also, the pathology proceeds with fever, painful defecations and impurities of blood in the feces.


Toxic colitis is the inflammatory process in the large intestine caused by poisoning with poisonous and chemical substances such as arsenic, mercury, lead or phosphorus.

Endogenous toxic colitis develops against a background of uremia or gout, in which the intestinal walls are irritated by the elements that the body derives.


Hemorrhagic colitis is called one of the varieties of gastroenteritis, in which the intestines are infected with some intestinal strains. They release specific toxins, which provoke the emergence of diarrhea with bloody impregnations.

There are painful signs and watery diarrhea, there is hyperthermia and spasms in the intestine. The disease lasts about a week and a half. In the absence of treatment, this form of intestinal inflammation can be complicated by anemia, kidney failure, or hemorrhagic syndrome.


This form of colitis is also called radiation, because it occurs against the background of radiation exposure.

Similar pathology occurs mainly in patients undergoing radiotherapy in the presence of malignant tumors such as urinary or prostatic cancer, kidney tumors or formations in the female reproductive system.

The disease occurs with painful sensations in the abdomen, mucous impurities in the stool, defecation disorders or false defecation urges, bleeding, etc.

Treat with anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin therapy( intake B12), also anti-anemic prophylaxis and diet therapy.

Spastic Colitis

Spastic colitis refers to functional intestinal disorders and is manifested by stool disorders and severe pain in the intestines.

Pathology develops on the background of psychoemotional disorders such as prolonged stressful conditions or strong experiences, nervous fatigue or failure of hormonal background, abuse of alcohol or heavy and spicy food, etc. The pathology is listed in ICD-10 under the code K50-K52.

Pathology manifests itself:

  • Reinforced gas;
  • The meteorism;
  • Bloated;
  • Painful spasms;
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation.

This symptom occurs mainly in the morning, at night or after a meal. In chronic spastic colitis patients may be disturbed by insomnia, fatigue, headaches.

Treatment involves normalizing the stool and eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Pain symptomatology is eliminated by No-shpa, Decitel and other antispasmodics, adrenoblockers and cholinergetics, preparations of enveloping effect and enterosorbents are also prescribed.

In addition, the course of pre- and probiotics for the recovery of microflora, as well as vitamin therapy to improve the overall condition, is shown.


Catarrhal colitis is the initial stage of an inflammatory colonic lesion. In fact, superficial colitis, as this form is also called, is the first stage of intestinal inflammation.

This stage lasts only 3-4 days, and if therapy does not occur, then it passes into the next stage of the pathological inflammatory process - fibrinous.

It is manifested digestive disorders, violations of defecation, flatulence and swelling, soreness in the intestines and lack of appetite, insomnia and irritability, dyspeptic disorders.

Requires immediate treatment, which involves cleaning the intestines, taking enveloping and enzymatic preparations, physiotherapeutic procedures and diet therapy.


Atrophic colitis is a long-term inflammatory bowel disease characterized by periodic exacerbations and accompanied by the appearance of catarrhal-atrophic foci.

  • First, there are minor digestive disorders, weight loss of not more than 7 kg and mildly expressed intestinal atrophy.
  • Then the patient loses weight even more, anemia and hypovitaminosis develop.
  • With the development of the most severe stage of atrophic colitis, malabsorption syndrome is observed, and inflammation spreads to neighboring inorganic structures.

In this situation, the therapy consists of surgical resection of the colonic structures.


By an atonic colitis, gastroenterologists call a long-term inflammatory process in the intestinal tissues, in which a significant necrosis of mucous nerve fibers occurs.

Pathology is more typical of the elderly. It occurs with a decrease in peristalsis and causes prolonged constipation.


A similar form of intestinal inflammation is considered one of the most dangerous digestive pathologies, it is also called Crohn's disease.

Localizes mainly in the small intestine( enteritis), but colonic localization is also possible, and then granulomatous colitis is diagnosed.

The intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, deep ulcerative processes begin on it, which then heal and in their place scars form narrowing the intestinal lumen.

There are mucosal inflammations between the ulcers, which externally gives the intestine the appearance of a cobblestone pavement. It flows in a chronic form, is amenable to correction by medicinal methods, but at some stages without surgical intervention can not do so because conservative therapy is useless.


For erosive colitis, it is typical for the mucosa to have small multiple erosive areas that overlie mucous structures. Pathology is typical for patients of elderly or 30 years of age.

Manifestations are not immediately apparent, but only when a pathological exacerbation begins.

In the stool the patient can detect spotting streaks, confusing this symptom with the development of hemorrhoids. Self-treatment here is unacceptable, otherwise the pathology will quickly pass into more severe forms for treatment. Also in the feces there are purulent and mucous masses, disturbing long diarrhea, sometimes purulent mucus can go out instead of stool.

Disturbing constant swelling, urges for defecation, periodic pain symptoms. When the pathology is chronic, symptoms of intoxication are present.

Webbed mucosa

A similar form of colitis is referred to as allergic intestinal pathologies, and inflammatory processes in this clinical situation are interrelated with disorders of nervous system excitability. It can take the form of ordinary intestinal inflammation, but can develop in a more complex form, spreading to other intestinal parts.

Accompanied by:

  • Sharp grasp-like pains;
  • Swellings;
  • With buzzing and rumbling sounds in the abdomen;
  • Constipation, etc.

The duration of such attacks can last for hours or several days. It can be accompanied by hyperthermia and allergic rashes on the skin surface.

Antibiotic Associated

This form of colitis occurs after prolonged treatment with antibiotic drugs. This inflammation is quite severe and is manifested by the presence of fibrous raids and dysbiosis.

Photo( picture) of pseudomembranous colitis of the intestine

Pathology can occur in collagen or macroscopic form. But both of them are formed against the background of antibiotic therapy.


This is a type of chronic colonic inflammation that affects the left side of the intestine, ie, the sigmoid section.

Develops on the background of chemical or mechanical injuries, alcohol abuse or craze for rough food. It is also provoked by inflammatory processes in the low-tidal organs, hemorrhoidal inflammations, bile excretory pathologies, etc.

It is accompanied by a cutting pain in the pubic region, iliac zone, soreness is irradiated in the lower back, anus, groin, leg. Disturbing false defecation urges, diarrhea, abruptly replaced by constipation. Sometimes bloody mucus can come out instead of feces, often sheep feces are observed.

Treatment involves dietotherapy and healthy lifestyles, symptomatic treatment and drug-related causes.


Usually, a similar type of ischemic type colitis occurs, in which inflammation develops against a background of circulatory failure. It is characterized by a fulminant course and an acute clinical picture.

The onset of pathology is characterized by increased gas production after meals, nausea and vomiting syndrome, false defecation urges, and abrupt changes in diarrhea and constipation.

When necrotic processes begin, the pathology is rapidly progressing, there are signs of fever, sudden weight loss, severe abdominal pain. Treatment is only surgical. In the absence of therapy, peritonitis, bleeding, etc. develops. In the elderly, the absence of therapy can lead to death.


Dyskinetic colitis is a pathology in which functional colonic motility disorders develop. Develops against a variety of reasons. The main sign is the stasis of stool in the intestines, leading to obstruction. It can also take the form of severe dysentery.

With timely detection and therapy is easily amenable to correction, but with neglect of the inflammatory process, treatment is significantly complicated.


Autoimmune colitis is a specific form of intestinal inflammation that includes ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and inflammation of the intestine. Pathology is very diverse, and therefore it is almost impossible to describe it precisely, as well as to identify specific therapeutic problems.

Treatment is administered individually, based on general clinical symptoms.

Can pathology be cured for good?

Colitis is amenable to therapy, but only on condition that it is detected at the very beginning of pathological inflammatory processes.

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