Varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins on the legs are not only a cosmetic problem that worries people about their attractiveness, but also a dangerous disease that requires adequate treatment and compliance with preventive measures.

There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of varicose veins: beginning from a sedentary lifestyle, physical overload and ending with hormonal failures, congenital weakness of the vessel walls, pregnancy.

What happens during varicose veins? With varicose veins of the lower limbs, they lose their normal elasticity, and under the pressure of blood stretch.

Valves in the veins in the normal state are certain locks, and when the blood passes through them, they close and give the possibility of a reverse outflow of blood. If the valves are malfunctioning, the blood can be freely delivered down, which leads to stagnation of blood.

In this regard, the veins do not cope with the pressure, expand, the valves are no longer able to block a large lumen. .. all this provokes the emergence of the initial stage of varicose veins( see photo).

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Reasons for

Why does varicose occur, and what is it? The main risk factors for the development of the disease is genetic predisposition and gender. Because of the love for high heels, hormonal adjustment during pregnancy and the reception of contraceptives, women become victims of varicose veins twice as often as men.

The development of the disease is facilitated by:

  1. Heredity .The inheritance is not the disease itself, but the genetically conditioned structure of the veins: weak connective tissues of the venous walls, congenital defective valvular valves. That is why varicosity can be observed in young, healthy and active( regardless of gender) people and even in children. According to scientists, genetic predisposition is the main factor leading to varicose veins of the legs.
  2. Hormonal changes .Because of the peculiarities of the organism in women, periods of hormonal failures become causes of blood stagnation. For them, the most dangerous periods - puberty, pregnancy, time after childbirth. It's also dangerous when the climax comes. This sexual category of patients appeals to doctors 2-3 times more often. In the female organs, there are not enough hormones called estrogens. Instead of them, the so-called hormones of the yellow body predominate. It is believed that it is he that exerts a relaxing effect on the musculature. This contributes to the expansion of veins.
  3. The sedentary, sedentary lifestyle of , or work that requires a long standing stay, contributes to the development of varicose veins.
  4. Age of the .Over time, the valves and walls of the veins become thinner, which leads to disruption of their work.
  5. Obesity. Excess weight leads to an increase in the burden on the veins of the legs.

Secondary varicose veins occur with leg injuries, heart defects, violations of the liver and spleen. In this case, first of all, appropriate treatment of the primary disease.

Stages of

There are 3 stages of progression of symptoms in the development of varicose veins.

  1. Compensation stage .No complaints. When examined, varicose veins are observed on one or two legs.
  2. Stage of subcompensation .When examined on the legs, pronounced varicose veins are visible. Patients complain of a feeling of raspiraniya, paresthesia( "goose bumps") in the region of the legs, night convulsions. There is a slight swelling of the feet, ankles and lower legs in the evenings. In the morning edema disappears.
  3. Decompensation stage .Dermatitis, eczema join the listed signs. Patients are troubled by itchy skin. The skin becomes dry, shiny, tightly welded to the subcutaneous tissue. Minor hemorrhages and subsequent deposition of hemosiderin cause hyperpigmentation.

Varicosis itself is not considered a very serious disease, but if it has already developed, it will never pass by itself, and even more, will progress, leading to all sorts of complications, which are the greatest danger.

Signs of

First signs indicating the onset of development of varicose veins:

  • fast fatigue of the feet;
  • swelling of the lower limbs;
  • sensation of heaviness in the legs.

In later stages, the appearance of vascular sprouts on the skin, protruding veins and various seals, indicative of stagnation in the vessels.

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

In different stages of varicose veins the symptoms can be different - from almost asymptomatic small vascular "stars" to severe and painful manifestations.

To suspect the development of the initial stage can be on such symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain in the legs, a feeling of warmth, and sometimes burning on the veins of the legs;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • in the evening there are swelling on the legs;
  • at night, leg cramps begin;
  • enlarged veins;
  • the skin of the lower leg acquires a dark color, seals appear, and trophic ulcers are possible.

Having found out any primary signs, it is necessary immediately to start treatment of varicose veins - the symptoms by themselves will not disappear.

Varicose photos: the initial stage

. As the ailment looks like, we offer detailed photos of varicose veins in the initial stage.


In order to diagnose lower limb varicose and to prescribe the appropriate treatment, the specialist will suggest the patient to undergo a comprehensive examination, including various methods.

  1. Duplex scanning( ultrasound of veins) - the most informative method of diagnosis of varicose veins of the legs, giving an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the extent of veins, the direction of blood flow through the veins and their patency, and also to detect the presence of blood clots( thrombi).
  2. Contrast venography of the , which is a survey method that allows you to detect enlarged veins and learn about the degree of their patency for blood.

Only high-qualified phlebologist can diagnose deep-vein varicose veins.

Consequences of

Complicated flow of varicose veins is accompanied by the formation of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins, trophic ulcers and skin disorders. These complications are manifested in changes in skin color on the legs, redness, darkening, blue skin.

Also characteristic are permanent swelling of the ankle, especially when walking or standing. In the field of calves, pain occurs when walking, soreness along the vein, a seal on the skin and the formation of ulcers of various sizes on it.


If you have a tendency to this disease, the following recommendations will help slow its progression:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes without heels or low heels.
  2. With loads, you can do leg bandaging or wear medical knitted things, but only after consulting a doctor.
  3. Do not stand or sit for a long time in one place - move, warm up, change the position of the body more often.
  4. Do not take hot baths, especially in the morning - it's better to replace them with a warm shower with the final cold dousing.
  5. Give up smoking, which worsens the condition of the vessels.

The main prevention is moderate motor activity: swimming, walking, cycling, charging.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing varicose veins of the lower extremities, this is facilitated by the following reasons:

  1. Hormones circulating in the blood during pregnancy, increase the extensibility of the venous wall and contribute to the stagnation of venous blood in the legs.
  2. Elevated intra-abdominal pressure in late pregnancy complicates the flow of blood through the veins of the legs.
  3. Varicose veins that occurred during pregnancy can completely pass after childbirth, or progress further, depending on individual factors( heredity, the presence of other contributing factors).

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs

With varicose veins on the legs, treatment can not be a medical necessity if the symptoms are not problematic.

However, some people may want to be treated for varicose veins for cosmetic reasons, because they are unhappy with their appearance.

Let's analyze the basic methods that will help get rid of this problem.

  1. Sclerotherapy .This method of treatment is applied both independently and in combination with conservative procedures. The essence of it is that a special needle filling the vein with a thin needle or syringe is inserted, then the vein completely disappears. Sessions are held once a week, 3 to 6 such sessions are required. The method allows you to avoid scars and scars.
  2. Non-surgical treatment of .If varicose veins are in the initial stage, and if it does not cause too much inconvenience, elastic compressive stockings can be recommended. They are worn during daily activities. They help compress the veins, keeping them from stretching and limiting any discomfort or pain.
  3. Medical treatment of varicose relieves symptoms, reduces swelling and pain, slows the development process, but is unable to stop the disease completely and repair damaged veins. With medicamentous treatment, the following drugs are used: Venitant, Venoplant, Geparoid, Ascorutical Forte, Venza, Gepatrombin, Escuzan, Troxerutin, etc.
  4. Laser treatment of varicose veinsLegs can be used on the skin surface. With the help of a small flash of laser light in the vein wall, the sclerosing process develops and the varicose vein disappears, as if it has been removed.

Physical activity - fast walking, gymnastics, swimming and exercises in the water( excluding sports exercises with a big load on the legs - tennis, weightlifting, jumping) play a big role in the treatment and prevention.

Venotonic drugs

These drugs are aimed at increasing the tone of smooth muscles in the walls of the vessels, which allows to maintain their elasticity and normalize blood circulation in the affected areas.

  1. Detralex .The drug has a venotonic effect due to the composition based on the derivatives of flavonoids. This is one of the most effective structural substances for the creation of venotonics.
  2. Flebodia - tablets are manufactured by Innothera Chouzy( France), contain 600 mg of diosmine as an active substance. The effect is increased when the dosage is increased. The ability to reduce the extensibility of venous vessels and capillaries, the increased outflow of blood from the periphery, and the reduction of vascular permeability are proved.
  3. Excavator is a preparation based on the substance "Eszin", which is extracted from chestnut. The drug is available in the form of drops, as well as in the form of tablets for internal use. This drug has a wide spectrum of action, and is recommended for fighting various diseases.

Many of the venotonics are complex action drugs. The effect that is achieved with their use extends not only to the veins, but also to all the vessels in our body.

How to treat varicose veins with folk remedies

There is a huge number of methods for treating varicose veins on legs with folk remedies, both for external and internal use. The following are the most common:

  1. Colors of horse chestnut ( 50 grams) it is required to pour 500 g of alcohol, after which it is given 14 days, every day shaking the bottle. Pass the tincture through a mesh and use on a tablespoon, with water, three times a day before meals. How to be treated a week - take a break for two weeks. Then the treatment can begin anew.
  2. Infusion of dried nettles is used for varicose veins. Dry crushed plant leaves are poured in a thermos 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, filter and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 1 hour after eating.
  3. Compress from tomatoes. Finely chopped tomato, lie down on a bandage, gauze, and is applied to a sore spot. For convenience, it is possible to bundle with elastic or other bandage. This compress lasts for 2 hours, then changes to a new one, and so in total 3 times. The convenience of this compress is that it can be repeated every day.
  4. Oil tincture from walnuts : immature nuts to grind, pour into a glass container, pour olive oil and 40 days to insist in a sunny place. Finished tincture lubricate sore spots. The course of treatment is long, as with the use of Kalanchoe.

In addition to folk remedies, many patients with varicose supplement therapy with special gymnastics - to feel a significant improvement allow the exercise of Mikulina.

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