Treatment of stomach cancer, what to do, methods and methods of treatment, help

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor growing from the inner layer of the stomach wall - the mucous membrane. The tumor grows gradually, and after a certain phase of growth, secondary tumor nodes can appear on the liver, bones, lymph nodes, ovaries and other organs. Like other types of malignant tumors, stomach cancer gradually depletes the body's strength, and can also lead to very serious complications.

After learning about their diagnosis, many people panic or depressed, simply not knowing what to do. Indeed, it is very difficult to collect thoughts when the first association with the word cancer is death. The article was written in order to really assess the situation and, acting promptly and wisely, take up the treatment.

What to do with stomach cancer?

The first thing a person who has learned that his diagnosis is stomach cancer is to make sure of the correctness of the doctors' conclusion. It is recommended to undergo, or re-pass the following types of examinations:

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  • Endoscopy or laparoscopy of the stomach.
  • Contrast study of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ultrasound examination( ultrasound).
  • Computed tomography( CT).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI).
  • Laboratory research.

If the presence of stomach cancer has been confirmed, you need to immediately begin treatment, so as not to start the disease. It is from the stage of the disease depends the effectiveness of using different methods and methods of treatment. Do not forget that morale is the most important aspect in the treatment of cancer. It is very important to be "positive", believe in recovery and spend more time with your relatives, friends, and friends. Are there any doubts about the ability to cure the disease?

Is stomach cancer treated?

There are a number of factors that determine the possibility of curing or prolonging life, but there is always hope for healing. A very important condition for the success of treatment is the stage of the disease, but gastric cancer is very difficult to detect at the initial stage of development. So, at the first stage the disease is found in 1% of patients, and on the fourth - in 80%.At the first stage of the disease, the five-year survival rate is 80%, in 2 stages - 56%, 3 - 38%, and in the last, fourth stage, only 15% survive for five years.

The age of the person who has discovered cancer plays a big role. A tumor can be detected at any age, but most often elderly people aged 75-79 years old fall ill. The average figure is 65 years. But there is more chance of further healthy life for the young. There are many cases where a person in his prime has coped with the most terrible disease, and stomach cancer is no exception.

A patient needs moral support more than ever. Many know about the power of thought, conviction. If the sick person thinks only that he will soon die, the chances of life and recovery will be significantly reduced. Close it is necessary to support this person in every possible way. The patient himself can turn to the Eternal - to God. Visiting the church and participating in the sacraments will significantly change the views on life and death, will give real hope.

Methods of treatment of stomach cancer

The treatment method, as already clear, plays a huge role in the success of treatment. How can you be cured? There are two main branches: traditional and non-traditional medicine. In traditional medicine, the patient is treated with hormonal drugs, chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. These methods help to recover in the early stages of the disease, in the later stages rarely comes to complete healing. Non-traditional treatment and healing with folk remedies offers help at all stages. There are a lot of different ways now, but most of them use the so-called internal forces of the body. According to the authors, their methods force the body to awaken internal strength and energy, which will be aimed at fighting cancer. Fortunately, hopeless, according to doctors, patients often come to surveys, where the absence of cancer is confirmed. The main task of any method is complete removal of the tumor with the possibility of metastases.

Endoscopic treatment of

This method of fighting cancer is suitable only for very small tumors that have not affected anything but the gastric mucosa. The tumor is simply gently removed. Treatment is possible on the precancerous and the first stage of the disease, and this, as already mentioned, is rarely found.

Surgical intervention

The operation is a complete removal of a cancerous tumor and the nearest lymphatic vessels. The stomach can be removed completely, or partially. To restore the gastrointestinal tract, in the rest of the stomach or in the site of the small or large intestine, conditions are created for the entry of bile acid and the secretion of the pancreas, so that life without a stomach is quite possible. Where to do the operation? At the moment, the best oncological centers and the most qualified doctors are in Israel. It is in Israeli clinics that many patients overcome the disease.

But not everyone has an operative intervention that ends successfully. If even the tumor has been removed completely, and outwardly the cancer cells have not been found, there can be a relapse. That is why after the operation the patient is prescribed additional treatment.


Chemotherapy is based on the use of drugs: antitumor and cytotoxic, which destroy cancer cells. The patient takes them as tablets, intravenously or as injections at home, on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

This treatment is performed both before surgery, reducing the size of the tumor and alleviating the symptoms, so that the operation can be performed, and after, reducing the possibility of relapse. Also, if the surgeon has not been able to remove the tumor completely, chemotherapy is an effective way to finally get rid of the disease. Sometimes, together with chemotherapy, radiation is also prescribed.


Radiation therapy, like chemotherapy, helps to reduce the size of the tumor for surgical intervention. During the operation itself, an irradiator is often brought to the operating field. Also, in the last stages of stomach cancer, this method of treatment can be ancillary, relieving symptoms and pain.

Do not forget, this method has side effects: when grasping the esophagus and difficulty in swallowing, diarrhea and constipation, you need to use medicines. The fact is that the stomach is surrounded by loops of the intestine, and it is impossible to protect it from the dose of irradiation.

In radiation clinics in Germany, radiation and chemotherapy are combined into a complex, treatment is conducted at the highest level.

Immunotherapy for stomach cancer

Immunotherapy is currently one of the most advanced and promising directions in the treatment of cancer. The human body has effective ways of self-defense against a variety of diseases, and the scientists' desire to make this defense stronger and able to overcome even cancer is understandable.

Immunotherapy is divided into several areas: antibody treatment, cellular immunotherapy, immunomodulators and cancer vaccines. The attractiveness of this method of treating gastric cancer is that there are practically no side effects.

The effect of immunomodulators, vaccines and other drugs reduces to an increase in the production of immunoglobulins and lymphocytes, which increases the effectiveness of the immune system in the fight against the disease. Best of all, this treatment helps patients with a fast-growing tumor.

The most promising is the treatment of cancer using antibodies. In a cancer cell is a specific protein-antigen, on which the human immune system can produce antibodies. They, connecting with the antigen, destroy the cancer cell.

Cell therapy is the youngest direction in immunotherapy, which is based on the creation of killer cells capable of destroying and neutralizing cancer cells. So far, the search for suitable cells in the blood is conducted, and the method itself is at the experimental-clinical stage of the study.

Palliative treatment of

Palliative treatment is performed when there is almost no hope of recovery, when all possible ways and methods of treating stomach cancer have been exhausted. It is to maximize the patient's life, reduce pain and suffering, does not prolong, but does not reduce life expectancy. Palliative care should focus not only on meeting physical needs, but also on meeting other, for the sick person, very important - spiritual, social and psychological needs. Treatment is carried out at home, and in special centers, hospitals. Close people should take an active part in the life of the patient.

Aid for stomach cancer

A person who does not have relatives needs the help of other people, in particular nurses. The nursing process involves a comprehensive, professional care for the patient. Sister helps to overcome pressing problems, supports morally and physically. The similarity of the nursing process with the palliative is that they have a common goal: maximum improvement in the quality of life of the patient.

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