Toxocarosis in pregnancy, consequences of toxocar in pregnant women, how does it affect?

Currently, there is a significant increase in helminthic invasions, among which infection with parasites from the genus Toxocara canis is not the least. For this reason, many pregnant women are interested in how toxoxazole affects pregnancy. A lot of medical studies have been carried out on this topic, the results of which showed that this helminthiasis is a serious obstetric risk. In the case of infection by these parasites, expectant mothers face a greater threat not only to their health, but also the viability of the fetus.

The presence of invasion by toxocaram has a negative effect on the course of pregnancy. First of all, this helminthiasis negatively affects the health of the future mother. Her state of health deteriorates dramatically, there are disorders of the nervous system and GIT organs, vision can deteriorate considerably. In addition, infestation with these parasites causes abnormalities in the embryo, and in connection with this, serious complications in fetal development may occur.

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Consequences of Toxocarose in Pregnant Women

The risks associated with the infection of these parasites during the reproductive period are now being given great importance. Specialists conduct numerous studies that reveal the effect of infestation on the woman's body during the child's bearing and the possible risks to the fetus. From the observations they made the conclusions that toxocarosis in pregnancy for the future mother and the child bearing it may have the most significant consequences:

  • In the first half of the fetal development of the fetus, the invasion of the patient often causes a sudden abortion, an early toxicosis, anemia, an increase in the lymph nodes andlaboratory signs that indicate internal inflammatory changes;
  • In case of infection with toxocaram in the second half of pregnancy, future mothers may develop disorders of uteroplacental blood flow and late gestosis;
  • A serious complication of toxocar infection during pregnancy is that in patients with the presence of antibodies to these parasites in the blood of the manifestations of somatic pathology( symptoms of chronic intoxication, bowel disorders, pathological skin manifestations, malfunctions in the respiratory system) are noted very often.
  • Infection with parasites of a woman "in position" leads to an increase in her body of allergic-immunological shifts;
  • Consequences of invasion of pregnant women by toxocara larvae are also expressed in the onset of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. They also affect the risk of birth of premature babies or infants with weight gain, which increases several fold;
  • In addition, there is a real risk of infection by these parasites of the fetus, since the mother for it is the main source of infection and larvae during migration can easily penetrate the placenta.

The greatest risk of infection of pregnant women with toxocarosis is that they can not undergo antiparasitic treatment with this invasion. This is due to the fact that all drugs used for it have a teratogenic effect, and the therapeutic course is quite long. It is usually held for at least 21 days. In this regard, there is a great threat to the life of the future child. Experts recommend that pregnant women with toxocarosis carry out detoxification therapy under in-patient conditions, and specific antiparasitic treatment is postponed in this case until the moment of delivery or the end of the lactation period. That is why during the gestation of the child should be very careful and take all preventive measures to prevent infection with these parasites.

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