Drug use of LSD: Symptoms and signs, consequences, treatment

Modern youth often abuse various drugs, among which the most common is LSD.This substance was created as an analgesic component used to study the developmental features and the course of schizophrenic disease. Soon after the beginning of the research work, it became clear that LSD and schizophrenia do not bind anything, and the substance itself provokes dependence and unpredictably affects the human psychoemotional environment.

A dangerous drug LSD

LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide in our country is classified as a narcotic because it has a psychoactive effect. In general, LSD is a psychoactive semisynthetic tryptamine substance. Synthesize this drug from lysergic acid, which is obtained from microscopic fungi - ergot. The drug has many names: acid, brand, blotter, trip, etc.

In fact, LSD is a hallucinogen, a psychedelic or psychomimetic substance of the serotonergic group. These drugs affect the state of consciousness, causing loss of communication with real events and hallucinations, and this is the reason why LSD is considered a terrible drug.

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The danger of taking LSD is that people who use it can periodically fall into deep depressive conditions that resemble schizophrenia. This drug is able to accumulate in the body, causing the threshold of sensitivity to it gradually increases. That is why people who constantly use LSD, to get the necessary sensations are forced to constantly increase the dosage.
Documentary about drug LSD:

Action of

LSD is considered, perhaps, the most poisonous among known narcotic substances. To taste the substance a little bitter, colorless and does not smell anything. It is difficult to say unequivocally what action such a drug will have. The final effect will depend on the dosage, mood of the person and the environment.

Some people get elevated, others, on the contrary, experience terrible hallucinations and paranoid flares:

  • Changes in the state begin approximately in half an hour or an hour and a half after the use of the drug.
  • Pupils at this greatly expand, pulse, temperature and pressure can critically fall or rise.
  • Hyperplasticity and goosebumps appear, worries trembling and insomnia, the addict refuses food and is thirsty.
  • Under the influence of LSD there are sudden changes in mood, like indescribable bliss or unbearable horror. In this case, the addict himself does not understand what is happening out of what is happening, and what is the consequence of the effect of LSD.

This state lasts up to half a day and in many cases it never passes completely. Under the influence of LSD there are hallucinogenic visions, the image of visible objects is distorted. Such a person can safely go out through the window or stand in the middle of a busy roadway to admire the sky.

Dependence development

Usually the impulse to the first reception of a narcotic substance becomes a craving for new, unexplored earlier sensations. This happens, as a rule, in the company of friends, but after 5-8 uses the patient has a mentally dependent dependence on LSD.Usually the use of LSD "sin" young people from disadvantaged families or too liberally educated. To somehow compensate for their dissatisfaction with their personal lives, they begin to try drugs and quickly become addicted.

With each use, the dosage of the drug rises, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the former enjoyment. Then drug dependence on LSD is developed. If a person uses LSD at times, then he does not have a relationship, although a remote complication like psychosis, etc. can develop.

LSD tolerance is achieved in the shortest possible time. If the addict already uses the same dose the next day, he gets less effect. Passes a similar tolerance for 4-7 days. If the patient continues to increase dosage, then the probability of getting into a psychiatric clinic is high. And this is only in the best case. In the worst under the influence of drugs, the patient can even commit suicide.
On the video, former drug addicts about the action of the drug LSD:

Signs and symptoms of use

Everyone who abuses LSD signs and reaction to the drug are different. Some may have reactions such as:

  • Sleep problems;
  • Changes in myocardial rhythm;
  • Hyperpotency;
  • Elevated temperature;
  • Nausea and vomiting syndrome;
  • Spasm of muscle tissue;
  • Feeling chills;
  • The pupils are expanding, etc.

There are changes in the mental area, accompanied by such symptoms: problems with perception, emotional sphere, thinking. Often, people who use LSD suffer emotional changes. They can in a few seconds move from relaxed and euphoric state to panic attack and terrible fear. These feelings seem to overlap, making a hodgepodge of emotions.

Treatment of

Dependence It is possible to cure LSD dependence, but this is a very long procedure that requires the conditions of a specialized rehabilitation center and the intervention of qualified narcologists. After giving up such a drug, breaking does not occur, which allows you to cancel LSD at once. Mentally determined dependence is eliminated through individual psychotherapeutic exercises.

Consequences of the use of

As a result of the use of such narcotic substances, the patients have very dangerous consequences:

  • Disorders of chromosomal character;
  • Mental insanity;
  • Inclination to violence;
  • Appearance of children with hereditary pathologies;
  • Suicidal tendencies, etc.

When taking LSD, psychological and psychological changes occur that provoke an asocial behavior and also cause the patient to harm his or her personality and health, even to death.

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