Rehabilitation program "12 steps" for addicts: essence, steps, feedback

In its current form, the 12 Steps program has been in operation since 1939, during this time it helped millions of people get rid of addiction, get a chance for a new life. The program was created in 1935 in Chicago, originally used to treat alcohol dependence in the company of the Alcoholics Anonymous created at the same time. Since 1953 the program is also used for the treatment of drug dependence. Today, treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction using this method is recognized as effective, used by rehabilitation centers around the world.

About the rehabilitation program "12 Steps"

The complexity of dependence treatment is that a person can not escape from the usual circle of ideas about life, gets used to his condition. The 12 Steps program offers a way to change, points the way for spiritual growth.

The goal of the program is to help a person realize the disease, recognize their own defeat in the fight against addiction, seek help from people, find the meaning of life. The program was created in a Protestant milieu, and initially had a pronounced religious component.

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Today, the idea of ​​the Higher Power should not be understood from a religious point of view, but rather it is the ideal image that every person seeks and understands in his own way.

Description and main idea

The program of 12 steps promotes the awakening in a person of inner conscience, appeals to the soul of a person, promotes its growth. The success of the program depends on the person's desire to change. The method helps to comprehend your life, to identify the source of the problem, to find the meaning of life.

12 Steps are used in rehabilitation centers in groups of anonymous alcoholics and drug addicts. Group members have the opportunity to meet within the center, communicate, share experiences. The lesson is attended by both newcomers and those who are cured of addiction.

The newcomer does not immediately become a member of the group. First, he is offered to attend several classes, get acquainted with the situation in the group, the essence of the program and the way it works. After he decides to become a participant in the program, he needs to choose a sponsor - a person to whom the dependent can address with all his questions and problems.

Sponsor is a participant in the psychological program, who is at the stage of steady sobriety, who has not consumed alcohol for more than a year. Sponsorship is necessary in order to facilitate the passage of steps for the beginner. Participants of the program, as a rule, continue to attend classes and after recovery.
The video is the essence of the program 12 steps:

Stages of

All 12 Steps of the program matter. The next step should be taken only after the previous Step has been comprehended and mastered. It should be noted once again that the program is not of a religious nature.

Step # 1

Recognizing your own powerlessness, loss of control over your craving for alcohol.

This step is the most complicated. It is he who serves as the main turning point in the line of human life. Not everyone is able to take this step, say goodbye to their old life.

The transition to a sober life is connected with the responsibility for those who are next to you - children, parents, spouse or wife. On how well mastered, thought out this first step, depends the result of all work on the program.

A dependent person must admit that his life is uncontrollable, resembles a car without brakes, rushing into the abyss, along the way destroying the lives of people close to him.

Step # 2

Awareness of the need for an external Force that can restore sanity.

Atheists - understanding, reinforced by examples of group members, that one can not drink and be happy.
At the second stage, a person should make sure that alcoholism is overcome, with perseverance, you can regain sanity, part with insanity that makes you repeat mistakes.

Than as not madness, it is possible to explain attempts of treatment of an alcoholism, without the realized desire to finish this habit. Any method of treatment is powerless, if a person does not fully realize his dependence, did not want to get rid of it.

Treatment without awareness can lead to a person losing faith in their abilities. The second step is just to awaken in man a belief in himself, in the existence of the Force, capable of helping him get out of the bondage of dependence.

Step # 3

The decision to subordinate your will to the Force acting for the benefit of man.

For atheists: firmly decided to end the drunkenness, to learn from people who learned to live without alcohol.
This decision means that you need to take this in life as it is.

The Third Step - getting rid of stubbornness, selfishness, desire to withdraw into yourself. It is stubbornness and aggressiveness that deprive a person of the ability to contact the Force, contradict the very nature of man.

Step # 4

Expose your life to self-analysis, dispassionately assess the true motivations of your actions.

At this stage, the dependent exposes himself critically, his values, principles or lack thereof. At Step 4, a person must understand what he is, understand the motives of his actions, find himself, hidden by layers of emotions, stubbornness, anger, selfishness.

In this important period, the dependent must find the reasons for his annoyance, resentment of the world, understand what he really needs from life. The purpose of this step is to identify the true reasons that led to alcohol and drugs.

Step # 5

Present the result of work on yourself to the people's court.

Internal changes must move to a new level, you need to recognize your powerlessness before the higher Power, another person.

The results of the self-analysis of the previous 4 steps of the patient should be stated not only before the Force and by oneself, but also about other people. In practice, the patient refers to the sponsor, who not only listens attentively to him, but also helps with recommendations.

Step # 6

Willingness to correct, get rid of imperfections of character.

This step means understanding your own shortcomings, reconciling with yourself, but not indulging your negative inclinations. A person, having made the sixth step, is able to see how his own habits, his character traits became an obstacle for him.

At this stage, he has to reflect on what makes him act contrary to common sense, what kind of defects of character provoke wrong decisions.

At this step, a person is fully aware of his character defects, sees the possibility of further progress towards sobriety, controlling himself. By the end of the stage, the patient is fully prepared for change, rushes to the Force with all his heart - the perfect image created by his consciousness.

Step # 7

The beginning of a conscious action is a request for help addressed to the Higher Power.

For atheists, this step is a time of changing habits, acquiring a positive experience, eradicating defects of one's character.

Awareness of its insolvency, a desire to remedy the situation is caused by the desire to act. This is manifested by the willingness to take with all the heart the new rules of life, to cut off the last strings connecting with attachments.

This step is very important, at this stage the person is already able to control his attachments, is able to analyze his actions regardless of emotions, begins to live a spiritual life.

Step # 8

Time to draw up a specific action plan.

To perform Step 8, you need to clear your conscience from the cargo of guilt. At this stage, all people affected by codependence, you need to remember by name. The patient should realize all the damage caused to other people, make a list of close people who have suffered from his actions.

An addict must be prepared for the fact that not everyone will want to listen to his explanations and apologies. Do not be embittered, take with a negative attitude to yourself - it's not an easy task.

Step # 8 - moral preparation to take fair reproaches, accusations, rejection, the opportunity to receive forgiveness. This forgiveness is the beginning of recovery, it removes a huge burden of guilt from a person and gives him the power to live on.

Step # 9

Time for active action, assistance to people affected by the actions of a patient during alcohol or drug dependence.

Step # 9 - the time of redemption of harm caused to loved ones. Dependent at this stage completely changes the form of communication in the family, makes every effort to fill the lack of love for children, his wife.

Compensation of damage is understood not only material losses caused to a person, but also moral damage. At this stage, the sponsor's participation is important, it will help to understand how to act in some complicated cases. When, for example, the injured person has already died, is in prison, does not want to meet even to simply discuss the problem.

Step # 10

Time to transform the energy of destruction into a creative force, recognize your mistakes, control your attachments.

At this stage you need to learn to control yourself in any situation, keep all positive achievements, not allowing yourself to failures. Analyze every action you need, any change in mood that can lead to a relapse.

A person should strive for sincerity, self-discipline, responsibility in every detail. The tenth step teaches us to maintain long lasting relationships with people, which is especially important for drug addicts, brings to life harmony, peace of mind.

Step # 11

Prayer, comprehension, trust, understanding of the will of the supreme Force.

Atheists - perfection.

Step # 11 - the time of spiritual search, the development of talents and opportunities inherent in man. To this Step, the dependent already has its own spiritual world, but it is still only in the stage of becoming.

The penultimate stage of treatment is a period of reflection, concentration, and pacification. At this stage, it is easy to break down false attachments to friends-drinking companions, stop talking with friends-addicts who do not want to change.

Step # 12

Sincere desire to distribute among patients with alcoholism, drug addiction knowledge about the way to get rid of slavish subordination to the habit.

This final step on the road to sobriety is important for both the beginner and the former alcoholic. For a person who has gotten rid of addiction, this is a need to share joy, and for a beginner this is a huge incentive for working on oneself.

This meeting gives the beginner that necessary initial impulse, which will allow him to act effectively and persistently.

At this stage, the person completely changes spiritually. The ever-irritated, angry drug addict disappears, a man appears, honest in his communication with other people, capable of real friendship, family life.

12 steps of the

program Advantages and Disadvantages of

The main advantage of the program 12 Steps is that it explains how to live in a sober life and gives a promise of complete freedom from dependence. The program step-by-step leads the person to himself, returns lost opportunities - family, career, hobbies.

The advantage of the program is that it has saved and continues to save many people around the world from alcohol and narcotic captivity.

Apparently, this is the case when the baby is thrown out with water. It is impossible to deny the obvious - the program of 12 Steps works, and very successfully.


About the program surprisingly well respond and newcomers, and people who have got rid of addiction. In all statements there is a positive attitude, confidence that the goal will be achieved, willingness to overcome difficulties, failures, without giving up.

People celebrate the feeling of free choice, lack of rigid framework, limitations. The program insists on self-awareness, understanding of goals. In 12 steps, automatic submission to authority is unacceptable, dictate is impossible.

Group members consult with the sponsor, discuss their problems, and not blindly obey. In the responses of the participants of the groups, there is an interest in life, a willingness to learn new things, a certainty about the possibility of getting rid of dependence.
On the video review of the former drug addict about the program "12 Steps":

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