Trichinosis: human symptoms, source of infection, photo, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Trichinosis is an infectious disease, the carrier of which is Trichinella. This is one of the most serious human diseases, occurring both in the territory of Russia and in other countries of the world.

The disease has a rapid development, leading to severe consequences. In some cases, in the absence of treatment, the disease leads to loss of ability to work and death.

Pathogen and life cycle of

The causative agent is Trichinella spiralis. Mature individuals parasitize the small intestine. The female's body size can reach 1.8 mm, and after fertilization it increases to 4.4 mm. The male body in size rarely exceeds 2 mm. Parasites have a special device that allows you to reliably attach to the intestines of the host.

The causative agent can form around itself special capsules. Thanks to them, the larvae remain resistant to high temperatures and freezing. Can withstand boiling for up to 3 hours.

The cycle of parasite development is unusual. The same organism is the main host and intermediate for them. The Trichinella man with animal meat gets inside. Within a day or more, the larvae are released from the capsule.

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Photo of trichinosis in meat

The period of parasitism of one individual is up to 56 days. During this time the female can postpone up to 1500 larvae.

After 6 months, the process of calcification of the capsule starts. It lasts about 24 months. In capsules, the larvae remain viable for 25 years or more.

Prevalence of

Parasites refer to biologmintosis. Their presence is possible both in humans and in animals. Most often the defeat is found in the wolf, fox, badger, wild boar. Sometimes the disease occurs in domestic pigs. The animals are at particular risk, and the eating of the deceased smaller animals, small rodents becomes accessible.

The human body is extremely susceptible to the disease. Outbreaks can be observed both in the family and in groups.

A second disease is possible, since the formed immunity remains unstable to this type of parasite.

Trichinella tolerate high and low temperatures well, so you can encounter disease in any part of the world.

Source of infection

It is enough for a person to eat 10-15 grams of infected meat to suffer from a parasite. Infection can occur from meat that has been poorly treated thermally. Sometimes the source is also fat.

The development of the disease after infection takes place in several stages:

  • 1-1.5 hours. The larva penetrates into the mucosa and adjacent connective tissue.
  • 1 day. An adult worm is being formed.
  • 3-4 days. The female splits the larvae that are carried throughout the body.
  • 18 days. The larvae mature in the muscles.

Symptoms of a parasite in humans

As with other parasitic infections, the symptomatology depends on the speed of the disease, the immunity of the sick person and the general condition of the infected.

Incubation period

A correlation was found between the severity of the disease and the incubation period.

The latter is understood as the time interval that passes from the moment of infection and until the onset of symptoms. It can vary from a week to a month.

The later the manifestations of the disease are detected, the easier it is for her to flow.

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With multiple lesions, symptoms may appear from the first days.

After a week, infection begins to touch and blood. There are pain in the muscles, which are all the time in a stressed state, including when overexertion. The person begins to torment:

  • headaches,
  • photosensitivity,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • insomnia,
  • dry cough,
  • chills.

All this can alternate with allergic reactions and the appearance of a rash. In extreme cases, the swelling of Quincke begins. In the third stage, the pain in the muscles is reminiscent of rheumatic. Around the larvae, areas with inflammation begin to form.

Trichinosis in children

From the very onset of the development of the disease in children, signs of myocarditis, encephalitis and pneumonia are revealed. A blood test begins to show leukocytosis, but the number of eosinophils is normal or decreased. At an early stage, ESR is low, but at the peak of the disease reaches a level of 40-60 mm / h.

Children have several forms of manifestation of the disease:

  • Wiped. The temperature does not rise above 37-37.5 degrees. Pastosity of the face or eyelids is noted.
  • Easy. The temperature reaches 39 degrees, there are muscle pains. The symptomatology lasts up to 10 days.
  • Medium-heavy. The temperature rises to a mark of 39-40 degrees, during the day can fluctuate. In addition, articular and muscle pains, swelling of the face, pain in the throat and abdomen are manifested.
  • Heavy. Puffiness is observed throughout the body. The child complains of pain in the abdomen, nausea. Appear rashes on the body. At palpation the doctor can find out that the liver and spleen are greatly enlarged. There is a possibility of development of an infectious-toxic shock.

Stages of development

Doctors distinguish three stages of the disease:

  • Intestinal. Its duration is up to 7 days after infection.
  • Muscular. May persist for more than 5 weeks.
  • Latency and recovery. Up to 30 years.

In the intestinal phase, infection occurs when eating meat. In the process of digestion, the capsules are destroyed. Young parasites mature within a few days, after which they begin to multiply. A few larvae appear in the muscles for 6-7 days.

Complications of

Children may experience perforation of gastrointestinal ulcers, bleeding from the mucosa or open peritonitis.

With massive infection, exhaustion occurs, a violation of physical development. There may be problems with mental development and emotional sphere.

Adults may have:

  • Myocarditis. Inflammation of the heart of an allergic nature. Develops against the background of an excessive reaction of the immune system. This is the most frequent situation, because of which the patient's death occurs.
  • Lesion of the lungs. In the cells of the lung tissue there is a conglomeration of eosinophils. An additional complication is pleurisy.
  • Inflammation of the brain and its membranes.
  • Hepatitis. Liver cells become inflamed.

There may be other complications related to the localization of parasites. In severe form, patients die. During outbreaks, mortality rates reach 30%.The greatest number of deaths occur in 3-8 weeks of the disease.


The primary diagnosis is based on clinical epidemiological data. Attention is drawn to the consumption of meat of wild animals, as well as to the tetrad of classical symptoms.

The final diagnosis is made when conducting laboratory tests. From 2 weeks of illness, positive reactions to skin-allergic tests remain. From the 15th day of the disease, serological diagnosis is performed.

Much attention is paid to the methods of enzyme immunoassay. It allows you to identify specific antibodies. In people who have had trichinellosis, they persist for up to two years or more.

Treatment of infection

The main task in the treatment of infection is the destruction of intestinal Trichinella. They must stop producing larvae and encapsulate.

An additional direction in the treatment is to reduce the body's intoxication, reduce allergic manifestations and support the liver.


The most effective is the conduct of etiotropic therapy in the incubation period or in the early days of the disease, when the muscular system is not yet affected. At later stages, the effectiveness is reduced.

Hormone therapy is advisable in the presence of complications. For example, prednisolone is given in medium to high doses for a week with a gradual decrease in dosage.

Hormones can prolong the larval period in the intestine. In parallel, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. Efficiency monitoring is conducted after 6-12 months.

Folk methods

With the help of methods of traditional medicine, the disease is difficult to overcome. Therefore, they are used as a supplement.

The most frequent use is regular cleaning of the intestines with the help of enemas. For them, decoction and wormwood are used.

In addition, you can add chamomile, calendula. Along with the parasites, a useful microflora may begin to wash out, so you need to use the means to prevent dysbacteriosis.

Tansy helps to cope well with parasites. It is crushed and brewed together with cloves and wormwood. For 100 ml of water, not more than ½ teaspoon sweep. To drink costs three times a day.

Another effective method of treatment is mistletoe. The leaves are cut and insisted on a water bath. Take infusion should be after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. You can replace this recipe with a mixture of sunflower seeds and yolks. This medicine is drunk only in the morning. It is advisable to refrain from eating for several hours after the procedure.

Prognosis and prevention of

In the most severe cases, the prognosis is unfavorable. Death occurs because of myocarditis and heart failure. If the disease begins to heal in time, then the symptoms completely pass, and recovery comes.

It is possible to prevent the development of the disease if there is only meat that has undergone thermal treatment, studied in the laboratory. Pay attention to the structure of the meat. If you see yellowish peas, it is better to throw the product away.

Preliminary it should be treated with kerosene. To prevent the infection of domestic animals, it is recommended to dig in meat to the ground to a depth of at least a meter.

Meat testing

Pig carcasses other than piglets up to 3 weeks of age, wild boars, badgers, carnivores are subject to compulsory examination. The study is conducted using a microscopic and biochemical method.

The results are recognized as positive if there is at least one Trichinella larva.

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