Bovine tapeworm: photo, structure, life cycle, symptoms in humans, intermediate host, treatment

There is a mass of parasitic organisms that can affect a person and develop for a long time in our body. One of these are bovine chains that prefer the human intestine and provoke periodic painful spasms in the patient's stomach.

A similar parasite carries a real danger to the body, as it causes irreversible pathological consequences, not only the adult worm, but also its larval forms. When affected by a bull's chain, the patient is diagnosed with shadeiarhynia, which is classified as a biological helminthiosis.

Distribution and localization of

Bovine tapeworm is a helminth that belongs to a group of tapeworms. This parasite is still known as caterpillar solitaire or beef tapeworm, because it uses cattle as an intermediate host. The final owner is only a man.

Parasitic infections caused by such a pathogen are common, but they are most often recorded in Eastern European countries, Asian countries like Armenia or Azerbaijan, and also in South American countries such as Argentina or Brazil, etc.

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Bovine tapeworm is localized in the small intestine of patients. If several adult worms are trapped in the body, the consequences will be very severe.

As a result, the immunity and the patient's body as a whole are depleted, which contributes to the propensity to various pathologies of a rather severe nature.

The structure of the parasite

As already mentioned, the adult specimen of a bovine chain reaches a length of 6 meters in length and above.

  • There are several small suction cups on the head.
  • The neck of the worm is considered a growth zone, it gradually passes into the body of the parasite, which itself consists of many segments. Moreover, the young sectors of the worm are located closer to its head, they develop sex cells of both sexes( hermaphroditic segments), therefore, for fertilization, there is no need for a second individual.
  • Mature parts of the body of the parasite are located closer to the end of his body. At their close examination it is possible to discover with an unaided eye an innumerable number of eggs of the chain.
  • In the process of maturing, these segments alternately break away, leaving the intestine are selected with a fecal mass outward.
  • Beef eggs have a transparent shell, and the shape can be oval or round. The developing inside the parasitic embryo has special hooks, which in the future it will be engaged.

It would be logical to assume that with a constant detachment of the mature segments, the total length of the chain should decrease. But this is not the case, because new sections of the segments are constantly being formed, so the process can be endless.


Body segments of bovine tapeworm are called proglottids. On the neck of the parasite, new proglottids are constantly growing, pushing the existing progenitors back to the tail.

As a bovine tapeworm can live up to 25 years, this process lasts almost endlessly. The number of proglottids in an adult worm can reach 2 thousand.

A mature uterus with 18-36 branches on the sides has already been formed in the terminal proglottids. This uterus can impregnate itself, because the bovine chains are hermaphrodites.

Segments of the parasite can move independently, emerging from the anus of the host. The width of the proglottid reaches 6-8 mm, and its length reaches 16-20 mm.


The head of a parasite is called a scolex, on the surface of which there is a proboscis and four suction elements. The proboscis does not have special chitinous hooks, so the bovine tapeworm is also called unarmed.

Bovine tapeworm differs from the absence of digestive and weakness of the nervous system, it does not need oxygen. In his body, only reproductive organs have a maximum, full development.

Bull chain lifecycle

Proglottids living in the human intestine, when fully filled with eggs begin to go out together with the feces. Each segment can contain up to 100 thousand parasitic eggs, and in each egg there is a viable invasive larva.

  1. The beginning of the life cycle is characterized by the ingress of proglottidium into the external environment, where it can move along the soil, water, grass, spreading parasitic eggs.
  2. cattle, eating grass and consuming water with eggs, swallows them, becoming at the same time an intermediate master of beef tartan.
  3. Then, under the influence of acids and enzymatic substances in the intestine, the egg shell breaks down and the larva emerges outward.
  4. Parasite larvae injure epithelial intestinal tissues, sneak into the bloodstream and infect the entire body of the intermediate host.
  5. When the larva reaches the muscular tissues, it becomes filled with liquid and passes to the next stage of development - the Finn.
  6. To complete the life cycle, the parasite must penetrate into the human body, which occurs when people eat contaminated meat that has not been fully heat treated.

The picture shows the development of the bovine chain

When penetrating into human intestinal structures, the Finns break down and go out the scolex( head) of the parasite, which is fixed by suckers to the intestine and continues to develop peacefully, affecting the body of the final host.

Ways of infection

As already mentioned, it is possible to become infected with bovine chain only by eating a person with insufficiently cooked or roasted beef meat.

Usually only one adult can parasitize in the human body, although in practice there have been cases when several mature sexes co-exist in one intestine.

Typically, the worm infestations of beef tartan are more affected by the adult population than the children of childhood. Often, shadyarinhoz is diagnosed in catering workers, meat processing plants, slaughterhouses, etc.

Pathogenic action

Beef tapeworm inevitably harms human health, moreover, teniarinhoz can lead to the development of life-threatening conditions.

Against the backdrop of defeat by a bulging chain, intestinal obstruction can develop, which usually occurs when several adult individuals of the tapeworm are parasitized, or when one tart is entangled in a lump, creating a barrier to food passage.

Sometimes a parasite gets into the pancreas, provoking the development of pancreatitis. And with its penetration into the biliary tract, gall-bladder develops, which subsequently leads to complications such as cholangitis or cholecystitis.

In practice, a case was recorded where the beef tapeworm blocked the bile duct, which led to necrotic processes in the pancreas-iron structures.

Often, helminthic lesions cause appendicitis or an abscess of peritoneal localization, when there is perforation of the intestine and the exit of the parasite into the retroperitoneal space.

Very dangerous cattle of cattle when bearing a child. Teniarinhoz of pregnant women can lead to premature delivery, gestosis, severe toxicosis or spontaneous interruption.

This video talks about the risk of bovine tapeworm:

Symptoms and symptoms of the disease

Clinical manifestations of a caterpillar solitary can be very pronounced in the case of a lesion, and may not produce anything at all. It happens that a person lives with a tapeworm for many years without even suspecting such a neighborhood.

At the same time of all the symptoms can only be present in the feces of segments of the chain or their creeping out from the anus. In the latter case, patients notice the appearance of unpleasant itching discomfort in the crotch and anus.

In general, the usual clinical picture of lesion chain is in manifestations like:

  • Epigastric pain and sensation of severity;
  • Disturbances of gastrointestinal functions;
  • Belching and heartburn, which are absolutely not related to food;
  • Catarrhal inflammatory lesions of the intestinal tract;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, which are not caused by the gastrointestinal pathology. Clear such localizations have no painful manifestations, but when the tapeworm makes his way through the thin flap that separates the large intestine from the thin one, the pain syndrome becomes cramping;
  • Sensations of nausea, presence of vomiting reactions;
  • A chair that has an unstable character, then diarrhea, constipation, frequent swelling;
  • Intestinal obstruction when the parasite is knocked into the lump;
  • Biliary colic or duodenal ulcer;
  • The patient's body suffers from insufficient assimilation of vitamin and mineral elements, so the patient's fingernails and hair lose a healthy appearance, the skin is over-dried;
  • In the course of life, the beef solitaire secretes toxic substances that provoke a variety of allergic reactions, eosinophilia, etc.;
  • When infected with bovine chain, patients are constantly hungry, but with increased appetite, there is absolutely no weight gain, moreover, the patient, on the contrary, loses weight;
  • Some patients note a slight increase in heart rate, low blood pressure, some soreness in the heart, accompanied by flickering midges and ear noise. In rare cases, bleeding from the nose may be disturbing;
  • Many patients talk about sleep disorders, noticeable fatigue and irritability, dizziness and weakness in the legs, headaches. All these asthenovegetative manifestations occur against the background of intoxication of the organism by the results of the activity of the tapeworm;
  • A small number of patients have swollen and cracked tongue;
  • Sometimes the segments penetrate into the middle ear or the respiratory tract, they may show up in vomiting, etc.;
  • If the patient is visibly weakened, then skin rashes with characteristic crusts may appear against the background of defeat with helminthic invasions;
  • Patients afflicted with Chain have anemia.

Diagnostics of

It is quite easy to diagnose infection with beef tapeworm. Even with the usual laboratory examination of the patient's feces, segments of the parasite are found in it.

A pranatal scraping is also performed to detect tanearhinosis, which is then carefully examined under a microscope, but such studies are often ineffective.

A fairly common method for diagnosing beef tapeworm is a fluoroscopic study using contrast. In this case, on the X-ray photograph, the tapeworm is a centimeter light long strip.

Treatment of a disease in humans

Therapy of a bovine tapeworm is aimed at destroying and removing a parasite from the patient's body. For this, traditional medicamental therapy and methods of folk treatment are used.

If the patient is timely to consult a specialist, then the treatment will be successful, although it will take a lot of time. If the cases of helminthiasis are complex enough and are accompanied by damages by the parasite of the intestinal walls, then therapy will require a more serious approach, and forecasts will not always be favorable.

Therapy can be performed under stationary conditions, although it is often performed on an outpatient basis.

In addition to taking medications, the patient needs slag-free dietotherapy, which involves the rejection of salty and fatty, sweets and roast, smoked and legumes, cabbage and beets, peaches and grapes, gooseberries and raspberries, coffee and chocolate, apricots, alcohol, etc.

little by little, five meals a day. The basis of the menu - low-fat boiled fish, soups, buckwheat and rice, sour-milk products, and from drinks you can boil or compotes, slightly boiled teas.

In the video program, medical experts will tell you how to treat bovine tapeworm in humans:

Folk remedies

It is possible to get rid of bovine tapeworm and using folk recipes, but use them better as an additional therapeutic technique and only after agreement with the treating specialist.

Perhaps the most famous means of folk treatment of helminthiases are seeds of pumpkin and male fern.

  • In pumpkin seeds, there is a substance called cucumberine, which provokes parasitic paralysis. As a result, tapeworm can not be retained in intestinal structures and is excreted in a natural way. At one time you need to eat about 200-300 grams.seeds, and after an hour you need to drink a glass of milk or take some laxative.
  • Male fern is available in the form of capsules, but it can not be taken by itself, only for medical purposes. The composition of the drug is filicic acid, which paralyzes the musculature of the chain, forcing it to disengage from the mucosa and to go outside with feces.
  • Also, beef tartar does not tolerate salted fish. You need to eat more salt fish, while drinking water can not be for at least three hours. Then you need to take a laxative drug to drive the chain out.


Drug treatment is reduced to taking anthelmintic drugs like Fenasal, Acryhin, Praziquantel, Nichlosamide, Biltricide, etc.

Fenasal take at night or in the morning, after drinking half a teaspoon of powdered baking soda. Also they take Biltricid once. Soon after taking such medicines, the cormorant will come out through the anus along with the feces.

The duration of preventive medical supervision is about four months. If in the stool after this period there are no parasite eggs, the patient is considered completely cured. At what temperature does the helminth die?

Eggs of bovine tapeworm perish at a temperature of minus 15 ° C, provided that the meat will lie in such cold for at least five days. Also, larvae perish during boiling for at least two hours.


It is better to avoid beef tapeworm than to treat it later. Preventive measures for teniarinchosis are as follows:

  1. Beef and veal meat must be fully processed before consumption, because the larvae of the parasite are colonized specifically in the meat of cattle. For this, the meat should be cooked in small pieces for a minimum of 2-3 hours. It is better to stop using jerky, half-raw or raw meat.
  2. Try to carefully consider the purchased goods when buying meat cuts, as Finns are often noticeable even without using any magnifying devices.
  3. If there are suspicious symptoms similar to the development of teniarinhoz, then it is necessary to pass tests to identify the parasite.
  4. Persons whose professional activities are closely related to cattle should undergo a diagnostic checkup twice a year to eliminate helminthiasis.
  5. If you freeze meat for 5 days, then the larvae of the chain will die.

The photo shows how the Finns look like a bull tie in the meat of

. Invasions of bovine tapeworm are very dangerous for the health and sometimes the life of the patient, so the timely detection and treatment of teniarinchiasis is important. The predictions are favorable only with timely and correctly selected treatment.

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