Soup recipes for chronic pancreatitis: vegetable, dietary, mashed potatoes, chicken, cheese, what can be for the pancreas, how to cook?

Pancreatitis is a disease in which the main blow falls on the pancreas, and therefore those who suffer from this disease must comply with the strictest diet. What dietary first courses should necessarily enter the menu of those who are concerned about this disease?

Vegetable soups with pancreatitis: recipes

Vegetable first courses are useful in all forms of pancreatitis: both chronic and acute. They are necessary only in a warm form, using in the recipe only those vegetables that are easily digested by the stomach, without any painful sensations or complications.

The simplest recipe for vegetable soup with pancreatitis: finely chop and boil potatoes, onions, carrots. Vegetables need not just bring to a boil, but also boil for at least half an hour.

Also tasty vegetable soup, useful and permitted in pancreatitis is obtained from a decoction of potatoes and a variety of greens. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small amount of sour cream to the dish.

Dietary soups for pancreatitis: recipes

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Recipes of dietary soups in pancreatitis are extremely simple, because for cooking a fairly limited list of products is used. So, the dish can be prepared from the secondary chicken broth, adding to it a thin strips of protein egg omelet.

It is important to understand that patients with pancreatitis are strictly forbidden to eat cabbage and legumes, as well as millet. Of cereals, it is better to give preference to oatmeal and buckwheat, especially since by boiling these porridges and adding a small amount of solid low-fat cheese rubbed on a large grater, you can prepare a truly delicious diet dish, which even those who do not have to follow such a strict diet.

Puree soup with pancreatitis: recipes

Soup puree is a great opportunity to present already familiar dishes in a new light. And this is especially true for those who are forced to comply with the strictest diet. Especially as the preparation of such a dish will not be difficult, just need a saucepan with thick walls and a blender.

So, the simplest recipe for soup-puree: in a small amount of sunflower oil, save the onion and carrots, then add the potatoes and pour the vegetables with a little water. Bring to a boil and boil for half an hour, then wait until the mixture has cooled to an acceptable temperature, and grind it with a blender.

The best dietary soups, purees, cooked according to this recipe, are combined with bread crumbs, which can be served either separately or crumble in the dish itself.

Hot dishes are useful in any cases, even with chronic problems with the stomach and pancreas. And if you want, you can make the original vegetable soups original, diversifying your own diet with delicious, but at the same time, healthy food.

Chicken soup with pancreatitis, how to cook?

Pancreatitis is a serious disease that does not forget about itself. Even in the period of remission, every patient who has these problems must necessarily adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor. In this diet, the chicken will be on the list of prohibited foods. But not forever.

Already six months after the acute period, you can contact your doctor with a question whether it is possible to introduce this product into the diet. After getting permission, we'll make chicken soup.

To whom, not to us, the inhabitants of Russia know the curative aromas of broth from the young chicken, which after recovery we were fed by our mothers and grandmothers.

It should be noted right away: a young chicken in the recipe for chicken soup with pancreatitis is not included. Buy should be the carcass of an adult bird. It contains less extractive substances than in a young specimen. If there is an opportunity to buy chicken( and not chicken) breast - even better.

So, from the carcass removed: skin, bones, fat, cartilage, tendons. These parts are considered the maximum accumulation of hormones, antibiotics, chemical brine, extractives. After washing with cold water, portions of the carcass are cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. After that, the whole broth is drained, the meat is washed and again the secondary broth is put on.

During the boiling of the second broth, it is slightly salted, you can add a little greens: parsley or dill. To a ready dish, usually add a spoonful of sour cream or cream.

Cheese soup for patients with pancreatitis

Cheese is one of the items forbidden to eat foods in the acute period of pancreatitis. In a month you can enter it in the diet. But only one type of cheese is tofu. This is a Japanese porous cheese that looks like cottage cheese. On its basis and you can cook a real cheese soup.

Patients with pancreatitis are forbidden at any time dishes on vegetable broths, so use the recipe for chicken broth and continue cooking soup useful for the pancreas.

Carefully refer to the selection of vegetables: they must be fresh, free of mold, rot and wormholes. Peel vegetables from the peel, remove all streaks and seeds.

Diced, pumpkin, carrot and cauliflower are boiled for 20 minutes. All the water is drained. Vegetables are grinded by blender to the state of thick mashed potatoes. Add the broth to the consistency of the liquid mashed potatoes. A little podsalivayem and add grated tofu. Cheese soup with pancreatitis is boiled for 5 minutes over low heat. In the ready dish you can add crackers.

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