Pancreatitis( inflammation of the pancreas) in infants( in children under one year) and with breastfeeding

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The danger of pancreatitis in infants is that the baby can not talk about pain and describe his problems unlike a teenager. That is why it is so important to notice the slightest changes in children's behavior, to know the causes of this ailment, and also to pay attention to the corresponding symptoms.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in infants

First of all, it should pay attention to the fact that the child does not gain weight, according to the norms for his age or, even more anxiously, loses him. Evidence of the development of pancreatitis and severe pain in the stomach, which can be seen from the changes in the behavior of the child: the baby is restless, almost awake, crying and at the same time pressing his legs bent at the knees to the stomach.

An important symptom, which should attract attention to itself, is the refusal of the baby from breastfeeding, as well as any other food.

Causes of pancreatitis in infants

According to statistics, pancreatitis in adolescents develops as a result of malnutrition, as well as abundant use of snacks and other fatty foods. However, with the development of this disease in infants all is much more difficult, because the main causes of this ailment most often become congenital diseases of the digestive system, as well as the pancreas. Typically, such defects can be detected in the first few months of the child's life, and subsequently, must be under constant monitoring and supervision of an experienced doctor. What is important, children with such complications need to comply with the strictest diet, and therefore for the nursing mother is so important to adhere to the appropriate diet.

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It should be noted that a fairly common cause of pancreatitis in infants is lactase deficiency, which causes the baby to become intolerant of breast milk. As the treatment, appropriate enzymes with a high lactase content, which favorably affect the digestive system, are prescribed.

Also, pancreatitis in infants develops also against the background of abdominal and back injuries that occur against the backdrop of falls and bumps.

Inflammation of the pancreas is a dangerous ailment that needs constant monitoring and observation. This defect, as a rule, develops against the background of congenital pathologies, as well as possible injuries and strokes, and therefore it is so important in case of the appearance of the slightest symptoms indicating a change in the condition and behavior of the infants, urgent medical consultation is required.

Pancreatitis in breastfeeding

During lactation, a woman should eat right. This is primarily necessary to provide the child with all vitamins and beneficial substances. To maintain a healthy development of the child and to stimulate its full development, the food should be diverse and full-fledged. Especially it should be observed if the mother has pancreatitis during breastfeeding. Not all drugs can be taken to a nursing woman, but you can increase the time of remission if you follow a medical diet. First of all, it is suitable for the baby, eliminating flatulence and bloating. It is good to take a lot of liquid, water, broth of dog rose, mint. This will help to eliminate the symptoms of pancreatitis in infants.

In case of severe exacerbation, the doctor will prescribe the use of strong drugs, antibiotics and painkillers. At this time the child should be transferred to artificial feeding, and for the period of treatment the milk should be decanted, so that lactation does not stop. As soon as relief comes, you can continue to breast-feed, but only after 24 hours after taking the medication.

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