Pancreatitis in men - symptoms and features

Lack of attention to one's own health, improper diet, bad habits such as addiction to alcohol or nicotine are just a few of the factors that make the male part of the population particularly at risk for pancreatitis, that is, inflammation of the pancreas.

Unfortunately, despite the widespread syndrome of hypochondria, most men tend to ignore the pain in their own body, writing off them for fatigue, poor breakfast or other secondary factors.

Pancreatitis, as a rule, develops slowly and its clinical manifestations are initially unobtrusive, so there is no particular concern. It is quite common cases when the disease is detected already in the late, poorly treatable stages, progressing into a chronic form.

Quite often, only the presence of acute pain causes sick men to seek medical help. In general, the earlier a violation is detected, the easier it is to fight against it and avoid relapse.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in men: what should alarm you?

It should be remembered that poor digestion is not an accidental and self-sufficient phenomenon, but almost always accompanies the development of any serious disease of the digestive tract.

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Modern medicine distinguishes two forms of development of pancreatitis: acute and chronic. Clinical forms of both categories of pancreatitis differ slightly, which allows to make the correct diagnosis.

Identify such paramount signs, the manifestations of which indicate the development of abnormalities in the pancreas:

  • pain sensations of different intensity, depending on the form of the disease;
  • in the acute form of pain irradiate into the dorsal region, sometimes - in the sternum and forearm, have a powerful but spasmodic nature;
  • chronic form is characterized by blunt, aching, regular painful manifestations with a longer phase of fading.

An inseparable symptom of pancreatitis in men, and in women, are nausea after meal, and also:

  • vomiting;
  • acid belching;
  • bloating, feeling of characteristic severity;
  • increased salivation;
  • elevated body temperature.

If a man even has several items from the listed list of symptoms of pancreatitis, it is necessary to immediately undergo a medical examination and take the necessary measures to prevent the further development of the disease.

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