Swelling of the legs with stomach cancer

Due to excessive formation and accumulation of fluid in the human body, which has stomach cancer, there is swelling in the upper limbs, foot and lower leg, as well as possible manifestations in the abdominal cavity and face. This condition is facilitated by the removal of the liquid part from the vessels into the subcutaneous space, but it occurs because of a certain concentration of the level of the transudate that is present in the human body.

The causes of edema of the legs in stomach cancer, which are provoked by a number of reasons:

  • adoption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that regulate blood pressure and are capable of excessive accumulation of tissue fluid;
  • if there are recent stages of cancer that adversely affect the human body, as a result, intoxication occurs and appetite decreases. These factors help to reduce the formation of the protein composition of the blood, and there is formation of swelling of soft tissues, which are located near the source of the disease;
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  • presence of cardiac, renal and pulmonary insufficiency;
  • insufficient food.

The swelling of the legs in stomach cancer occurs when there is an anemic form of the oncology of the gastrointestinal tract. Edema of the lower extremities have the ability to manifest themselves during a period of inadequate and prolonged nutrition and with anemia. Legs swell with stomach cancer, and, the appearance of this symptom is often single in the disease of the digestive system.

Swelling of the legs in stomach cancer can occur even in the case where there are no violations of blood circulation. Its formation is facilitated by a prolonged latent fluid retention, which does not allow the complete excretion of urine, as a result, there is a rapid increase in body weight. If the stomach cancer has late stages of development, the swelling of the legs becomes massive, and the skin on the limbs is dry, has a pale appearance with a peeling surface. The swollen place is practically insensitive to heat, when pressed on it, a non-vanishing fovea is observed for a sufficiently long period of time. In patients with stomach cancer, swelling of the legs occurs, and the skin covering of such a limb significantly reduced the protective properties.

All cancer patients who have serious stomach problems should strictly follow a certain diet, in which there will be a limited content of salt and liquid.

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