Why urine dries heavily in men, women and children

In appearance, consistency and shade of urine, it is possible to determine the presence of the pathology of the kidney structures at the stage of its early development. Any deviation from the norm such as sediment, discoloration or the appearance of foam may indicate a pathological process.

Urine with foam

In healthy people urine is light yellow and transparent, has no pronounced odor and practically does not foam. If foaming has a pronounced and persistent character, the appearance of foam in the urine requires medical intervention. Such a sign does not always indicate a pathology and can be quite harmless, but sometimes such a symptom can talk about a disease.

Causes of

If the foam in urine appears only once, then do not take this syndrome too seriously, it is recommended to observe the state of health and additional manifestations to understand the true cause of foaming in the urine.

The reasons why the urine foams when urinating can be:

  • A fairly frequent cause of frothy urine is the rapid process of urination. The flow of urine leaves the urethra so quickly that it whipens the liquid, causing foaming in it. This is often observed in people who have a habit of enduring for a long time, restraining urinary desires.
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  • Another of the innocuous causes of frothy urine is household chemicals containing surfactants. They remain on the rim and the walls of the toilet bowl, and when they get on them, the urine is activated and begins to foam.
  • Sometimes foamy urine is the norm in newborn babies, whose excretory system undergoes the restructuring processes to a new principle of activity. A few days later the urine of the child acquires normal characteristics.
  • If the foam appears in urine several times a day for several days, the speech is most likely about proteinuria, that is, a pathological increase in the protein content in the urine, which is often associated with various pathologies of the kidneys and other organs. This includes diabetes and cardiac pathologies with hypertension, infectious processes in the urinary system, intestinal fistulas, prostatic pathologies, etc.
  • Urine can be strongly foamed in women during pregnancy. Specialists attribute this phenomenon to late toxicosis, i.e. gestosis of pregnant women. This is a condition in which a variety of complications develop, capable of provoking complex births and death for the baby or mother.
  • Inflammation of the urogenital system can also cause urine to foam like beer. Usually, such pathologies are accompanied by severe symptoms such as painful and frequent urination with cuts, hyperthermia, weakness and stool disorder, nausea, etc.
  • Pathologies of the bile ducts can also cause urine foaming. Gallstone disease is often accompanied by blockage, while bile is back cast into the blood, there is cholemia. The liquid under the influence of acids and direct bilirubin changes, which eventually leads to frothy urine.
  • Also, women can provoke the appearance of foam in the urine may premenstrual syndrome, which is also accompanied by proteinuria. It is the unfiltered protein that causes foaming of urine.
  • In men, urine may foam against the background of retrograde ejaculation, in which sperm enters urine. A similar deviation occurs when the urinary sphincter is malfunctioning and requires urological therapy.
  • Foaming of urine can occur against the backdrop of cancer processes in the hematopoietic system, in which specific protein-paraproteins are present in the urine. They lead to the formation of foam.

Also, foam urine is often formed with malnutrition, when the diet is dominated by protein products. Excessive physical activity can also lead to foaming of urine.

Disturbing symptoms of

What are the symptoms to be feared? Consistency and regularity is the most important indicator of pathological foam in the urine. If the patient, regardless of diet, drinking regimen and physical activity, observes foamy urine, this should be the reason for contacting the urologist. Persistent foaming in the urine often indicates a massive form of proteinuria.

A similar factor can speak of development:

  • Amyloidosis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Total protein deficiency in other systems and organs, leading to more dangerous pathological conditions.

Also a dangerous sign is only foam in the urine without any additional violations, indirectly indicating the cause of the violation. Such monosymptomatism often indicates amyloidosis, and in women it can talk about bacterial vaginosis.

We recommend
For the prevention of diseases and the treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

What to do

If urine with white foam on the background of regular problems with urination, this may indicate an insufficient drinking regime, so it is recommended to increase the amount of liquid used up to 2.5 liters. If foaming of urine is observed for a long time( more than 5 days), then it is necessary to pass a laboratory diagnosis of urine and ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

To prevent foaming in the urine, it is recommended to pay special attention to diet and lifestyle.

Observance of some principles will help to avoid such deviations:

  • Keep track of the amount eaten, overeating is prohibited. Choose a balanced diet, eat every 2 hours, so that the body is easier to digest food, and the kidneys to filter out blood and urine.
  • Observe the principles of a correct diet with a balanced content of B / M / V;
  • Eliminate physical overload, which often provokes the development of proteinuria.

If a foam mass appeared in urine in the morning, it is not yet a fact that there is a pathological factor. Therefore, you need to pass the necessary tests, go through a urological examination, etc.

And finally one more tip - watch for the purity of the toilet, because the foam may appear because of insufficiently clean plumbing. The surface of the dirty toilet is covered with microbes, which, upon contact with the urine, perish and form a foam. After sanitation with a disinfectant cleanser, the foam disappears.

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