Protein in urine during pregnancy: the norm, the cause of the increase and diagnosis, treatment of proteinuria

For each woman in the first two trimester of pregnancy, it is mandatory to collect urine each month for sediment and protein content in her. In the second half of the process - a little less often.

Protein in urine during pregnancy - what does it mean?

The process of normal education and urinary excretion in a pregnant woman is one of the components of all patterns of normal fetal development, therefore mother's kidneys work intensively during pregnancy.

Normally, the glomerular filtration capacity does not allow passage of large protein molecules from the blood through the renal filter, so urine does not contain protein. If a certain amount is found in urine, then the analysis should be repeated.

Special attention should be given to registering the patient's blood pressure( daily).The appearance of a significant amount of protein in the urine along with an increase in the level of blood pressure is a sign of gestosis, which can lead to premature birth, eclampsia and other pathological conditions of the woman and her child. It is important to determine and why the protein appears in the urine.

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The list of compulsory laboratory tests of a pregnant woman during the first trimester includes sowing of urine for the isolation of bacteria and analysis of its sediment. Determine the level of urine pH, its density, color, transparency, examine the sediment( the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes or cylinders), the amount of protein. Each follow-up consultation with a gynecologist should be accompanied by a new urine sample.

How to properly take urine for analysis:

  • The first few seconds are recommended to urinate in the toilet, then collect urine in a container( about 50 g);
  • It is recommended to observe hygienic rules in order to avoid false-positive result( on protein or bacteria): before collecting biological fluid, it is necessary to wash the skin with water in the genital area;
  • Urine collected in a container specifically designed for this procedure( should be sterile);
  • The material for laboratory tests should be delivered no later than 2 hours after the fence.

During pregnancy from 13 weeks to 28 urine is also examined at each visit to the doctor-gynecologist. Starting with the third trimester of pregnancy, urine analysis for protein components is carried out once every two weeks, is also performed during the reception of the gynecologist.


Normally, urine should not contain protein elements. If a certain amount of it is found in a laboratory test, which is above the norm, you need to sound an alarm. First of all, you need to think about the pathology of the urinary system and conduct a thorough examination of this body system.

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For a woman during pregnancy, a constant control of the amount of protein in the urine is necessary, since the kidneys work for two during this period.

Norm of protein in urine during pregnancy table:

Grade of pregnancy( in trimester) Normal amount of protein in urine( per day)
Trimester first Not more than 0, 002 g per liter
Trimester second Up to 0.1 g per liter
Third trimester Not more than 0, 033 g per liter of urine

If the quantitative indicators of protein in daily urinary fluid are elevated, it is necessary to reassemble the urine for analysis, while eliminating all possible stressful situations, to try not to consume protein foods in large quantities on the eve, to wash the skin of the woman's external genitalia before collecting the biological fluid. In the event that a high protein value is recorded when the material is repeatedly collected, a full examination of the genitourinary system should be scheduled for the expectant mother to exclude or detect the inflammatory processes of this organ system.

The index is not more than 0.033 g( protein) per liter of urine - traces of protein. With such results of a general urine test, a pregnant woman should not worry about anything.

Deviations from the norm

Proteinuria is a term for the presence of protein in the urine in a certain amount exceeding normal.

Proteinuria has such degrees:

  • If a protein is detected in urine in the amount of 0.1-0.3 grams per day, then this type of proteinuria is called microalbuminuria.
  • If the amount of protein compounds in urine does not exceed 1.0 g( diurnal indices), then such proteinuria is considered to be easy.
  • With a daily amount of protein up to 3.0 grams, mild proteinuria turns into mild.
  • Heavy is considered proteinuria, in which the daily amount of protein in the urine of a woman exceeds 3.0 grams.

Causes of

A persistent and significant increase in the amount of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman can be due to various causes:

  1. Pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis;
  2. Presence of multiple cystic formations in the kidney of a pregnant woman;
  3. The presence of various infectious processes in the urinary tract;
  4. Severe kidney trauma and poisoning by toxic substances;
  5. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiac insufficiency and hypertension;
  6. Toxicosis during the first half of pregnancy( there is a violation of water balance and metabolism in general);
  7. With the development of gestosis in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, there are disorders on the part of the circulatory system, which affects the blood supply of tissues;
  8. The most dangerous for a woman and for her child is gestosis.

Gestosis is a pathological condition of a pregnant woman, manifested by the release of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure figures and the appearance of edema on the limbs and not only. Often this condition is manifested in late pregnancy.

What is a dangerous protein in the urine for a woman and a child? The fact that with the development of gestosis, the uteroplacental blood circulation suffers a different degree and delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is disrupted. The above factors can provoke a delay in the development of the fetus, possibly the birth of a dead child, an abnormal development of the internal organs in the baby.
On the video about the development and dangers of gestosis in pregnant women:

Additional research methods for

If the protein content of the woman that is carrying the baby is more than 0.033 g per liter, the patient should first be sent for reanalysis.

When reassembling the material, it is necessary to adhere to hygienic norms, not to consume large amounts of protein food the day before, to exclude stressful situations.

If a high protein in the urine is still found repeatedly, then a woman should seek advice from a urologist in conjunction with a gynecologist.

Treatment of

Treatment of a pregnant woman in the detection of protein in the urine should be aimed at eliminating the underlying causes and at reducing the amount of protein molecules in urine. In the case of development of inflammatory processes, antimicrobial agents or antibiotics( in severe cases) should be prescribed.

If the cause is gestosis - the patient should closely monitor the state of health, regularly record blood pressure level( twice a day on both hands), it is necessary to exclude hot, too salty and fried foods, use a moderate amount of liquid.

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