Cholecystitis and duodenitis

Signs of cholecystitis and duodenitis are very similar. Therefore, these diseases are often confused with each other.

Cholecystitis is a disease in which the gallbladder is inflamed. In a healthy person, bile moves strictly from the bladder to the duodenum, in the patient this mode is broken. Because of this, bile does not come out of the bladder, pain symptoms appear and the contents of the intestine are thrown into the bile ducts. As a result, the infection enters the gallbladder and causes inflammation. Cholecystitis occurs when bacteria enter the bladder through blood or lymph. Often, an ailment occurs when there are stones in the gallbladder. It is interesting that most often this unpleasant illness affects women.

The main symptom of cholecystitis is pain. It appears in the region of the right hypochondrium. Pain, basically, comes after taking fatty and fried foods;a sharp increase in body temperature and chills: nausea and vomiting;constant bitter taste in the mouth. The disease is treated with antibiotics and a special diet. Complications of cholecystitis include duodenitis.

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Symptomatic duodenitis

Duodenitis is a disease that inflames the duodenal mucosa. Distinguish primary and secondary degree of the disease.

Primary duodenitis, appears as a result of a violation of diet, the use of harmful products or a large number of alkoxide-containing beverages, smoking, etc. Secondary - when infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, with other gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcer, etc. or chronic ailments of the esophagus,with a worsening of the blood supply of the duodenum.

The main symptoms:

  • burning night pain in the abdomen;
  • violation in the process of digestion, bloating, frequent burping, attacks of nausea and vomiting with bile;
  • internal bleeding.

The disease is treated with medications: astringent, enveloping, painkillers, and also important is proper nutrition. In order to avoid the disease you need to constantly eat healthy and fresh food, lead a correct lifestyle, give up harmful habits, regularly undergo medical examinations.

To distinguish between cholecystitis and duodenitis it is worth to be examined in a medical institution. Without specialized care it is very difficult to distinguish these insidious ailments.

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