Secondary duodenitis and its treatment

As a rule, secondary duodenitis occurs much more often than primary duodenitis. It develops due to another disease.

The causes of the secondary form are primarily an infection in the duodenum( usually the bacterium Helicobacter pylori).Also, a possible cause is chronic gastritis with a variety of etiologies.

Possible disease, which may cause secondary duodenitis may also be a peptic ulcer. Also, prerequisites are impaired blood supply to the DPC, as well as worsened trophism, innervation or tissue respiration of the PDK walls. Chronic diseases in the intestine or other organs of the digestive system( liver, stomach and pancreas) can also serve as the main disease.

If the secondary form occurs, as a rule, the main pathogenetic link in the development of the disease is represented by duodenosis. What it is? This condition, which appears as a consequence of disorders of the functions of the digestive system, as well as insufficient peristalsis, adhesions, or compression obstruction of the duodenum.

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As a rule, due to chronic diseases of the digestive organs, there is a disturbance in the balance of enzymes, which causes homeostasis in the intestinal environment of the intestine to change, and the protective properties of the upper layer of the mucous membrane decrease. All this leads to a chronic inflammatory process, and he in turn already to a secondary duodenitis.

Treatment of secondary duodenitis

As a rule, this form of duodenitis requires treatment of the underlying disease( illness-cause).However, patients must be under constant surveillance in a hospital.

In addition, for the restoration of the intestinal mucosa, anti-calcification agents( such as, Sulfarat, De-Nol) are used. In addition, the therapy of duodenitis with the help of pharmaceutical means also involves the use of enzyme preparations, anesthetics, complex vitamin therapy and cholagogue preparations.

An effective supplement to medical treatment is physiotherapy. What it is? In particular, electrophoresis, mud therapy, microwaves and treatment in a sanatorium.

Of course, also important in secondary duodenitis is also compliance with the diet.

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