Cranberries and cranberries: differences, photo

Cranberries and cranberries are evergreen small shrubs that are common in our country. The berries of these plants are filled with useful vitamins, which are necessary for the human body. Several centuries ago, these unique plants began to grow on large plantations. In such conditions, they give more yields, approximately 20, and sometimes 30 times. Thanks to this cultivation, berries became widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and also in cooking. These berries are very similar to each other, however, they are different. In this article in detail berries cranberries and cranberries, their differences will be considered, and the photos will clearly show the diversity of these plants.

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How to distinguish cranberries from cranberries by general characteristics

Berriesthese plants are completely different, they differ in form, taste, composition, but even their name. In Latin, cranberry means "sour ball".People from Europe call it a "crane-berry", since during flowering, its flowers look like the neck of a crane. Bears are fond of sour balls, so it is also called "bear mountain".

Interesting! Lingonberry, translated from Latin, means "a vine from Mount Ida."In the people it is simply called the core or brued. All these names suggest the idea of ​​a red berry, which is cowberry.

Cranberries and lingonberries belong to the same family of heather plants. These small shrubs grow always near, usually near peat bogs. However, the cranberry loves more moist soil, so it can be found in the swampy terrain. It spreads to the surface of the earth, its thin stems quickly take root, becoming a solid mat. The length of the shoot reaches 30 cm. Cowberry grows in meadows, where there is not much moisture. The plant has the shape of a straight bush, with large rounded leaves. The height of the bush does not exceed 15 cm, but if it grows on the surface of a rotted stump, it can stretch to a meter.

How to distinguish cranberries from cranberries by the appearance of berries? Both plants bloom in the same period, from May to June. However, berries cranberries ripen before, they can begin to collect in August. Cranberries ripen not earlier than September, and the berries on the bushes are kept until frost. It is believed that the frozen berries are more delicious than normal, although there are not so many useful components in them. In appearance and color, the fruits are similar, but the cranberry is slightly larger. These berries are different and their taste qualities. Cranberries sour and there is a slight bitterness, which is expressed especially in unripe berries. Cowberry is softer in taste, because it contains more sugar and less acid.

Read it! Read in our article how to properly plant and care for cowberry garden.

Difference in the composition and caloric content of

Both berries are useful for the human body, as they restore the work of organs and systems. Cranberries and cranberries differ from each other not only by appearance, but also by their composition and calories. In cranberries are important components:

  • niacin( vitamin PP);
  • vitamins C, B, E, K;
  • mineral salts;
  • tanning agents;
  • phosphorus, calcium;
  • disaccharide.

Due to this composition, 100 g of berries contain 43 kcal, since there are more sugars in it. The chemical composition of cranberries is a real storehouse of useful substances. The fruit has a completely different composition, it includes such substances:

  • iron, sodium;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • vitamins B, C, K;
  • iodine, magnesium;
  • potassium, organic acids.

These fruits are dietary, since 100 g contains only 26 kcal. The composition of the berries completely excludes the presence of sugar, and more acid effectively burns excess fat.

Useful properties of fruits than cranberries differ from cranberries

The useful properties of these berries have been known since ancient times. They were actively used by our ancestors in the treatment of various ailments. After careful studies of this issue, experts provide accurate data on the beneficial properties of these berries.

American scientists have brought cranberries to the list of the most useful products, so it is widely used in medicine and cooking. The berries have a positive effect on health and have the following positive characteristics:

  • destroys viruses;
  • reduces body temperature;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • is a diuretic;
  • restores the work of the genitourinary system;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • activates the production of enzymes in the digestive system;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the body;
  • berry is effective in ARI and FLU;
  • tunes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a healing effect.

Cowberry is used not only in folk medicine, it takes a worthy place in pharmacology. Its rich composition positively influences the body and stimulates its normal functioning. For the treatment use as stems with leaves, and fruits of the plant.

Useful properties of cranberries:

  • effectively heals from scurvy;
  • antipyretic and antiviral effect;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • destroys infections in the genitourinary system;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and cells;
  • kills harmful microbes and bacteria;
  • restores blood pressure;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • is a cholagogue.

Cranberries have a unique oppochmelnym property. Only 2 tbsp.spoons of fresh or wet berries, quickly remove alcohol from the body and improve the general condition of a person.

Important! Cowberry is able to absorb radioactive substances. Therefore it is forbidden to collect its fruits near factories, factories, cemeteries and highways. Buy fruit of this shrub is only necessary for proven people, or during the implementation of a dosimeter.

Application of cranberries and cranberries during pregnancy

The fruits of these shrubs are very useful for women in an interesting situation. During pregnancy, the uterus compresses the urethra, which prevents a normal outflow of urine. This causes stagnation and the formation of microbes. This problem is solved perfectly by juice from cranberries or cranberries. It destroys harmful bacteria and promotes the normal release of urine.

Berries contain many useful substances and vitamins, which are so necessary for a woman and a future baby. Fruits contain many flavonoids, these substances have antioxidant properties that keep the vessels elastic.

Decoction of leaves and berries helps with constipation and swelling, which occur in most pregnant women. In addition, cranberries and cranberries qualitatively restore immunity, preventing the appearance of diseases.

Contraindications to the use of berries

Cranberries and cowberries are a treasury of useful substances. Regular use of berries and juices, restores the work of the body and improves the general condition. However, there are diseases in which these fetuses are contraindicated:

  • increased gastric acidity;
  • inflammatory liver disease;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenum ulcers;
  • decreased blood pressure.

All people can enjoy these fruits, but use them in large quantities with caution. Before you start treatment with berries you need to consult a doctor, he will be able to tell you the permissible dosages and the best therapy.

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