Candidiasis - symptoms and treatment, photo

Candidiasis or thrush is a common occurrence. Its name comes from the place of localization( oral cavity) and pathogen( yeast fungi of the genus Candida).

If you look at the photo of the disease, you will see an ordinary thrush: a whitish coating on the inner walls of the cheeks, in the tongue, sometimes on the tonsils, the palatine part or in the throat of a person.

Normally Candida enters the healthy microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina, intestines, but their excessive reproduction disrupts the internal ecosystem of the organism and causes considerable discomfort. Consider what the symptoms of candidal stomatitis are expressed in, and how to treat this problem at home.

Causes of

There are a lot of bacteria in the oral cavity that control the "behavior" of the fungus. But sometimes the balance of power is violated, which leads to the development of stomatitis. The main factors provoking the disease include:

  1. Weakening of the immune system .Strong immunity prevents active reproduction of the fungus, but as soon as it fails, the probability of occurrence of stomatitis of this species increases dramatically;
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  2. Taking certain medications .Antibiotics can cause dysbacteriosis. While the resident microflora is inhibited, pathogenic microorganisms receive "freedom of action".
  3. Changing the hormonal background .This is mainly the case with pregnant women and women taking combined oral contraceptives. Sometimes candidal stomatitis occurs during menstruation.
  4. Incorrect oral care of .Negligent attitude to hygiene and irregular cleaning of teeth allow the fungus to multiply actively.
  5. Xerostomia or dry mouth .Typically, such a problem arises from the abuse of tooth elixirs or the frequent use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate throughout the day.
  6. Childhood period .In the first weeks of life the microflora in the mouth of the baby is not yet formed, the body is just beginning to adapt to new conditions.
  7. Pregnancy .This period is accompanied by sharp changes in the hormonal background, which contributes to the activation of infections.
  8. The elderly .In the elderly, the immune system reacts worse to the appearance of reagents that cause the disease.
  9. Immunodeficiency .The carriers of HIV infection are prone to severe forms of candidal stomatitis, since the virus destroys the cells of the immune system. In this case, thrush can spread to the esophagus and intestines. Often recurrent candidiasis is the first sign of HIV infection.

Oral thrush can occur in every person, but is more likely to occur in infants, the elderly and in people with a depressed immune system or certain health conditions, or those taking certain medications.

Symptoms of candidal stomatitis

In the case of candidal stomatitis, symptoms in children and adults can occur in mild, moderate and severe forms. Define the disease at the initial stages of its development is easy, because it manifests itself clearly in the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and the sky.

As a rule, you can initially notice a small white plaque on any part of the oral cavity, then gradually begin to appear other plaques, and a white coating may form. Then the thrush takes on different forms, the plaque becomes bigger and thicker.

So, the common symptoms of candidal stomatitis can include:

  1. Creamy white lesions in your tongue, inside the cheeks, and sometimes in the sky of your mouth, gums and tonsils.
  2. Redness or soreness, which can be severe enough to cause difficulty in eating.
  3. Small bleeding if lesions are rubbed or scraped.
  4. Cracks and redness in the corners of the mouth( especially in those who wear dentures).
  5. Loss of taste.

If primary symptoms of candidal stomatitis are not treated, the infection can affect other internal organs: young children may develop diaper rash, as the fungus in children can affect the esophagus and intestines. In adults, a fungal infection can affect the larynx, skin, and genitals.

Candidiasis: photo

How this disease looks, we propose to view detailed photos.

Treatment of candidiasis stomatitis

Since the cause of candidal stomatitis is a fungus, the treatment uses drugs against fungal infection. Variants of medicines depend on the type of disease. Prescribe and local treatment, which contains anesthesia, disinfection, removal of inflammation, healing.

It is also necessary to include in the treatment of candidiasis stomatitis in adults a special diet that strengthens the immune system.

  1. With a light course of use of drugs in the form of ointments, solutions or spray. You can apply Clotrimazole Ointment, Nystatin, which is applied to the mucous membrane in places of inflammation at least 2 times a day.
  2. In severe cases, antifungal agents of systemic action in the form of tablets are used - Fluconazole, Nystatin, Polygenax, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc.
  3. Therapy must necessarily be accompanied by a balanced nutritional diet aimed at strengthening immunity.
  4. Prophylactic rinses are recommended with a weak solution of furacilin, orasept and other solutions. Perhaps the use of phyto-products - from the bark of oak, broth of chamomile, calendula, sage.

Duration of treatment in children and adults is different. Children need to continue therapy for two days after the symptoms of candidal stomatitis disappear. But adults reception of procedures and medications is recommended for 14 days. If the case is severe, the doctor can prolong the treatment of thrush in the mouth.


Proper nutrition during candidiasis of the oral cavity is needed to alleviate the pain syndrome, fight with the fungus itself, as well as to improve the body's defenses.

Basic principles of the diet:

  1. The basis of the diet - boiled meat, vegetables, legumes, cereals, stale bread.
  2. Exclude products containing yeast( bread, baked goods, beer).
  3. Fill the diet with sour-milk products and products containing fiber.
  4. Eliminate or minimize the intake of simple carbohydrates;
  5. Eliminate the use of canned food, convenience foods, fast food, alcohol.

Symptoms of candidal stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of candidal stomatitis in young children include:

  1. White plaques in the oral cavity and in a tongue that resemble cottage cheese or curdled milk, so they are often taken for the remains of milk or milk formula;it is rather difficult to remove such a plaque, especially since erosion appears on the affected area after its elimination;
  2. The soreness of the mouth and tongue, as well as the difficulty of swallowing;
  3. Poor appetite: small children may refuse to eat, which is often mistaken for lack of hunger or poor quality of the formula;If a child can not eat due to pain in the oral cavity, he becomes moody;
  4. Intermittence: the presence of candidal stomatitis in the oral cavity contributes to the ingestion of a yeast-like fungus into the intestine.

In order to begin treatment of candidal stomatitis in the oral cavity, it is necessary to find the source of the disease. It can be urogenital candidiasis or thrush of nipples in the mother of the child. Another cause of the disease may be some medications, which you should always warn the doctor. He, in turn, will advise you to change your medicine. If there is no such possibility, then it will be necessary to take a course of antibiotics along with antifungal drugs.

It is very important for parents to remember that every medicine should be prescribed by a specialist, since the baby's organism is very sensitive.

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