Periodontal disease - symptoms, causes and treatment

Periodontitis is not as common a disease as gingivitis and periodontitis: it occurs only in 3-10% of people, it does not develop in a single day, a month or even a year.

For a distinct clinical picture it takes 10-15 and even 20 years, so its course is always chronic. Periodontal disease is mild, moderate and severe. The degree of severity can be determined only by the doctor by radiographic imaging and by measuring the amount of exposure of the roots.

How to treat periodontal disease correctly? Let's see what periodontal disease is and how to treat it with modern dental development. We learn how to get rid of the disease using traditional medicine, what measures are needed to prevent this disease, which specialist should be treated.

Reasons for

Why does periodontal disease occur, and what is it? Periodontal disease of teeth is a systemic non-inflammatory disease. In contrast to the concordant disease, periodontal disease is not accompanied by gum bleeding, pathological periodontal pockets are not formed, suppuration in the periodontal pockets does not accumulate, and a characteristic unpleasant odor from the mouth is less pronounced.

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The causes of periodontal disease are not precisely established, it is believed that an important role is played by hereditary predisposition. Often occurs with systemic diseases, diabetes and other disorders of the glands of internal secretion, with chronic diseases of internal organs( atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia), as well as bone lesions( osteopenia).

It is believed that the cause of periodontitis is the lack of blood supply to the gum tissue, which in severe, neglected cases leads to its atrophy and, as a result, to tooth loss.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

The disease begins with a thinning of the bone tissue of the dental alveoli, resulting in their atrophy. Radiologically it is manifested by a decrease in bone marrow spaces, the appearance of a fine-mesh bone pattern, a decrease in the volume of bone tissue between the teeth, and foci of osteoporosis.

Following the bone changes, there are changes from the gums - they begin to thin out, drop, exposing the roots of the tooth. Teeth thus become sensitive to chemical and temperature factors.

In general, for periodontal disease is characterized by the following symptoms of :

  1. Slight plaque on the teeth;
  2. Partial exposure of the tooth necks( sometimes with increased sensitivity in these places);
  3. The gums are colored pale;
  4. Presence of itching in the gums;
  5. Cervical teeth are exposed without formation of gingival pockets and without accumulation of pus in them( ie without inflammatory process).

Periodontal disease develops very slowly and at first does not reveal itself at all. Conditionally, we can distinguish 3 stages of the disease:

  1. Asymptomatic development of pathology. There are changes in the periodontal tissues. Usually, destructive processes are not accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  2. Slow tooth displacement. Dystrophy of the gums leads to translucence of the neck of the teeth through the gums. There is a gradual increase in the gaps between the teeth. The sensitivity of teeth and gums to external stimuli increases.
  3. Impaired fixation of the teeth, their shakiness, possible loss. Up to this point, parodontosis "grows" over 10-15 years.

The sooner periodontal disease is discovered, the more effective and painless will be the treatment.

Parodontosis: photo

How does parodontosis look like, a photo of clinical manifestations of the disease is presented below.


In the diagnosis, the dentist relies primarily on the clinical picture of periodontal disease, which includes all of the above symptoms, as well as the patient's complaints.

In the clinic the most important sign by which you can determine the stage of the disease, further treatment and prognosis is atrophy of the alveolar process. In order to determine the degree of atrophy of visual inspection is usually not enough. The dentist appoints an additional study - X-ray. The picture clearly shows the degree of resorption of the bones on which to hold your teeth.

Treatment of periodontal disease

Parodontosis is treated by a parodontologist and should be aimed at restoration of the gingival junction, while during the periodontal therapy it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the concomitant disease and age. Thus, in the elderly patients with periodontitis, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders are often present.

Treatment scheme for periodontal disease provides the following manipulations:

  1. Initial inspection.
  2. X-ray photo, other diagnostic tests.
  3. Removal of plaque, stone.
  4. General and local pharmacotherapy - the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, hormones.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment - activation of gingival blood supply.
  6. Sanitation of the oral cavity - treatment of caries, removal of destroyed teeth, roots.
  7. Splinting - reducing the mobility of loose teeth.
  8. Surgical treatment.
  9. Prosthetics.

Thus, the dentist will conduct treatment aimed at improving the oral cavity and preventing the occurrence in the mouth and spread throughout the body of infection, inflammation and other diseases. However, in order to avoid reverse action( deterioration of the teeth and periodontal tissue as a result of internal failures in the body) regular observation and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

How to treat periodontal disease at home

When talking about periodontal disease, treatment at home with folk remedies is possible only in parallel with treatment in a dental clinic. According to reviews, complex therapy gives the fastest and most effective result.

Let's present you the most effective and well-grounded folk recipes that our grandparents used:

  1. The folk treated the periodontal disease with the help of salt. In total, after three procedures, the symptoms of periodontitis will become much less pronounced. With the help of a fine salt or a strong saline solution, gum massage is done. Massage is performed until all the gums come out of the gums. Then the mouth is rinsed with a solution of hydroperit, consisting of 1 tablet of hydroperite and a glass of water.
  2. Treatment of periodontal disease at home can be done with the help of ordinary sauerkraut .Cabbage should be chewed for a long time, as well as rinse with cabbage juice mouth. In just 7 days you will feel a great relief.
  3. Dried leaves of cranberries , the number of six grams, you need to pour a glass of boiling water and boil for about 20 minutes. Strain and cool at room temperature and rinse the mouth with a decoction of at least 5 times a day.
  4. This is a very effective folk remedy for teeth. Air penetrates into the roots of the teeth and anesthetizes them, and propolis seals all microcracks of the .Take half a liter of 40% vodka and pour half a cup of roots of aira. This is the first infusion. To prepare the second, take another half liter of 40% vodka and pour in 15-20 grams of propolis. Both infusion should be insisted for 7-10 days. Both tinctures are used simultaneously. Mix one tablespoon of turkey tincture and a teaspoon of propolis tincture. With this compound, rinse your mouth for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is done before going to bed, or you can do it during severe pain. In 1-3 days the pain will be completely gone. Duration of treatment is 3-5 weeks.
  5. Wanting to cure periodontal disease with folk remedies, you can use with alcohol extract of propolis .To do this, 20 drops of propolis tincture are dissolved in 1 glass( 200 grams) of water. It is used to rinse the mouth.

Another method that involves taking the remedy for periodontal disease is to use hydrogen peroxide. A couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide can also be added to the toothpaste or wipe the gums with a dilute solution in water. The most important thing in the treatment of periodontal disease with hydrogen peroxide is not to overdo it in dosage:

  1. One drop of hydrogen peroxide in 50 ml of water: taken half an hour before meals, or 2 hours after meals and no more than 3 times a day. If there are no side effects within 1-3 days, the course of treatment can be extended to 10 days.
  2. For rubbing gums: not more than 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 50 ml of water.
  3. General recommendation: not more than 30 drops of peroxide diluted in water per day.

Honey is also successfully used from bee products: it is rubbed into the gums( honey and salt are taken by weight in a ratio of 2: 1 and mixed until the salt dissolves completely).This mixture is rubbed on the gums( use a soft toothbrush or a small dose to wrap it up in a small cloth)


If we talk about preventing the occurrence of pathological changes in periodontium, the main measure of disease prevention is timely and high-quality treatment of common diseases described in section onthe causes of periodontal disease

In addition, the full-fledged sanation of the oral cavity, that is, regular visits to the dentist, removal of dental plaque, treatmentAries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other similar ailments.

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