Spastic constipation in a child( infants), after childbirth, during pregnancy, causes and characteristics, spasms

There are several types of constipation. A person for his life often encounters one of the functional disorders. One of the most common disorders is spastic constipation.

A similar disorder occurs as a result of a disturbance in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. A distinctive feature of this disorder is the absence of changes in the intestine.

The hard stool that goes out during defecation resembles sheep feces. This is one of the main symptoms of the disease. It should be remembered that delays in emptying may not be permanent. If the delay is repeated for several days, you should undergo a diagnosis and start treatment.

Symptoms of spastic constipation

To recognize the disorder, it is necessary to know the signs of spastic constipation. Patients consult a doctor with the following complaints:

  • Difficult stool;
  • Spasms;
  • You can notice mucus in the stool;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • The patient becomes irritable;
  • Headache appears;
  • The man is quickly tired.
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Patients were noticed that during nervousness the pain sensations only increase. Painful sensations can also appear on palpation. In addition, you can feel the sigmoid colon. Being in a relaxed state, the cecum is "rumbling".The clinical picture is supplemented with "sheep feces", which is covered with ribbon-like mucus.

In the event that a child's spastic constipation has appeared and all the symptoms are confirmed, it is necessary to turn for help to a doctor. Categorically not recommended treatment at home, it can trigger the emergence of serious diseases.

With prolonged delays, defecation occurs with dry feces, traumatizing the intestines and anus. As a result, blood is observed in the feces. If the treatment was not started immediately, the patient shows nausea and cramps.

Since the body does not take out the products of vital activity in a timely manner, poisoning can occur. An unpleasant smell is observed in the oral cavity. Sleep and performance are disturbed.

Spastic constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth

Approximately 70% of cases, constipation of a spastic character appears during pregnancy. This is due to changes occurring in the organisms of the future mother, as well as low activity.

In the process of fetal growth, the uterus increases in size. This change puts pressure on the intestines. In this case, the causes of spastic constipation can not be eliminated, but one can normalize the stool. It should be remembered that when delayed defecation is strictly not recommended, too tense the abdominal muscles, especially during pregnancy. If you can not eliminate the delay of defecation by your own resources, you should seek qualified help.

It is best to make a diagnosis to make sure that the spastic view of constipation does not cause much harm and it appears because of the development of the fetus. If its appearance is in the disease, you need to try to get rid of it as quickly as possible, so as not to cause complications during childbirth.

Unfortunately, there are cases when there is a spastic constipation after childbirth. Disturbance of intestinal motility during the first month can be caused for the following reasons:

  • The hormonal background did not come into balance, and the biological substances circulating in the blood have a retarding effect on the activity of the intestine;
  • The intestine can be displaced due to the birth of the fetus and a decrease in the size of the uterus;
  • Cesarean section disrupts in most cases the work of the intestine;
  • Fear of a woman's bowel movement. This is due to pain and the likelihood of rupture after surgical sutures;
  • Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue associated with lifestyle changes after childbirth.

Constipation of a spastic character must be eliminated in order not to cause more serious diseases. In the event that the violation of defecation occurred after the operation, it is recommended to soften the consistency of the stool. This can be done with a special diet and preparations, based on the seeds of plantain.

Sluggishness of the intestines also causes cramps in constipation. To eliminate pain and normalize the chair, it is recommended to perform exercises for the giving birth to women. If the defecation is prolonged, consult a doctor.

Spastic constipation in a child

Difficult stooling occurs not only in adults, but also in small children. Most often, hard feces appear in infants. Spastic constipation in the infants is manifested by severe pain in the abdomen. The reason for such a violation of defecation is the active reduction of the intestine. With the appeared problem it is best to consult together with the doctor, but before the examination by a specialist, parents should perform some actions:

  • Make a massage of the abdomen. The exercise must be done clockwise. You can also try the exercise "bicycle";
  • Take a warm bath. Such a procedure will help to ease the baby's condition, and also allow him to go to the toilet;
  • Give as much liquid as possible;
  • In case of severe constipation, it is recommended to use glycerin suppositories;

Laxative medicines in infants, can only be used if the drug was prescribed by a doctor.

Categorically avoid using soap, as a remedy against hard stools. After the spastic constipation is eliminated, you need to consult your doctor. Consultation should help to make a diet, which helps to normalize the digestive function.

Spastic constipation in a 2-year-old child may also appear, as in other age groups. Most often, a violation in this age occurs due to the abuse of the sweet and the consumption of a small amount of liquid.

The main symptoms of spastic constipation in childhood include:

  • Absence of defecation for two days;
  • Bloating and bloating;
  • Spasms in the abdomen;
  • Cal with a dense consistency. In this case, emptying with such stool can cause severe pain in a small patient;Eating and nausea;
  • Sensation of bowel overflow.

To ease the condition of children, you need to use a relaxing bath and a heating pad that is placed on the baby's belly. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe antispasmodics and rectal suppositories. In some cases, treatment may take several months. Everything depends on the disease that caused the disturbance of the stool.

A child must follow a diet without fail. Thanks to proper nutrition, digestion will quickly recover. If a changed diet does not help cope with constipation, you need to consult a doctor, since one of the products has a bad effect on the intestines.

As an adjunct to the treatment, it is possible to prepare medicinal broths for the child, which also have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Proper nutrition and folk remedies will reduce the course of treatment in two, and sometimes three times.

Do not forget about prevention, which can prevent any type of constipation, including spastic. The usual observance of hygiene rules, and proper nutrition will avoid problems in the future.

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