Drops from constipation Hofitol, Ogarkova, Guttalaks, effective laxatives for children( newborns, babies)

Young mothers, with special attention to watching the excrement of their children, always worry about the disturbances in their stool. What to do in such a situation and what means to restore the intestinal work to choose, becomes for them the main problem in this situation. Specialists recommend that when treating newborn children from this pathology, pay attention not only to syrups, but also to drops from constipation. Effective laxative drops from constipation are very popular among young parents and deserve many positive reviews. The assortment of them, as well as other medicines intended for the normalization of the intestine, is very wide. To fully understand their actions and possible contraindications, a small survey of the most commonly prescribed remedies should be made:

  • Ogarkov drops from constipation is one of the most highly effective drugs. It includes a fairly large range of medicinal herbs. Due to their action in children's intestines, gasification and fermentation processes are reduced, spasms and painful sensations are completely removed, and the work of peristalsis is activated. With the regular use of Ogarkov drops, the digestive organs work very quickly, and constipation disappears. Plant components, which are part of the Ogarkov drops, restore the functioning of the intestine and promote its soft emptying. In addition, Ogarkov drops administered to newborns and infants during constipation have an anti-inflammatory, soothing and antispasmodic effect. This is what helps to cope with the unpleasant symptoms caused by prolonged constipation in children. The big plus of this drug is that it does not have any negative side effects;
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  • For older children who are already 4 years old, with prolonged stool delays, pediatricians write drops from Constipation Slabilen. At an earlier age, taking this medication is prohibited. Also, Slabilen is not recommended for taking spastic pathology. This is due to the fact that it intensifies the painful sensations. Independent reception without recommendation of a specialist of these drops from constipation is strictly not recommended, because, despite their positive effect, they have contraindications, which only the doctor can understand. The advantages of Slabilen is that the desired result of his admission occurs in a short time and the absence of adverse reactions of the body;
  • Drops from Constiplex Constipation are used not only for spastic, but also for an antonic form of pathology. Despite its excellent action and lack of addiction, Regulax, due to the presence of a large number of contraindications, is also prohibited for a child up to 4 years of age and pregnant or lactating women. Most often, a drug such as Regulax is used for constipation if the patient has cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids, as well as during preparation for carrying out a rengological examination or cavitary operations.

This is a brief overview of the most commonly prescribed drops for children, which are designed to normalize the stool and remove negative symptoms caused by hardening and prolonged retention in the intestines of stool. Separately, I would like to focus on two drugs, assigned to both infants and toddlers in the case of more serious violations of defecation.

Constipation drops Guttalax

Drug Guttalax can be prescribed to a child in cases where prolonged stool delays are caused by the following factors:

  • Constipation is caused by hypotension or atony of the colon;
  • Drops help to normalize defecation with anal fissures and hemorrhoids;
  • Stool retention was affected by IBS or gallbladder disease.

If any of these pathologies is identified, the specialist will first of all recommend the use of Guttalax, which can cope with the above problems in a fairly short time. What is the main principle of this medication? Its components after cleavage in the large intestine have a stimulating effect on its mucosa. Due to drops from Guttalax constipation in the digestive tract, babies accumulate electrolytes and liquid, and peristalsis also increases. All this contributes to the normalization of the stool.

In no case should we forget that laxative drops of Guttalax are a strong enough drug that can cause unpleasant consequences or increase the symptoms accompanying constipation. Therefore, in no case should they begin to treat the child by themselves, without first consulting a specialist.

You should also know that the best effect of the drug is with single doses. It is primarily designed to provide emergency assistance. And not solving the problem of long stools. In order to relieve acute constipation in an infant with the help of this drug, it should be taken in the amount of 1 drop per 2 kg of the child's weight. It is this volume that will avoid possible overdose, which manifests itself in pain in the abdomen, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

Hofitol with constipation in children

The delay in the intestine of a newborn feces due to internal disorders, especially in the gall bladder, very quickly leads to their decomposition and intoxication. In this case, often the liver suffers and develops such a serious disease as jaundice. To treat this pathology in infants are used laxative drops or syrup Hofitol. This drug has a plant-based and well-proven in the disposal of the baby's body from toxins that appear due to the decomposition of feces in the intestines. Thanks to Hofitol, salts and heavy metals, alkaloids, radionuclides that cause kidney and liver diseases are excreted.

Young parents are often interested in what exactly is an indication for use during constipation of drops or syrup Hofitol in toddlers. In which case should I start giving them to the child? Self-administration of this drug is strongly discouraged, as it has contra-indications on a par with other medicines. But to sound the alarm and turn to the pediatrician should be in cases where prolonged constipation in crumbs is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, yellowing of the calf, increased gas production. This symptomatology can be the main prerequisite for the administration of laxative drops of Hofitol. They will help in a short time to save the newborn from unpleasant and severe symptoms.

An overview of drugs intended to restore normal defecation in a child shows that they are all able to provide the necessary assistance in cases of prolonged stool delays that occur in babies due to various causes. But any medicine, released both in the form of medicine and drops, can cause side effects and increased symptoms accompanying constipation. Therefore, before starting their reception, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

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