Diverticulosis of the colon, descending, ascending, transverse, left divisions - symptoms, treatment and diet

This disease, as a diverticulosis of the colon, is characterized by the appearance of saccular protrusions on its walls, and they can be localized in any department. Most often in elderly patients, pathological pockets are concentrated in the descending region. Their sizes, shapes and frequency of distribution are individual for each person. The second in the frequency of localization of protrusions is the ascending division of this organ, here they develop in 6% of cases. Most rarely, diverticulosis occurs in the transverse colon. The causes of this pathology are, for the most part, the weakness of the connective tissue of the congenital or acquired character, as well as the degeneration of the muscles of this part of the digestive organ.

Diverticulum most often affects the left half of the colon. This is due to its functional and anatomical features - a denser consistency of its contents, more bends and a smaller diameter. The left part of this segment of the digestive organ has a reservoir function, which increases the pressure in it. Also, because of anatomical prerequisites, the appearance of pathological protrusions is characteristic of the descending and ascending parts of the colon. Diverticula, observed here, have acquired character, whereas in the right half, congenital pathological protrusions are diagnosed. According to the clinical course, the saccular formations located in the transverse part resemble a peptic ulcer of the stomach, whereas the defeat of the ascending and descending segments is similar to acute appendicitis.

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Many patients are interested in what are the symptoms of colon diverticula? According to experts, differences in the signs accompanying the disease are allocated depending on the stage of the disease. Usually, three forms of the course of the pathology located here are distinguished: asymptomatic, uncomplicated and complicated. The first stage of the disease is put in the event that manifestations peculiar to diverticula are absent, the patient does not feel any discomfort, and the disease can be detected only with the help of instrumental diagnostic methods. If there is an uncomplicated form of the disease, then the person has specific manifestations, which are expressed in spasms and pains. At the third, complicated stage of the diverticulosis of the colon, and any part of it, the patient needs urgent hospitalization for complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The goal of this therapy is to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of diverticulum of the colon

Therapeutic tactics in this disease depend on the risk of complications and the general condition of the patient. As a rule, if the diverticula in the colon can be found accidentally and do not show negative signs, it is recommended only to correct the diet and adhere to a special diet containing a large amount of plant fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the stool. Such therapy is used when diverticula appear in the ascending, descending and transverse parts of the colon.

If the diverticula identified do not have a risk of dangerous complications, they will be treated with antibacterial therapy with a wide spectrum of drugs against the background of the corresponding diet. The dosage of the drug and its type can be determined only by the attending physician in accordance with the available indications. Usually a complex method of treatment of diverticulosis of the colon takes from 7 to 10 days. As a rule, during this time, inflammation takes place in pathological protrusions and the pain syndrome subsides. But if after 2 days after the onset of antibiotic therapy there is no improvement, it is necessary to consult a specialist again. In this case, there is a risk of possible complications. If this is confirmed by diagnostic tests, surgical intervention will be required. Indications for surgical intervention of the diverticulum of the colon of various locations are as follows:

  • Complications that can lead to a life-threatening patient condition( obstruction, perforation and massive bleeding);
  • Fistula formation;
  • Infiltration of the wall of the colon, which promotes the onset of tumor degeneration;
  • Frequent recurrences of the diverticulosis of the colon.

But even in the absence of these indications, most specialists consider it advisable to subject uncomplicated forms of saccular formations to surgical intervention, which are accompanied by pronounced signs that reduce the quality of human life.

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