Surgery to remove diverticulum, resection of diverticulosis of the intestine, whether it is necessary to clean, the consequences of surgical treatment

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Any patient who is diagnosed with diverticulosis is interested in the question of whether an operation is necessary to remove it, or rather a complex treatment. In this situation, everything depends on what stage of development is the protrusion and what complications are present in the patient. In the event that the symptomatology is practically not manifested, which means the absence of the inflammation process, it is usually enough to conduct medical therapy with a simultaneous correction of the diet. But if this is ignored, the complications can be extremely serious and negative:

  • Internal intestinal bleeding. Feces come out mixed with blood. This pathology of diverticulosis in the absence of surgical intervention leads to a functional malfunction of blood pressure;
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction caused by the inability of a normal exit of feces due to overgrowth of protrusions;
  • Peritonitis, an infectious inflammation that occurs due to breakthrough of the diverticulum and the entry of their contents into the abdominal cavity.
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Any of these complications requires an operation on the diverticulum, otherwise the consequences can be the most serious, up to a lethal outcome. Surgical intervention in most cases is carried out in an emergency. Such an operation is almost always the only way to save a patient's life, so in case of such complications, the answer to the question of whether to remove the diverticulum is obvious. If the operation for its removal should be carried out in a planned manner, it can be delayed for some time due to diseases of the internal organs, acute infection or general severe condition with fever. Surgical intervention of this type is always carried out in 2 stages, between which there is an interval of 2-3 weeks. This is necessary, since during the first stage the inflamed area is excised, and for the retraction of stool mass an opening in the abdominal wall is left and a colostomy is applied. It is removed only after a second operation.

Resection of the diverticulum

This is the surgical treatment of diverticulosis. The procedure is the removal of the affected part of the organ. The complexity of this operation depends on the stage of development of pathology:

  • Primary bowel resection. It is performed as a laparoscopic method, and the usual open. Resection of the diverticulum by this method can be carried out only if the inflammation is expressed implicitly and there is an opportunity to conduct an anastomosis( connect the healthy parts of the organ, removing the affected one);
  • Resection and colostomy. This type of operation is necessary in the case when the inflammation is clearly expressed and anastomosis is impossible. In this case, the damaged part of the digestive organ is removed, and a healthy proximal( closest to the stomach) end is removed to the abdominal wall. Feces are collected in special disposable bags. After the inflammation of the diverticula finally abates, the second stage of the operation is carried out, consisting in the union of healthy ends. Exercises will pass naturally.

In patients who have a diverticulum, surgery usually causes fear. To calm yourself, almost everyone is looking for a video that allows you to see how it goes. Such information for most people is simply necessary, because with it it is possible to understand that the predictions of timely operations to remove diverticula are quite favorable. Consequences can arise only in exceptional cases. If the patient complies with all the prescriptions of the doctor and leads the correct way of life, the healing of the scars passes quickly enough and does not cause any problems in the future.

Many are interested in the question of how to behave after the operation of removing the diverticulum. The patient is discharged from the hospital in about 10 days. Workability, depending on the workload, is fully restored after 3-4 weeks. Relapses of pathology with a properly organized diet and life for such surgical interventions are not typical, as the zone of high intestinal pressure is completely removed. In the postoperative period of diverticulosis, it is recommended to gradually expand the diet to a person gradually. In this case, the activity of the digestive organs is normalized independently.

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