Treatment of dysbiosis with homeopathy and Ayurveda

When there is a dysbacteriosis, then it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise it is possible to unbalance in the body. Homeopathy and Ayurveda are methods that perfectly solve this problem. For the purpose of these methods for dysbiosis, it is worthwhile to turn to the classical specialists specializing in them, which treat them not according to patterns. For this, a drug is used that is matched in accordance with the constitutional type of person.

Homeopathy includes a large number of different medicines that it is simply impossible to list them all. To solve a problem with a dysbacteriosis it is necessary to list preparations which are most often appointed at infringement of a microflora of an intestine.

When vomiting, diarrhea, spastic pain in the abdominal cavity and when signs of nausea are appointed Kolontsintis, or wild watermelon. If the dysbacteriosis is accompanied by constipation, burning in the stomach cavity, a feeling of raspryaniya, calories with pathological signs and meteorism, it is more appropriate to use Graphite, especially if the violation of the intestinal microflora is caused by surgical treatment of diseases of the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Homeopathy for dysbacteriosis involves the use of the Antimonium Cruduma, if the pathology is manifested by painful sensations in the stomach cavity, acidic eructation, diarrhea, lined tongue, constipation, convulsive pains and cuts in the intestinal cavity. Treatment of dysbiosis with this homeopathic remedy is mainly used in case of violation of intestinal microflora after poisoning.

If the patient experiences severe urge to defecate, which can be accompanied by a congestion of a sufficiently large number of gases in the intestinal cavity, rumbling and heaviness in the abdomen in the presence of painful sensations in the intestine, then aloe is prescribed.

If a patient with a dysbacteriosis has intolerance to dairy products, then Calcium Carb can be chosen from homeopathic preparations. In addition, such a remedy can be used in case of diarrhea, painful sensations in the intestinal cavity, as well as in flatulence.

It is recommended to dilute homeopathic preparations in water with a temperature of 6 to 30 degrees, depending on the severity of the symptoms. In the treatment of dysbiosis homeopathy remedy is taken half an hour before a meal, while dissolving 4-6 grains. If a violation of the intestinal microflora has an acute course, the treatment with homeopathy provides for a rapid intake of funds up to 3-4 times a day.

Ayurveda for dysbiosis

This teaching involves the use of techniques from Indian alternative medicine, and translates as "knowledge of a long life."Therapy is aimed at balancing the disturbed ratio of fluid, through the use of diet and drug therapy.

In the case of therapy of dysbacteriosis with ayurveda, several types of medicinal products are used: vegetable and animal origin, as well as minerals. Some of the drugs, along with their toxicity, are subject to initial treatment.

Thus, you are provided with the therapy of dysbacteriosis by these methods enhancing immunity, anthelmintic, antifungal, antibacterial, sedative and antiviral actions. It should be noted that the official medicine does not fully recognize the effectiveness of homeopathy and Ayurveda treatment, so when using them, it is worthwhile to turn to a specialist.

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