Milk thistle: useful properties and contraindications

Milk thistle is a useful herbaceous plant, which is often used in folk medicine. Usually from this plant make a cake, a fine powder on the basis of seeds and other parts. It is necessary to understand the useful properties and contraindications of milk thistle, how to apply it correctly, against which diseases such a remedy will be most effective.

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Milk thistle - quite common todayday plant, on the territory of Russia it can be found on the European part, in some parts of Siberia. It is best to buy ready-made products on the basis of milk thistle, than to collect it and store it yourself.

Thanks to its beneficial properties, this herb is used not only in folk, but conservative medicine. The herb extract is part of some herbal remedies, usually aimed at restoring the liver and pancreas after various pathologies. In this case, the properties of the plant are not limited to this, the meal and other means based on milk thistle can be used against a variety of other diseases.

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The schrot is a secondary product of the processing of a plant, in fact it is a shell of seeds left after pressing the oil. Despite the secondary nature of the product, the cake is no less useful than the extract itself and the products based on other parts of the plant. Schroth retains many useful properties of milk thistle, it is used in most cases. It is worth to learn more about the harm and benefit of the milk thistle meal.

Important! Flour on the basis of seeds of a plant and a cake - absolutely different products. Schroth is almost entirely made up of fiber, the amount of oil in it is much lower compared to flour.

Useful properties of the shredder

All the useful properties of milk thistle are retained, the chemical composition of this plant product is extremely rich in vitamins and other substances that have a positive effect on health. In addition, the product contains a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Usually, meal is used in the following cases. It is worth remembering that this tool is suitable solely as an auxiliary treatment, it can not be used as the main therapy:

  1. With digestive tract diseases. Due to the content of vitamins, many useful minerals, other trace elements, milk thistle has a hepatoprotective effect, which makes it possible to use it for hepatitis, for the treatment of gallbladder diseases. Also, taking meals improves digestive processes in general, contributes to the normalization of the work of the stomach and intestines. Fiber helps with constipation, helps to get rid of many such problems.
  2. For losing weight. Since the milk thistle helps to restore metabolic processes in the body and to regulate the digestive tract, the meal is advised to be taken during various diets. Also, the product contains a lot of vitamins, so the use of the product will help avoid vitamin deficiency and other health problems that can occur with a serious restriction of the diet.
  3. For women against various disorders of the reproductive system. Milk thistle helps to remove inflammation in the body, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which helps to treat infertility and many other similar problems with reproductive health. With the same goal, men can use the meal, milk thistle helps cope with pelvic diseases.
  4. For the improvement of skin and hair. Taking medicines based on milk thistle inside positively affects the appearance, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves. Also, sometimes the plant extract is found in external agents.
  5. For the treatment of various skin diseases. Schroth has a positive effect not only on the skin condition as a whole, in the presence of various severe injuries, skin injury, inflammatory processes on the skin, external or internal preparations based on plants will help accelerate the healing processes, remove inflammation.

These are the main indications for the use of products based on milk thistle. It is also worth remembering that before using, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Despite the natural plant origin, the cake is a strong enough remedy against many diseases, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications and side effects.

Important! You should also choose a quality product. Schroth should be purchased exclusively in pharmacies and specialized stores, it should not have foreign impurities, the smell of a quality product is not particularly pronounced, it can be a pleasant nut.

How to take?

For medicinal purposes, the meal should be used strictly according to the instructions, do not increase the dosage. In large quantities, it can damage your health. Usually, milk thistle is taken as follows.

  1. Take one teaspoonful three times a day with water.
  2. The course of treatment is appointed individually, it lasts about a month, it is better to choose the necessary duration with the doctor.
  3. For prophylactic purposes, to cleanse the body, take one teaspoon of teaspoonful once a day.

Also, the powder can be added to various dishes in small quantities, they can fill the salad. In addition, it can be mixed with fruit and vegetable juices, but do not add more than one teaspoon per reception. If the condition worsens, discontinue the medication.


Do not forget about the possible contraindications to taking a powder of milk thistle inside. In the presence of some diseases, the meal may be harmful.

  1. First of all, this therapy is refused when an allergic reaction occurs. If there is a rash while using the powder, other signs of an allergy, it is worth stopping taking.
  2. Also, do not take the powder during pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage and other similar disorders due to the influence on the circulation in the pelvic organs. However, when breastfeeding restrictions on the use of powder is usually not.
  3. Children can start receiving powder only after reaching the age of twelve.
  4. It is not necessary to be treated with the help of cake with extremely serious diseases of the digestive tract, especially the stomach. With various forms of peptic ulcer, the powder will irritate the stomach excessively, so it is worth noting the use.
  5. Also should not be treated with the help of cake in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.

In asthma, especially of an allergic nature, use powder with caution, otherwise there is a chance of an edema of the respiratory tract. In general, it is always advisable to consult a specialist before starting therapy.

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