Is there menopause in men?

Menopause is the age-related changes in the functional capabilities of the sexual glands and the associated changes in the body, the work of a number of organs, and the quality of life. One-third of men experience pronounced symptoms of the disease; in others, the processes are asymptomatic.

Many authors consider the term "male climax" to be incorrect, because men do not experience such a drastic drop in the level of hormones, and reproductive capacity is often kept until old age.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the decrease in the age-related production of androgens entails a cascade of pathological reactions from various body systems. The term "male climax" also corresponds to the terms "andropause", "age-related androgen deficiency", "age-related hypogonadism", "testosterone deficiency syndrome", etc. in men's medical literature.

In men, the menopause should normally come later than in women and accompaniedless noticeable symptoms. Bright symptoms of men's menopause speak of a pathological climax.

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At what age does menopause occur?

It happens, or not? Male menopause is a natural physiological process, characterized by extinction of the reproductive function, with a fairly wide age range.

So, menopause in men can occur before the age of 45 years( early menopause), usual - from 46 to 60 years and late, coming after 60 years.

The timing of onset of menopause is affected by many endo- and exogenous factors. First of all, it is a congenital weakness of neurohumoral maintenance of sexual functions, a violation of puberty, hypogonadism, cryptorchidism. A powerful influence is exerted by concomitant diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, all kinds of castration( traumatic, surgical, medicinal, radiation), ionizing radiation, alcohol and other chronic intoxications.

The hypothalamus changes with age, it negatively affects the work of the pituitary gland. Subsequently, there are failures in the production of hormones, they are responsible for stimulation of the testicles. After that, testosterone levels in men decrease. Note that testosterone is of great importance for the male reproductive system. Responsible for the function of appendages, testicles, seminal vesicles of prostatic glands. Due to testosterone, qualitative sperm is formed. Testosterone is also needed for male libido.

Studies have shown that in the period from 30 to 40 years in the male body, there is a decrease in the production of androgens by 1 - 3%.After 40 years, this process is greatly accelerated. By the age of 80, the level of sex hormones in men is on the average 40-50% below the physiological norm to maintain normal sexual and reproductive function.

When testosterone levels drop, hormonal failure occurs, then the endocrine, genital, and central nervous system is disrupted. Menopause in men, as well as in women, leads to changes in the emotional sphere.

Symptoms of menopause in men

If in women the menopause appears most often with characteristic symptoms, then in men they can be quite diverse and differ in strength. So some do not even notice his offensive, while others cause severe psychological and physical discomfort.

In most cases, isolates certain symptoms of the male menopause :

  • increased sweating;
  • depressive states, suspiciousness, increased irritability, conflict, apathy, lethargy;
  • causeless fear, feelings of depression, anxiety, lack of interest in life;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • attention breakdown, concentration problems, forgetfulness;
  • insomnia.

Also during menopause in men, the symptoms begin to appear most noticeable in the sexual function violation of :

  • sexual attraction, or libido, becomes weaker.
  • there are violations of ejaculation in the form of delay or premature ejaculation.
  • erectile function falls.

The extinction of sexual function often becomes the cause of deep emotional experiences. Such a symptomatology can manifest throughout the period of men's menopause and have varying degrees of intensity.

Treatment of menopause in men

In the presence of symptoms of menopause in men, treatment is carried out only after differential diagnosis with other diseases.

Principles of treatment for age-related androgen deficiency take into account the multifactority of the disorders and consist of an integrated approach. This treatment regimen includes:

  1. Treatment of concomitant or related diseases and functional disorders due to menopause.
  2. Drugs that stimulate the synthesis of their own sex hormones.
  3. If your testicles are unable to produce a normal testosterone level, you may be prescribed hormone replacement therapy( exogenous testosterone).In bodybuilding, the same method is used for a quick and excessive set of muscle mass.
  4. Sedatives and antidepressants.
  5. Correction of nutrition, vitamin therapy and exercise therapy.
  6. Correction of erectile dysfunction.

In addition to medicine, the doctor will prescribe a certain lifestyle and physical education, fresh air and long walks.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of men's menopause, it is possible to use tried and tested folk remedies, which necessarily bring relief with prolonged, patient application.

  1. Hawthorn flowers .3 tablespoons of hawthorn flowers pour 3 cups of unboiled water. Insist 8 hours, then boil no more than 7 minutes. After the broth wraps and insist half an hour. After percolation, drink 1 glass in the morning before meals, at the rest of the day - after eating. This broth helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
  2. Motherwort grass, lemon balm leaves, hawthorn flowers, mistletoe grass white - 2 parts and 1 part bark of buckthorn and viburnum. Infusion also prepare and take as previous.
  3. Perfectly enhance the immunity of : honey processing products, garlic, aloe leaves, chamomile, herb immortelle, birch buds, leaf and berries cowberry, cherry berries, rhodiola rosea root, lemon.

Climax should be treated and possible. The effectiveness of treatment is largely associated with timely access to a qualified specialist.

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