How to stop hair loss in men?

The problem of one's own appearance excites not only the beautiful half of humanity, but also a strong sex. Caring for hair, men often pay as much attention as women. Therefore, in our time, hair loss in men is quite an urgent problem, with which a huge number of people are struggling.

At least thirty percent of all men undergo full or partial baldness. It is very important to find out the cause of hair loss in men and start treatment at the earliest stage of the disease. This will avoid hair loss, that is, complete loss of hair.

Hair loss depending on age

What are the causes of hair loss in men of different age groups? To answer this question, the trichologist must take into account a number of factors that could precede the development of this symptom. These factors directly depend on heredity, age, lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases in the body of a man.

  1. Hair loss in men at a young age: from 20 to 30 years old .Here, as possible causes, it is necessary to consider hereditary factors, a metabolic disorder or a hormonal background.
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  3. Hair loss in men from 30 to 45 years old .This category refers to the period of reproductive age. Here, in addition to heredity, a key role is played by the lifestyle of a man - stress and fatigue, leading to a metabolic disorder.
  4. Hair loss in men is over 45 years old .This is the so-called "men's climax" period, at this age there is a decrease in the production of hormones, including testosterone and the decompensation of dihydrotestosterone production by the tissues of the prostate. Against the background of these provoking factors after 45 years, as a rule, the so-called "age-related baldness" develops, the first gray hairs may start to appear.

Treatment of hair loss in men should be done only after collecting anamnesis, qualitative diagnosis of the symptom, as well as studying the results of tests.

Causes of hair loss in men

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of why hair falls out. But in any case, baldness is not a norm, but a disease that needs to be treated. In addition, thinning hair for some becomes a real test for self-esteem, especially at a young age.

So, what are the causes of hair loss in men? Consider the main factors contributing to this:

  1. Alopecia is a medical term for hair loss. There are two types of alopecia - focal and androgenic. Alopecia can include loss of hair throughout the body or only on the head. It is a thinning of hair, bald spots, partial or complete baldness. Alopecia is permanent and temporary, and there are many reasons for it, including genetics. On the topic of baldness treatment you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Stress .Often hair loss in men begins in a few weeks after the tragedy, nervous feelings or loss of life;
  3. Often the causes of baldness in men are associated with by bad habits, malnutrition, bad ecology .The lack of vitamins and trace elements leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of hair follicles, they weaken and die before the term.
  4. Smoking .When smoking occurs, the blood supply to the hair follicles fails, which causes them to gradually break down, and the hair ceases to grow normally. Side effects of medications. Hair loss can be a side effect of taking medications used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, hypertension. Including, such drugs can include drugs of lithium, beta-blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamine and levodopa( Atamet, Larodopa, Sinemet).In addition, many drugs used in cancer chemotherapy - for example, doxorubicin( adriamycin) - usually cause sudden hair loss throughout the surface of the head.
  5. Postponed diseases and infections .Hair loss in men can begin after the transferred diseases because of a decrease in immunity and protective functions of the body.

In order for the treatment of alopecia in a man to give positive results, you need to consult a trichologist and conduct a survey. During it will be a study of the diseases, diet and habits of life. It will also be necessary to make a biochemical blood test, to be examined for the presence of fungal infections and other diseases that are accompanied by hair loss.

Alopecia in men

There are the following types of alopecia:

  1. Androgenic .Mostly men are bald due to androgenic( premature) alopecia, which occurs when the hair follicle is highly sensitive to the male hormone.
  2. Diffuse .With this type of baldness, a strong uniform hair loss occurs throughout the scalp. In prevalence, diffuse alopecia ranks second after androgenetic alopecia.
  3. Focal .Some diseases lead to the appearance of rounded foci of absolute hair loss. These areas, at first small, gradually expand and acquire quite impressive dimensions - in diameter up to 10 cm. The color of the scalp on these sites remains unchanged, it does not flake.

Accordingly, the symptoms and methods of treating alopecia in men will differ depending on the type.

Diffuse hair loss

Stages of

The formation of the bald head with male type of alopecia occurs gradually. There are 6 stages of male pattern baldness:

  1. It is characterized by the appearance of lateral bald spots on the hair growth line, with the edge of the bald patches the hair has a thinned structure.
  2. The bald patches cross the middle of the scalp, and their expansion to the center is observed. Also at this stage, there may be a bald spot on the vertex.
  3. All the fore-tosaces merge together, forming a kind of islet.
  4. There is a transition behind the back line of the front bald head. Between the bald patch on the vertex and the front there is only a narrow bridge.
  5. The bridge disappears, and the bald head sinks down the edges.
  6. The lateral bald patches descend to the very bottom and alopecia stops.

Of course, to be bald to 30 years do not want any man. Therefore, as soon as you notice yourself having excessive hair loss, you need to take up the medication.


In order to stop hair loss in men, first of all, it is necessary to establish what caused them to fall out. For this, it is necessary to consult a trichologist who will prescribe the following tests:

  1. Blood test for the level of sex hormones, thyroid hormones and some others if necessary.
  2. General analysis of blood and urine, blood test for sugar.
  3. Sometimes an immunogram is required.
  4. Additional consultations of specialists( dermatologist, therapist, neurologist, etc.).

If there are no serious diseases, you can start treating hair loss.

How to treat hair loss in men

After a man has the first symptoms of hair loss, or he suspected some deviations from the norm, it is necessary to perform a diagnosis and begin treatment as early as possible. Therapy should be aimed at curing hair follicles, their normalization and restoration of all functions, this is necessary in order to prevent hair from further falling out.

All drugs used in this pathology can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Drugs that cause contact dermatitis( dibutyl ester of squaric acid, etc.).
  2. Nonspecific irritants( dithranol, croton oil).
  3. Nonspecific and specific immunosuppressors.
  4. External preparations having a direct effect on the hair follicles.

The pharmacological action of all these drugs, one way or another, is directed against hair loss and restoration of their growth, i.e.restoration of the normal structure of the hair bulb. If you do not go to a specialist in time, a hair follicle transplantation is possible later, but such cases are very rare.


Men without fail to strengthen hair need to eat a healthy vitamin-rich food. In particular, one should pay attention to the group of vitamin B, as well as A and C.

  • Vitamin A - is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits of yellow, red and orange colors, as well as in eggs, liver, milk and fish oil.
  • Vitamin B - is found in fish, chicken meat, cereals, legumes and by-products( kidneys, liver).
  • Vitamin C is found in large quantities in lemons, black currant, dog rose, sea buckthorn and red pepper, as well as in other vegetables and fruits.

As a preventive measure, you can drink a course of vitamin, if there is no possibility to follow a vitamin diet.

Shampoo for hair loss for men

What shampoos do men use to combat hair loss? Consider the most popular.

  • Alerana .Thanks to a complex of natural components, they strengthen and nourish the hair, activate their growth and prevent falling out.
  • Vichi Derkos .Medical professional shampoo with amineksilom against hair loss.
  • Fitoval .Shampoo is recommended for regular care for weakened and prone to hair loss. For preventive purposes, it should be used as a normal shampoo.
  • Selenzin .Stops excessive hair loss, increases the life cycle of the hair, activates the hair follicles. Thanks to this, more hair of the active growth phase appears.
  • Strength of Hair .Shampoo "Strength of Hair" is designed to combat androgenic hair loss and prevent premature baldness.

The main thing is to clearly determine the cause of hair loss. For example, if the hair falls out because of a lack of vitamins, do not expect shampoo results, when you do not take vitamins.

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