Symptoms of poisoning with toxins and toxins

Organic waste is considered to be a slag, and harmful substances from various environments are toxins. If those and others in the body are excessive, then this is a great danger to life. The processes that take place in the body form slags, which is quite natural. But why are there health problems?

The human body is self-regulated and there is a selection system in it that removes "garbage".But sometimes it can not fulfill its functions, which leads to excess waste. Do not forget about the toxins that, together with the slag, begin to poison the body. There is a chronic intoxication, the symptoms of which may not appear for a long time.

Intoxication does not occur until a certain stage, so it is very difficult to connect any disease with poisoning. Moreover, in every organism, clogging behaves differently. On the intoxication respond "weak" places of the body. How this process develops, there is no answer. Although physicians do not recognize the concept of "slag", and toxins only refer to nephrology and the field of toxicology, some symptoms are still considered the result of the accumulation of degradation products.

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If, in the absence of injuries, a constant headache, then this clearly speaks of poisoning with slags. The brain cells need the nutrients they are supplied with new blood. And since it is clogged, these substances and oxygen are not enough. Moreover, the blood is dense and its movement through the vessels is difficult. This is what leads to a headache.

Skin reactions

Skin will be the most accurate indicator of the accumulation of decomposition products that are not excreted. If they are not removed from the body, it lays them in different places. When these places are not enough, the toxins rush into the skin. Appears rash, adipes and other skin disorders. With such problems, external means are ineffective.

Intestinal problem

Intestinal dysfunction manifests itself in the initial stage of poisoning. Frequent constipation or diarrhea are the main signs of intoxication. The remains of food are not completely removed and begin to rot, forming toxins that enter the blood.

Plaque in the language of

Pathology is not a plaque, unless it is so dense that the color of the tongue is not visible. If a thick layer of plaque does not pass a long time, you should undergo a medical examination.

Increased sweating

Skin is also considered a highlighting organ. Remains of vital activity are derived later, but if their excess, there is an unpleasant smell.

These symptoms are only part of the many signals that the body gives. Do not allow the state when excretory systems can not solve the problem of cleaning the body.

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