Constipation after enema with barium, what should I do?

Stagnant phenomena in the intestines, caused by constipation, are eliminated by various methods, including folk remedies. Basically, these are various laxatives, as well as probiotics, diet food, bulk fillers. However, if the measures taken do not give the desired effect, then as a last resort resort to such a medical procedure as an enema. They can be depending on the mode of their application and composition:

  • medicinal;
  • subaqual;
  • cleansing for bowel movement;
  • siphon washers.

The attitude to this procedure is ambiguous. In some cases( poisoning, infectious diseases, during the postoperative period, etc.), the use of mechanical action with constipation is necessary. However, if you regularly cleanse the intestines with this procedure, the opposite effect may occur, when a prolonged constipation occurs after the enema.

Cleansing enema with too frequent application leads to the following undesirable consequences:

  1. Useful bifidum and lactobacilli from the large intestine are washed away, provoking a dysbacteriosis and a decrease in the body's defenses;
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  2. Constant mechanical stimulation of the intestinal wall with fluid weakens peristalsis and causes chronic constipation;
  3. When injected with a fluid enema, it is possible to reverse the absorption of decomposition products into the blood, which leads to intoxication of the body.

To investigate the mucosa of the colon and rectum, a special type of enema is used, using an aqueous mixture of barium sulfate and air. During the irrigoscopy, barium sulfate exhibits disturbances in the intestine on the X-ray film in the form of dark spots. However, there is a risk of developing constipation after enema with barium. This is due to a lack of thorough cleaning from the barium of the intestine after the procedure. For cleaning apply cleansing procedures, taking certain doses of drinking water, as well as laxatives. Instructions are given by a gastroenterologist.

What to do with constipation after an enema is determined in consultation with a doctor. If it can not be abandoned, then most often apply a purification procedure that does not affect muscle tone and receptors. Another kind of mechanical action( hypertonic), you can force the intestinal receptors to do an independent cleaning. Represents a microclyster from a strong saline solution, it produces a laxative effect, facilitating the release of stool. However, given its strong irritating effect on the mucous membrane, it is not recommended for children, and not all adults can use it. On the recommendation of the doctor, herbal decoctions or the very popular prebiotic Lactulose are used to relax the stool.

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