Treatment of diverticulosis of the intestine, how can you cure diverticula, what methods completely get rid of the disease, will microclysters and candles help?

In our time, people are increasingly faced with gastrointestinal problems. The main reason for this is poor nutrition, eating semi-finished foods and fast food. One of the pathologies of the digestive system is diverticulosis. It affects mostly people older than 40 years. For the most part, it has no specific symptomatology, therefore it is detected by chance, when performing fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity organs. With asymptomatic flow in the initial stages of special drug treatment, diverticulosis does not require, but to prevent its further progression and the occurrence of severe complications, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Many people who accidentally identified this ailment are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get rid of diverticulosis of the intestine and how to completely cure the diverticula formed in the organs of the digestive tract. The methods of therapy recommended by specialists in this case, for the most part, are unconventional, since this disease at the initial stage does not require the use of strong traditional medicine means and especially operational interventions. It is enough to adjust your diet by including products containing vegetable fiber, and also to prevent the occurrence of constipation, aggravating the situation with this disease and leading to the appearance of new diverticula. For this, experts recommend the use of rectal suppositories with a laxative effect, as well as therapeutic microclysters, which are put on the night after cleaning the intestine.

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Also, non-standard treatment of diverticulosis includes the application of traditional medicine recipes. They very well proved themselves at disposal of the patient from a negative symptomatology, which is provoked by pathologies developing in the digestive tract. In addition, the use of traditional medicine at the initial stages of the development of the disease is justified by the fact that the drugs used in this case are not addictive and do not give side effects. And although untraditional treatment of the disease, diverticulosis can not completely eliminate it, but it will allow to cleanse the intestines, making it easier for him to do this, to reduce the formation of pathological protrusions and to remove painful sensations.

But before you start using any folk remedies, you should consult a doctor, since any treatment for diverticulums should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor to prevent the occurrence of complications. How to get rid of the diverticula of the intestine when they are accidentally detected in the patient, but do not have a certain symptomatology and the inflammatory process has not begun in them? Experts recommend the following preventive methods:

  • Normalization of the stool with diet and moderation in eating;
  • Cleansing and therapeutic enemas with the use of herbal decoctions and oil infusions;Rectal suppositories with phytospheres.

If the patient with these intestinal diverticula will follow these recommendations, the pathology will stop its development and the process of inflammation leading to very serious consequences may not occur throughout life.

Treatment of diverticulosis with enemas

This pathology is almost always accompanied by prolonged constipation, which causes the formation of new saccule protrusions on the walls of the digestive organ. To prevent this, a delay in the stool should be treated. But for the therapy of pathology, laxative medicinal agents should not be used, as they can be addictive and, at the same time, constipation can be intensified. The best method of treatment for stool retention and stiffening of feces calling for the formation of new diverticula will be rectal administration of oil infusions( not more than 50-100 grams).They will help both softening the feces, and enveloping the walls of the intestine.

There is a very important rule about which patients with diverticulosis should not be forgotten. To achieve effective therapeutic effect, before using microclysters, it is necessary to clean the intestines. For this, the procedure is carried out using ordinary boiled water having a body temperature. The liquid is taken in the volume of 2 liters. Such manipulation in the treatment of diverticulum is simply necessary, because if it is not carried out, the drug enema will not have any effect. The drug simply can not reach the walls of the intestine because of the hardened cork in front of the anal opening.

After the feces are softened and taken out of the body, you can proceed with the introduction of medications that will have a direct therapeutic effect on the organ damaged by diverticula. In folk medicine, there are several prescriptions effective for this disease of the formulations:

  • Olive, linseed or sea-buckthorn oil is slightly heated and injected into the anus at night with a small syringe. The oil composition promotes effective softening of fecal stones and a reduction in pain. This method is very well proven in the treatment of constipation, contributing to the progression of diverticulosis;
  • Stop the bleeding and remove the inflammation helps a preparation made from strawberry leaves. It is used twice daily for treating the symptoms of diverticulosis;
  • The decoction of the pharmacy chamomile, in which sea-buckthorn oil is added, will promote the acceleration of mucosal healing and the removal of inflammatory processes.

It is necessary to remember the general rules applied when using curative microclysters. They will avoid mechanical damage to the mucosa. Before introducing the syringe into the anus, it is necessary to lubricate its tip with vegetable oil, and any liquid used for rectal therapy of diverticulosis should have body temperature.

Candles for the treatment of diverticula

For the treatment of symptoms caused by diverticula formed on the walls of the intestine, rectal suppositories are also used. They contribute both to the removal of the inflammatory process, and to the reduction of pain sensations. To get rid of negative symptoms, a non-standard remedy is used, like ordinary potatoes. From a raw tuber cut out a smooth candle the size of a finger. To facilitate the introduction and enhance the medicinal effect, it is necessary to lubricate it with olive or sea-buckthorn oil. The candle prepared in this way for the treatment of diverticulum is injected into the anus and left there for the night. The effectiveness of its effect is that the starch contained in the potato has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and enveloping action.

All of the above methods of alternative medicine, although they can not completely cure the diverticula formed, but contribute to a significant alleviation of the patient's condition and allow him for a long time to forget about the manifestations of negative symptoms. The only thing to remember about, the use of any form of therapy should be done only after consulting a specialist, otherwise instead of completely getting rid of the symptoms accompanying the disease, you can achieve the opposite effect and aggravate the condition.

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