Diverticulum of the arch and the bottom of the stomach and duodenum - symptoms, treatment, diet

Among all possible diseases of the stomach, enough distribution among patients aged in age has received such a pathology as diverticulosis, which is a pathological abnormality affecting the walls of the digestive organ. At the same time, their structure is disturbed, which leads to significant changes in the work of the digestive tract. Diagnosis of the diverticulum can only be done after an appropriate examination, in the presence of certain symptoms. Often, the signs of the disease may be similar to other pathologies, for example, on peptic ulcer or gastritis, but among them the following alarming symptoms of the diverticulum of the stomach can be distinguished:

  • Frequent involuntary eructation;
  • Discomfort and bloating of the upper abdomen;
  • Prolonged dull pain in the stomach;
  • Constant weakness and exhaustion;
  • Nausea, alternating with vomiting;
  • Symptoms of anemia;
  • Internal bleeding, which requires immediate medical attention.

Often, the diverticulosis of the stomach may not have any symptoms. Detect the disease can only happen by accident, when carrying out an X-ray study of the abdominal cavity. There are two types of pathology. The first is a true diverticulum, in which the wall will be formed by layers similar to the walls of the stomach. The second variant is formed with tearing, as well as with a divergence of the muscle shell. As a result of the last action, the mucous membrane protruding through the formed opening forms a false anatomical pocket.

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Treatment of the diverticulum of the stomach

Among the ways to eliminate the ailment, doctors practice surgical and medicamental therapy. As a drug therapy a group of medicines is used, which for a long time suppress the formation of a large amount of gastric juice. However, this method can not eliminate completely pathological protrusions. Over time, patients again begin to feel symptoms, corresponding to worsening digestion, bloating and pain.

In the event that the stage of the disease has reached its peak and is accompanied by bleeding, as well as an increase in diverticulum in size, surgery is necessary. Most often, resection with laparoscopy is performed. When it is carried out, too large incisions are not made, and the result of such treatment of the diverticulum of the stomach according to statistical data is very successful. It is also worth noting that the method of therapy will depend on the place of localization of education.

Quite often, diverticula develop in the area of ​​the duodenum. In this case, conservative therapy is necessary. The most important thing in the process of treatment is the correction of the diet and the intake of medications recommended by a specialist. If the arch of the duodenum is damaged too much, bleeding has opened, protrusion has become very pronounced and it gives people uncomfortable, mandatory hospitalization will be required. Diverticula of the lower horizontal section often lead to obstruction of the organ due to excessive squeezing. This situation is fraught with the appearance of serious complications and requires surgical intervention.

The diverticulum of the bottom of the stomach is much less common, as it is localized, usually in the upper part. Treatment in the case of such an arrangement of protrusions is the same as when they are formed on the arch or walls. The most important thing in identifying them is an appropriate diagnostic test, which may include gastroscopy, which allows you to determine the extent of the lesion. In the case of a neglected situation, it will not be possible to do without an operation.

Diet for stomach diverticula

Regardless of whether it is the site of the bottom, the walls or the arch of the stomach, or the duodenum is damaged, adherence to the dietary principles of nutrition is mandatory, and does not depend on the planned mode of therapy. Symptoms of all these varieties, regardless of location, usually are similar. But it should be noted that when the diverticula are located on the bottom of the stomach, a more sparing diet is required than when they are on the walls or in the intestines. If the signs of the disease do not make themselves felt much, and the X-ray study did not show a strong development of pathology, then it makes sense to use a special diet without drug therapy. Getting rid of the disease will combine the use of special spasmolytic folk remedies and therapies from edema that are under the supervision of a doctor.

The diet for diverticulosis of the stomach and other digestive organs does not present difficulties in application. Its main task is to facilitate the passage of food through the digestive tract. At the heart of the diet should be components containing vegetable fiber. These are vegetables and fruits, brown rice, cereals and legumes. But the use of fast food and semi-finished products is strictly not recommended. Obligatory is also the reception of free liquid in large quantities, which also facilitates the passage of food through the digestive tract. Preferred fresh vegetable juices, made by yourself, without additives, or compotes of dried fruits.

Since the diverticulum of the stomach is a fairly common disease, and is most common among those who are not very used to monitoring their diet, it is advisable to periodically adhere to a preventive diet. If the patient is at risk, it is desirable to use a separate type of food, because, thanks to it, the food does not stagnate in the stomach, and passes all the stages of digestion in the due time. It is preferable to limit the dairy product and eggs, which do not have a very positive effect on the liver, especially if the patient has a history of diverticulosis.

The food processing method is not the least important. Regardless of whether a predisposition to the disease, or the disease has already entered into force, it is desirable to use the most gentle methods of preparation. Fried foods are strongly discouraged. It is necessary to give preference to dishes cooked on steam or cooked with a minimum amount of fat and salt. If the vegetables are too much fiber, they must be boiled in advance, which will make them more easily digestible for the digestive tract.

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