Symptoms of ascites of the abdominal cavity, signs of hydrocephalus in a person, treatment of pain

When a large amount of water accumulates in the abdominal cavity( up to 25 liters), ascites is diagnosed, its symptoms are very characteristic. They are directly related to the forms of pathology and to those diseases that have caused the development of the described complication. The incubation period does not manifest itself in any way. Inside the abdomen there is always a small amount of water. It acts as a lubricant, which does not allow the walls of internal organs located next to each other, to touch and rub against each other. In order for ascites to manifest itself, and the patient was able to formulate their complaints, up to five liters of ultraviolet is to accumulate in the abdominal cavity. The increase in the volume of fluid occurs in the late stages of the disease, which became the culprit in the development of ascites, and here signs of it begin to manifest themselves more actively.

When the amount of liquid is small( its volume is 2-3 liters), the signs of ascites can be determined only with an instrumental diagnostic examination( ultrasound of the abdominal wall or magnetic tomography).Other symptoms are not detected. The patient feels well and does not complain about anything.

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Symptoms of hydrocephalus with a moderate amount of fluid

When there is a mild hydrocele, the symptoms begin to actively manifest themselves. Inside the peritoneum, in this case, such a quantity of fluid accumulates, the volume of which begins to squeeze the internal organs. There is a noticeable increase in the abdomen, the patient complains of the feeling of his strong bursting. Pants and belts cease to fasten, an increase in the waistline with this occurs without a significant increase in weight.

In the lower part there is discomfort, pains with moderate form ascites are noisy. As a rule, bursting pains are accompanied by severe flatulence, nausea and heartburn. The described complication is constantly progressing, in the future there are symptoms of ascites of the abdominal cavity, associated with difficulty breathing and with disorders of the urinary system. The stomach becomes like a balloon that is evenly inflated. The more it grows, the stronger the skin tightens, the expanding pains intensify, the skin appears with white striae - stretch marks, similar to scars.

In the vertical position, the stomach begins to hang heavily, and when the patient lies on his back, the shape flattenes and becomes flat, but on the sides there is a large volume, the stomach becomes like the abdomen of a frog. Another characteristic feature of this form of ascites is a rapid saturation with a small amount of food.

Symptoms of massive ascites

Bright signs of ascites can be seen when the amount of fluid increases many times. The abdomen becomes huge, the fluid from the inside more and more raises the diaphragm, so it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe even when sitting. Gradually decreases the volume of the chest, the lungs can not completely open. A person in this state is not able to lean forward, the trajectory of any movements is broken. Often the symptoms of massive ascites in humans become completely uncharacteristic manifestations. Such as hemorrhoids, hernia, prolapse of the rectum, often in men develops and varicocele.

The skin of the hernial sac can be thinned to the limit and torn, then ascitic fluid is released. The more fluid accumulates in the abdomen, the heavier the patient becomes. Constantly increases the intrauterine pressure, when the diaphragm retreats into the chest, there is heart failure.

If the symptoms of abdominal dropsy develop not rapidly, but for a long time, there are violations of the drainage of the lymphatic system. Sometimes there is a reverse outflow of lymph. These are signs of cancer of the lymphatic system. Reverse outflow is dangerous because cancer cells enter healthy organs, therefore, in the liver, in the lungs, in the pancreas, metastases are formed.

When ascites develops, the symptoms help shape the treatment strategy. So, for example, if around the navel appear convoluted venous vessels that resemble the head of the Gorgon, these are signs of ascites of the abdominal cavity, provoked by portal hypertension. When there are symptoms of digestive disorders, metabolism, dehydration, the cause of abdominal dropsy becomes a malfunction in the liver. Strong swelling of the legs - stagnation in the circulatory system of a large heart circle. Heart failure and ascites are additionally characterized by symptoms such as hydrothorax - the absence of fluid in the pleural area. Symptoms of this pathology are cyanosis and severe chest pains.

What signs of hydrocephalus can still occur?

  • Severe fever.
  • Signs of toxicosis.
  • Rapid weight loss with an increase in the volume of the stomach.
  • Cyanosis of the extremities.

Since abdominal edema is not an independent disease, the symptoms can vary and vary in each patient, depending on which disease caused the appearance of ascites. It is important to understand that the hydrocephalus does not pass by itself, it is constantly progressing, so it is not worthwhile to engage in independent treatment of the described complication. The earlier a patient turns to a doctor, the higher the chances for a full recovery. Still, the symptoms of the initial stage of ascites of the abdominal cavity are similar to those of the ovarian cyst in women. To make the correct diagnosis allows differentiated diagnosis, instrumental methods and laboratory studies of blood and urine. Only a detailed study of the symptoms helps to choose the right treatment and eliminate the bursting pains. Ineffective therapy indicates that the causes of the disease were identified incorrectly.

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