Audiometry of hearing: tonal threshold, computer, speech, game

Hearing impairment is a serious problem that can be faced by people of different ages. Give an objective assessment of the auditory function and identify any diseases can be using modern research methods.

These methods of analysis are united by a common term - audiometry. Such a study is very widely used in surdology and helps to assess the severity of hearing, even in newborns. In the process of analyzing the auditory function, it is possible to determine the degree of its decrease, as well as to reveal the problems of any ear department.

So, audiometry is a complex study of hearing acuity with the help of a surdologist or special equipment, which makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the inner ear to sound waves of different frequencies. It should be carried out only in specialized medical institutions.

Types of

Depending on the method of investigation, several types of audiometry are distinguished. It can be called tonal, computer or speech. The first two types of audiometry are carried out using special equipment, whereas the speech method of conducting does not need it.

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Speech audiometry is considered the easiest way to study hearing acuity. It is necessary for proper medical conclusion with professional medical examinations and when choosing a hearing aid. In its conduct, whisper and colloquial speech are used.

However, this type of research is not always able to fully establish the degree of loss of ear functions, since the perception of words by the researched depends on their level of development and age.

Scientists have been noticed that words related to certain sentences are perceived by a person much better. But since the results of the research conducted by different specialists can differ significantly due to the use of different word combinations, it is customary to use a standard set of words.


Computer audiometry is considered the most objective method of hearing research to date. It is based on human unconditioned reflexes that occur with acoustic stimulation of the ear, therefore it is almost impossible to deceive the device.

The participation of the patient during this diagnosis is minimal, therefore this technology can be successfully used in young children, as well as in patients with severe mental disorders.

The following unconditioned reflexes are important in the study:

  • cochlear-pupillary;
  • is a blinking;
  • audio-apeal;
  • skin reaction;
  • reaction of the cardiovascular system.

When the inner ear irritates with sound, the pupils may widen, the eyelids may drop, the circular muscle of the eye may contract. Also, for any sound effect, it is possible to change the pulse rate, change the pressure. Infants showed a slowing of the sucking reflex.


Tone audiometry is performed according to a certain algorithm. The patient is placed in a special soundproof booth, and puts on the headphones. At the moment when a signal comes to the speakers, the researcher must press the button. This is a signal for the surdologist that the person could distinguish the sound or noise that sounded in the headphones.

Study begins with the right ear, and then go to the left ear. It is proved that this kind of technology is more informative, and it allows to determine which ear hears better and which one does not have .

Also, with a tonal method of examination, a doctor can use a bone vibrator. It is fastened behind the patient's ear. With its help it is easy to determine which ear refuses to perceive the sound signal. If the pathology of the middle ear is excluded, continue to study the internal.

The result of tonal threshold audiometry is the audiogram. This is a special schedule, which clearly demonstrates the degree of deterioration of hearing. It is after deciphering the results that a selection of additional, corrective hearing equipment is made.

The result of audiometry of the right( AS) and left( AD) ear.

Diagnosis: 2 degree hearing loss of the left ear

Indications for the

study The audiometry will be performed if the following problems occur:

  • , internal and middle ear diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in hearing;
  • diseases of the nervous system with damage to the auditory cortex of the brain;
  • injury to the ear or head, leading to hearing impairment;
  • suspected professional hearing loss;
  • selection of a hearing aid;
  • hearing loss of unknown origin.

Features of hearing audiometry of a child

Identifying hearing problems in children is a rather difficult problem. This is due to the different levels of development of the children, as well as the lack of complaints. The crumbs quickly become fatigued, interest in the study is lost, which can significantly distort its results.

Therefore, when examining toddlers, you should use special methods or a complex of them, allowing you to ultimately obtain an accurate diagnosis.


This diagnostic method is based on the development of a conditioned motor reflex, based on those movements that the baby can already use.

The crumb offers to perform a certain action at the time of the sound signal.

A child, for example, can put a ring on a pencil or a pen, move a bead, raise or put a toy.

Audible audibility is defined over a wide range of 250 to 4000 Hz for each ear separately, gradually giving sounds at different frequencies.

Algorithm for audiological examination of newborns

Newborns are examined for hearing loss from 3-4 days after birth. It occurs in several stages:

  1. External otoscopy. The doctor assesses the condition of the external ear and the integrity of the tympanic membrane. If there are contaminations of the ear canal( presence of generic lubricant, sulfur), any visible deformities, external hyperemia, then the next stage passes two weeks after cleaning the auditory canal or treatment.
  2. Timpanometry. This method helps to determine the existing pathologies of the middle ear, the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. Then, with the help of special equipment, registration of the caused otoacoustic emission and its analysis are carried out. This method is based on the fact that the human ear is capable of generating a response signal to a certain sound effect. Healthy children make a mark in the diagnostic map. If deviations are detected, babies will need a further examination from an ENT doctor and a hearing therapist's advice.

Browse the video in which the specialist in an accessible form tells us what is needed for audiometry:

Timely research helps to determine the degree of pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment. In some situations, early diagnosis can almost completely eliminate problems with the auditory function, in others, adjust and select a suitable hearing aid.

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