Prevention of duodenal ulcer

Ulcerous formations in the area of ​​the duodenum - a chronic ailment of a recurrent type, affecting the walls of the small intestine. When the disease worsens, the pathological process can spread to the stomach.

For patients, the spring-autumn period is especially dangerous. At this time, the digestive organs are most vulnerable, since a weakened immune system can not always suppress pathogenic microorganisms.

Gastroenterologists believe that preventive measures can prevent damage to the intestinal mucosa both in the absence of disease and in the diagnosis of ulcers, significantly extending the period of remission.

Prevention of duodenal ulcer is divided into three phases:

  • Primary - consists of measures to prevent the development of the disease;
  • Secondary - reduces the risk of recurrence and exacerbations;
  • Tertiary - reduces the likelihood of complications;

Primary prophylaxis of duodenal ulcer

A set of measures that reduces the risk of developing an intestinal mucosa defect, consists of:

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  • Prevention of infection by bacteria Helicobacter pylori. It is this type of microorganism that is the causative agent of an ulcer. In case of infection of Helicobacter pylori at least one member of the family, strictly observe the rules of hygiene, divide the dishes, do not use the towel and personal belongings of the sick person. This will help reduce the risk of infection.
  • Prohibition of smoking and strong spirits.
  • Proper nutrition. The daily dietary menu should correspond to age and energy needs. For quick assimilation and easy digestion of food, limit yourself to sharp, fatty and smoked dishes, carbonated drinks and caffeine.
  • Regular dental visits and caries treatment.
  • Psychological comfort. Nervous breakdowns and stresses primarily affect the digestive system, especially the stomach and duodenum.

Prevention of recurrence of duodenal ulcer

Secondary and tertiary preventive complex is aimed at reducing pain and the risk of repeated exacerbations of the disease, which can result in complications in the form of perforation of the ulcer.

  • An antirecretive treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist. The course includes physiotherapy, phytotherapy, taking medications and mineral water.
  • In the autumn-spring period, sanatorium-and-spa prophylaxis of peptic ulcer in specialized institutions is required.
  • Sanitation of chronic diseases. Any exacerbation of old foci of infection can provoke new ones.
  • Strict adherence to the diet menu.
  • Regular monitoring of changes in the course of the disease with the help of laboratory and instrumental examinations.

To summarize, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is not necessary to neglect the prevention of the disease. After all, timely measures will be able to prevent the occurrence of ulcers, and in the case of already formed lesions of the duodenal mucosa will reduce the risk of complications.

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