Bleeding with duodenal ulcer, treatment

Duodenal ulcer - inflammation of the mucous membranes of tissues, causing the appearance of wall ruptures and the formation of ulcers.

Bleeding in duodenal ulcer occurs when vascular damage occurs.

Almost 15% of patients experience cutting pains.

The rupture of the vessels of the small intestine is 5 times more likely than in the stomach.

With a sluggish current course of the disease, sudden bleeding is the first symptom of GIT disease.

Bleeding in duodenal ulcer can be blatant and hidden.

1. Hidden bleeding occurs from damage to a small capillary vessel. Ulcerative bleeding of the duodenum is minimal in this case, and blood loss can only be monitored with the help of Gregersen's reaction. Over time, the damaged vessel bleeds less, and cicatrizes itself. Repeated bleeding may occur in the near future, but eventually will also stop. The most dangerous are the continuing loss of blood.

2. Explicit bleeding is diagnosed with significant blood loss due to vomiting, tarry stool and weakness. Bloody vomit masses are more often a sign of a stomach disease, and an ulcer of the duodenal ulcer is a bleeding in the large intestine, from which the feces acquire a reddish shade. Blood loss of up to 10% is insignificant for the body, and 15-20% reduces all internal processes, face, skin turns pale, chills of extremities appear. With the loss of half the total blood volume and the lack of timely medical care and treatment, death occurs.

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If the ulcer bleeds slightly for a long time, anemia develops, worsening the healing process.

How is bleeding treated?

Diagnosis is performed using various techniques, the main one of which is fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which is able to recognize the internal pathological process of blood loss .

To establish an accurate diagnosis, use a common urine and blood test, a lung X-ray and an ECG.To quantify the blood loss, certain methods and tables are used.

Modern endoscopic technique conducts treatment of duodenal ulcer bleeding by laser coagulation, thereby stopping blood loss. If there is a lack of selected medication, surgical intervention is performed and, if necessary, removal of the bleeding part of the tissue.

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