Distal postbulbar duodenitis

Postbulbar or other name - distal duodenitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, which is detected in the vaginal parts of the DPC.

That is, the distal form of the disease is the development of inflammation in the area where the KDP goes into the small intestine. The initial department of the duodenum has an onion, which is affected by the bulbar form of duodenitis. So postbulbarnoe inflammation of the mucosa is an inflammatory process, which is even deeper. Surprisingly with this disease the bulb practically does not change its shape.

Causes of postbulbar duodenitis

Distal duodenitis, as a rule, is combined with inflammation in the pancreas, as well as the bile secretion system, as well as the intestine. The main cause of its development, as a rule, is a microbial contamination. Sometimes this disease is also associated with Crohn's disease, worm infestation, pancreatic ectopic tissue, and other pathological phenomena. Exacerbation can also be caused by alcohol, or by medications.

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It is known that bulbite is manifested by signs similar to duodenal ulcer, so the distal form of duodenitis in turn resembles the clinical picture of pancreatitis or cholecystitis. This is due to the fact that in the distal form of the disease in most cases there is a secondary concomitant lesion in the bile ducts, as well as in the pancreas. In addition, due to the fact that diskenzii joins the biliary tract, painful sensations are localized on the right side under the ribs. This is what is misleading many patients, because of which they consider these sensations with the reception of fatty foods.

Chronic form of distal duodenitis is often accompanied by cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, and other diseases in the digestive system.

Treatment of postbulbar form of inflammation

Therapy should be administered exclusively by specialists after carrying out all the necessary tests during the diagnosis. This disease is not simple and will not tolerate self-treatment.

If untimely therapy of the distal duodenitis form, it is possible to develop irreversible pathological processes in the biliary tract, as well as the pancreas. This will significantly worsen the process of treatment. If you feel pain in the right hypochondrium - do not think that this is the result of taking fatty foods - immediately seek help from a specialist!

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