Diffuse duodenitis

Diffuse duodenitis is a complete inflammation of the mucosa of the entire area of ​​the duodenum. That is, the entire thickness of the mucous membrane is affected. In this case, the secretory function is impaired with increased secretion.

In addition, the diffuse effect spreads very quickly, therefore, the patient must himself understand that he needs in the shortest time to seek help from a specialist gastroenterologist. With timely intervention in the professional process, it is also possible to eliminate reactive pancreatitis in the progressing stage.

Basic recommendations for diffuse duodenitis

Regardless of the form of duodenitis, the patient is recommended to completely exclude from his diet canned foods, smoking products, hot and very cold dishes, strong coffee and even tea.

In addition to diffuse duodenitis, there should be a complete rejection of bad habits( cigarettes, alcohol).Treatment of this form of the disease implies an integrated approach in order to eradicate the underlying cause, as well as reduce pathological changes and relieve patients of the symptoms.

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Treatment of diffuse duodenitis

Therapy to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease is called etiotropic. When determining the cause of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed. However, this usually refers to bacterial infection. In addition, to eliminate the factors of irritant effect on the mucosa, the diet table No. 1 according to Pevzner is indispensable. It implies the use of extremely low-fat varieties of meat and fish, as well as cereals and certain types of vegetables. All products must be crushed before use and their temperature should not exceed 40 ° C.The diet includes eating five times a day, maybe even six. It is impossible to use pork, smoked products, spicy foods, spices, fried foods and spices when treating the diffuse form of duodenitis. The consumption of salt should be strictly standardized.

In order to reduce the risk of pathogenic changes in diffuse duodenitis, enzyme preparations that improve digestion and sorbents that bind toxins are used. To remove symptoms of the disease, various types of pain medication are used. To reduce the intensity of pain, antispasmodics are used. They help reduce soreness by removing spasms from the intestines.

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