Cystitis in women - symptoms and rapid treatment at home

Almost every woman has experienced discomfort and burning sensation during urination at least once in her life, but often these symptoms are often overlooked, and they go through a certain time without treatment.

In certain cases, such alarming signs indicate the onset of inflammation in the bladder, that is, cystitis.

Effective treatment of cystitis in women should be rapid and comprehensive in order to avoid complications.

Causes of

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. In most cases, the cause of the disease is an infection that lives in the body of a woman. As a rule, the main pathogens are the bacterium E. coli and Staphylococcus. These bacteria enter the bladder from the skin or rectum through the urethra.

The causes of the development of cystitis in women are quite diverse, therefore will highlight the main ones of them :

  • fetal bearing and labor activity;
  • infection of the genitals;
  • urinary stasis in the bladder;
  • vitamin deficiency and unbalanced diet;
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  • is a hormonal disorder;
  • non-observance of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • significant supercooling;
  • operations on the uterine neck and urinary organs.

It is generally believed that the trigger for the development of cystitis is hypothermia, because it weakens the body's immune system and promotes the multiplication of viruses and bacteria in it.

This bladder infection creates a lot of unpleasant symptoms, causing the woman to constantly worry and get nervous. Since the cystitis is not much, but at times changing the quality of life for the worse, creating various troubles in all spheres of life.

First signs of

So, the clinical picture of the acute form of cystitis is:

  • frequent painful urge to urinate;
  • imperative urge to empty the bladder;
  • tenderness in the lower abdomen;
  • urine turbidity, as a consequence of an impurity of pus;
  • temperature increase;
  • bloody impurities in the urine.

It should be noted that the last two signs are symptoms of a severe stage of the disease.

Symptoms of cystitis in women

Acute cystitis always develops suddenly, after stress, viral infection, hypothermia, any other factor that undermines the local immunity of the bladder.

With cystitis in women, among the first symptoms, there are frequent urge to go to the toilet, a feeling of repression during urination, soreness in the lower abdomen.

With this, the harder it is to clean, the more often a woman feels the need to visit the toilet. In severe cases, they happen every half hour. The pain does not give rest to the patient round the clock. The abdomen hurts as with urination, and outside it. Feeling of the abdomen is unpleasant and painful.

Chronic cystitis usually has a less pronounced symptom pattern, is characterized by relapses. He periodically reports himself flashes of exacerbations, this is a latent infection that can not be tolerated in any case.

Treatment of cystitis in women

In case of symptoms of cystitis, treatment in women must necessarily include taking antibacterial drugs, and carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

It is not enough to take an antibiotic on the advice of good acquaintances: this will only relieve you of unpleasant sensations for a while, but when the effect of the drug is over, the causative agent of the infection will again multiply and all the symptoms will return again. In this case, cystitis can not only drag on, but also go into a chronic form.

Usually the first thing that is prescribed for a woman with acute cystitis is antibacterial drugs and antispasmodics that relieve pain. Along with antibiotics, the patient is prescribed drugs that stimulate immunity. As an auxiliary therapy, a generous drink is prescribed. It can be just pure water, but better - an infusion of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort. Cystic fruit and cranberry are also useful in cystitis.

Than to treat a cystitis: the list of preparations

Most often in the preparation of a treatment regimen for women, doctors necessarily include in the therapeutic process such drugs as uroantiseptics( antibiotics) and anti-inflammatory drugs. Such treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of cystitis, and fight infection.

Analgesics and antispasmodics for symptomatic treatment:

  1. No-spa - 120-240 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses;
  2. Papaverin - 40-60 mg 3-4 times a day;

Antibiotics for etiotropic treatment:

  1. Monural - 3 mg once, 2 hours after ingestion;
  2. Nolycin - 1 tablet 2 times a day, for 3 days;
  3. Biseptol - 2 tablets 2 times a day, for 3 days;

Phytomedication :

  1. Cyston - 2 tablets 2 times a day;
  2. Kanefron - 50 drops 3 times a day, dilute in a small amount of water;
  3. Spasmocystenal - up to 10 drops 3 times a day, dilute in a small amount of water;
  4. Phytolysin - 1 tsp.paste to dissolve in 1/2 cup of warm sweet water, take 3-4 times a day after meals.

The choice of a suitable preparation for cystitis, the determination of its single dose, the order of admission and the duration of the treatment course should be in the exclusive competence of the doctor. Self-treatment of cystitis not only does not promote rapid recovery, but also entails the development of serious complications of the disease.


is the most common and modern drug in the fight against such a disease. Has a high bactericidal activity against almost the entire spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms.

The active substance of the drug is phosphomycin trometamol. It is absolutely safe for use even in pregnant women and children. At the same time, 1 packet is enough once a day to solve health problems. That is why, when women have a question, how to treat cystitis, from a variety of medicines they choose Monural.

What should I do at home?

In addition to the basic treatment, at home, stick to simple rules. This will help get rid of the disease faster.

  1. It is very desirable during adherence to to adhere to bed rest .It is necessary to lie under a warm blanket with a hot water bottle in the lower abdomen.
  2. Drink as much as possible .Cranberry, cowberry and bilberry fruit drinks are very welcome.
  3. With regard to food, it is necessary to limit food intake, , which contains a high level of calcium .It can be milk, yogurt, cheese.
  4. Phytotherapy is most effective in the form of fees, pharmacies are always offered ready-made. You can brew the herbs yourself, and you can use tablets( Cyston, Kanefron), drops( Spasmocystenal) or paste( Phytolysin) - this is also nothing but herbal preparations, only "compactly packaged."

But in any case, the treatment of infection requires antibacterial drugs.

Nutrition for cystitis

For cystitis, women need to follow a certain diet. The use of caffeinated drinks or alcohol is unacceptable, since they can dramatically worsen the course of the disease.

To prevent disease, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice. It contains hippuric acid, which prevents the attachment of bacteria to the mucosa of the bladder. It is also very useful to add cranberries to yogurt.


To minimize the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the bladder mucosa, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid hypothermia;
  2. Timely infection of the genitourinary system;
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene( including washing after intercourse);
  4. Do not use tight underwear;
  5. Regularly change sanitary napkins and tampons.

Adhere to at least the basic of the above rules and you will never have to find out how and how cystitis is treated.

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