How is conization of the cervix uteri

Conization of the cervix is ​​a small and non-traumatic operation that can be performed in a day hospital.

Today there are several ways to perform this procedure. The most sparing and modern is radio wave conization.

What is it?

Coryza of the cervix is ​​called an operation to remove a specific area of ​​the body affected by any gynecological disease.

The main indication for this procedure is a suspicion of a change in the epithelial cells of the cervical mucosa( dysplasia), a malignant tumor of the cervix, erosion.

When is this procedure recommended?

Corneal conformation is recommended in the following cases:

  1. Cervical dysplasia of in the second, third stage. The patient may not feel characteristic symptoms, but in the future, dysplasia has a chance to pass into cervical cancer.
  2. Wrong, rough scarring. May occur as a result of internal ruptures during labor.
  3. Ectropion of the neck .Pathology, in which the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​turned into the vaginal cavity.
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  5. Pathology of the mucosa of the cervical canal .This includes polyps, ectopia, leukoplakia, precancerous condition of the cervix. Appointed based on the results of the smear.

The main contraindication to the procedure is the presence of infectious diseases of the urogenital system in the patient. If they are found, a course of treatment with antibiotics is first prescribed, then after complete elimination of the disease, conization is performed.

There are several methods of conization of the cervix, each of which also has special indications and contraindications.

How does conization of the cervix into pregnancy affect?

There is an opinion that after the conization of the cervix, you can not become pregnant and give birth. It is erroneous. But to plan the birth of a child is better not earlier than a few years after the operation. On the process of fertilization, conization of the cervix is ​​practically unaffected.

There are cases when after the operation the patency of its channel was reduced. This reduces the possibility of conception. However, the presence of mutated tissues on the mucous membrane of the cervix reduces this possibility even more.

There is also an opinion that after conization there is a possibility of formation of adhesions and scars that will interfere with natural childbirth, so caesarean will be needed, but it is rather small. Because of this operation, the length of the neck decreases.

Methods of uterine conformation

Modern medicine offers several methods of conization of the cervix:

  1. Laser is a more high-tech method, however the most expensive.
  2. The loopback can be called the golden middle: it has a small percentage of complications at an acceptable price.
  3. Radio wave - involves exposure to the affected area of ​​the current.
  4. Knife - last time is rarely practiced, as the probability of consequences after conization of the cervix in this way is great.

The most common is laser conization of the cervix, the operation is considered more sparing due to the use of modern lasers. But the most effective, as evidenced by the reviews in various forums, is the innovative loop method.

Laser conization

This is the most expensive method of treatment. The conical fragment is obtained by this procedure with a laser, and the size of the cut cone, depending on the complexity of the disease, can vary from one to three centimeters.

After the operation, there may be signs of pain disappearing after three to four weeks. In the next two weeks after laser conization, the doctor prescribes the introduction of cotton swabs impregnated with a solution of antibiotics and antiseptics into the vaginal cavity.

Loop electroexcision

Is the most recent of modern techniques. The conical section is excised with the help of a wire loop. In this version, tissue damage is minimal. The area to be removed is not damaged. That is very valuable for the subsequent histological examination.

The postoperative period is good. Bleeding hardly ever occurs. The pain is either of low intensity and not prolonged, or absent.

Radio wave conization of the cervix

When this method is used, the coagulation of the dissected tissue takes place simultaneously in the incision, completely preventing the possibility of bleeding. The method is characterized by a very high accuracy of excision of the affected area. At the same time, the absence of the consequences of radioconialization of the cervix allows the patient to continue to have a childbearing function in the future.

When can I perform the operation?

In medical practice, the time of the operation is clearly regulated. It is carried out in the first days after the end of menstruation, from the 5th to the 11th day from the beginning of the cycle. The average duration of surgery is 15-30 minutes.

After an operation for several hours, the patient is under the supervision of doctors. To prevent a woman from developing inflammation after surgery, she is prescribed antibacterial drugs.

Complications of

Consequences after conization of the cervix are rare today. Nevertheless, they are possible. These are bleeding, infection, stenosis of the cervical canal( constriction).

Isthmiko-cervical insufficiency can also develop - a violation of the cervical uterine blocking ability, which can lead to miscarriage( the cervix does not retain the fetus) and to penetration of the infection into the uterine cavity. But this is a rare complication when conizing the cervix. Rare and scars on the uterus are rare today, since electcoagulation does not apply.

Postoperative period

In the postoperative period, a woman can experience moderate pulling pains in the lower abdomen. A few days can be observed smearing brown discharge, and the monthly will be slightly more abundant than usual. All this is a natural reaction to the procedure and should not frighten the patient.

Anxiety should cause the following symptoms:

  • profuse uterine bleeding;
  • temperature is above 37.5 degrees;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

After about a week, the scab is separated, which was formed after the operation. During this period, the amount of blood in the secretions may increase, but not much. In case of severe bleeding after conization, the doctor should be consulted immediately.

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