Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon, symptoms and treatment of sigma diverticulum, diet and nutrition, perforation, removal surgery, how to treat folk remedies?

Diverticulum of the sigmoid colon - often found in patients aged GIT pathology. This part of the digestive organs is the main site for the localization of diverticula. Unambiguous symptoms this disease has not, therefore, it is usually found in diagnostic studies of other gastrointestinal ailments. In the event that these negative pockets, representing a great threat to health, and sometimes for the life of the patient, are at the initial stage of their development, they do not require specific treatment. Usually, it is enough to correct the diet, use certain dietary products in the daily menu, and use folk remedies that help to remove the unpleasant symptoms that are usually present in diseases of the digestive tract. Also, if necessary, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed.

But if the diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon has passed into the stage of exacerbation, its inflammation or perforation has occurred, a serious threat to human life appears. Here for the doctor, the only correct decision is the appointment of an emergency operation to remove diverticula along with a part of the sigma. What kind of symptoms usually indicate that single sigmoid diverticula began to become inflamed? Specialists note the following alarming symptoms:

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  • Kolikobraznye pain that does not abate for a long time and localized in one place - the lower lower abdomen. When palpation they become worse;
  • Significant increase in body temperature;
  • If the sigmoid colon of the surrounding organs is attached to the inflammation process, a painful tumor-like formation is felt in the abdominal cavity of the patient - a catarrhal infiltrate;
  • There is nausea, resulting in vomiting.

Most often, this symptomatology corresponds to the pathological process occurring in the sigmoid and descending colon of the intestine. With multiple diverticula and the absence of timely adequate treatment at any time, a rupture of pathological protrusions may occur, and as a consequence, the development of retroperitoneal phlegmon, peritonitis, or the formation of an abscess. In this case, the operation to remove the diverticulum together with the part of the sigmoid colon should be carried out immediately, as only surgical treatment can save the patient's life.

The diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon has an assembly code for the ICD 10. This includes not only the disease itself, but all its complications. The final diagnosis of the pathology is made only after carrying out all the necessary studies, due to which the stage of the disease and the place of its localization are specified. Only after a complete examination of the patient's gastrointestinal tract the doctor in the medical history can put the code K57 for the ICD 10, which corresponds to the disease. This diagnosis includes both ordinary diverticula sigmoid and descending colon, and complicated. Also, the ICD-10 code helps a specialist to find a suitable way of treating pathology.

Methods of treatment of complications of sigmoid colon of the sigmoid

One of the most dangerous consequences of the development of the inflammatory process in pathological protrusions of the digestive organs is their perforation. In this case, in addition to pronounced painful sensations, symptoms such as vomiting, high fever and bloating appear. If perforation with this disease occurred in nearby organs, fistulas are formed. For the most part, their appearance in diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon is typical for older men, but in middle-aged women there is a high risk of this pathology when they underwent an extirpation( removal operation) of the uterus.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs in this situation will be necessary, as in the surrounding organs, due to ingestion of digestible food residues, an infectious process occurs. But the doctor will prescribe this therapy only after an emergency surgery. Complication, which is caused by perforation of diverticula sigmoid colon with the exit of stool to the abdominal cavity, always becomes peritonitis. This form of complication of diverticulosis is IV, the most complicated degree of complication of this ailment. In the case of perforation, an urgent removal of a part of the digestive organ is necessary, with pathological pockets located on it. Only from the timeliness of the procedure depends the patient's life, since peritonitis is for the most part capable of leading to death.

Antibiotics for diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

The use of potent antimicrobial drugs is an integral part of the treatment of pathology in the event of inflammation in the protrusions and the occurrence of other complications. Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate inflammation. Typically, doctors prescribe these funds if, after carrying out the necessary studies to establish the diagnosis, it turns out that the diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon proceeds with such complications as perforation and abscess. Antimicrobials in this case are prescribed for the elimination of pathogenic microflora, multiplying both in the sigma itself and in the adjacent damaged gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes a specialist decides that you can start taking antibiotics before the first negative signs of serious complications develop. The fact is that some types of protrusions very often provoke the development of multiple on the site of a single pocket. Most characteristic of this behavior is the diverticulum of the sigmoid colon. It is therapy with potent drugs that can prevent this.

Treatment of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

In the absence of severe symptoms of pathology, the threat of perforation protrusion and the obvious need for surgical intervention, therapy of the disease is medication. Traditional medicine and exercise therapy are also used. All these measures of complex treatment can be carried out only against the background of correction of the diet and compliance with the patient's appropriate diet, aimed at facilitating the work of the digestive organs.

Very well-proven such a herbal preparation, as Mukofalk. With diverticulosis of sigma, its action is aimed at softening and increasing the volume of fecal matter, which contributes to their easier elimination. Mukofalk contains hydrophilic fibers of psyllium seeds, which absorb well into water and swell when entering the digestive tract. Also Mukofalk with diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon helps accelerate peristalsis, and at the same time reduce the manifestation of negative symptoms.

For those patients who have received this unpleasant and dangerous diagnosis, and who are worried about the question of whether the sigmoid colon diverticulum can be cured, the specialists give an unambiguous positive answer. It consists in the fact that if all the prescriptions of the attending physician are observed from the signs of this pathology, you can get rid of for many years. Even in the case of an operation to remove pathogenic protrusions, a diet, a correct diet and a balanced menu can help prevent the occurrence of repeated recurrences of diverticulosis in the colonic and sigmoid colon. In the asymptomatic course of the pathology, when the presence of diverticulum is discovered by chance, this method of treatment is the most correct.

The menu for diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon should be designed in such a way that all the products included in the daily diet are dietary, that is, they do not cause chemical irritations of the sigmoid colon and are easily digested, facilitating the digestive organ. Without fail, in the menu corresponding to this pathology, foods rich in fiber should be included in a large number. They, along with drugs, will help accelerate peristalsis and facilitate the release of stool. In order that as little as possible to disturb the walls of the damaged sigmoid colon with diverticulosis, for daily dietary nutrition all products should be boiled or cooked for a couple.

Treatment of diverticulum of the sigmoid colon folk remedies

The most positive feedback from experts and patients have folk remedies. With diverticulosis with the help of them, you can significantly ease the patient's condition by removing negative symptoms. Moreover, traditional medicine has no contraindications, and with their help it is possible to effectively remove the signs of both single and multiple diverticulum of the sigmoid colon.

But it should be borne in mind that folk remedies for diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon should be used in conjunction with traditional medicine and with constant consultations with a specialist who can, if necessary, make adjustments to the therapeutic procedures being carried out. The best medicines, especially for the elderly, are those that are oil-based. They normalize the microflora and peristalsis of the digestive system, and also have an enveloping effect.

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