Treatment of gastritis in children, how to treat - nutrition, scheme, medicines, herbs, how to cure?

Today, the most common cause of development of gastritis in children is malnutrition, as well as all sorts of stresses. During gastritis, children have problems with appetite, because because of food there may be pain, or intense pains in the area of ​​the stomach arise from hunger. Sometimes children are concerned about heartburn and other terrible symptoms. And all because, the nutrition scheme is reflected in a decrease or increase in the level of acidity of the stomach environment. Therefore, solving the question of how to cure a gastritis in a child, first of all you need to take care of changing its diet.

Gastroenterologists claim that in the treatment of gastritis in children, in addition to the drug method, great importance should be given to diet therapy. With the right diet, including decoctions of medicinal herbs, it is possible not only to save children from bouts of pain, but also to prevent the exacerbation of the disease. The task of each parent thinking about how to cure his child is to instill love for healthy food for his children. And regardless of whether there were already problems with gastritis or not.

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How to treat gastritis in children with proper nutrition?

The first step in the treatment of childhood gastritis is the conviction of the young patient that for his health, in the future, it is simply necessary to give up many delicacies. Of course, it will be hard for children to immediately give up carbonated drinks, fast food, chocolate bars and chips. However, doctors have not yet found a way to cure gastritis without giving up harmful food. That is, they must first be minimized, and eventually removed from the diet. Even better, while the child is small, if possible, do not enter these foods into the diet.

Morning meal should be balanced, as well as satisfying. The best option will be milk porridge or other dairy products. We must completely abandon sandwiches for children for breakfast!

Children's nutrition in the treatment of gastritis should not practically differ from the adult diet. Throughout the treatment you need to eat 6 times a day little by little. It is better to give preference to a mild as well as easily digestible food temperature just above human temperature. Completely eliminate the ration of the child of coarse fiber, hard crackers and other slowly digestible food. Also cold snacks and drinks should not be below room temperature.

The diet is necessarily supplemented with medicines and herbs in the form of broths and infusions. In addition, you should completely abandon the food with spices. Do not feed children with fatty foods, fried or smoked foods.

Minimize the food that stimulates the production of gastric juice, such as chewing gum, juices, sour fruits, fruit drinks and other sweets with chemical additives. Minimize the use of food and products in marinade and canned food( even home-made).

Diets of a child's diet for the treatment of gastritis

So, when we figured out what products should be excluded during treatment, it is necessary to understand those products that should prevail. A growing organism needs protein food in connection with which the daily ration of the child must include lean meat, poultry, or fish. More attention in gastritis should be given to the processing of these products. The best way to cook meat and fish in the form of steamed buns or stewed meatballs, soufflé and minced meat rolls. When cooking broths for children, you also need to choose low-fat ingredients. The best option for the broth is the brisket of the bird.

In general, nutrition in the treatment of gastritis in children should be balanced. Vegetables can be used either in a stew or cooked, and in fresh form. Do not eat white cabbage or radish. Fruits can also be used fresh, or be ingredients for preparing various desserts.

The scheme of food intake during treatment excludes citrus and sour berries( cranberries, currants, etc.).Let the gastritis in children can have a variety of reasons, but to safely get rid of this disease, you need to monitor the acidity of the stomach environment. Of course, drugs and herbs can balance it, but it is better to avoid products that can increase this indicator. Including coffee and strong tea is better to replace herbal decoctions.

In addition to thinking about how to cure gastritis, just for prevention, keep in mind that the children's diet plan every day should include gastric mucosa envelopes( natural), mousses, cereals, mashed potatoes and fruit purees. In addition, in the diet in the treatment of gastritis in children should be included in food, reasonable amounts of dairy, as well as dairy products of medium fatty foods. Also useful are vegetable and butter and eggs.

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