Symptoms and signs of chronic gastritis of the stomach, treatment in adults and children, complaints, pain

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, called gastritis, occurs in almost half of the adult population of the planet, and with the craze for fast food and other temptations cooked in haste, this disease is increasingly diagnosed even in young children.

Symptoms of chronic stomach gastritis

Despite the very wide spread of this disease, many people do not pay attention to the first signs of the disease, and do not take any measures to change the lifestyle that they are used to lead. Characteristic for inflammation of the stomach are:

  1. Sharp pain in the upper abdomen or a feeling of unpleasant gravity in the stomach.
  2. Feeling of nausea, which is replaced by vomiting with an unpleasant aftertaste after vomiting.
  3. Heartburn or a feeling of heat behind the sternum, worse when lying on its side, which somewhat passes when walking.
  4. Decreased appetite.
  5. Belching with air or food, followed by a reduction in pain.
  6. Exacerbation of symptoms of chronic gastritis in the autumn or spring period.
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The development of chronic gastritis is provoked by non-compliance with the regime and norms of rational nutrition on an ongoing basis. Poorly chewed, too hot or very cold food can also contribute to the chronic development of the disease. This can be with long-term use of certain medications. Signs of chronic gastritis during its exacerbation include liquid or mushy stool several times during the day, bloating, rumbling.

Chronic gastritis: symptoms and treatment

The nature of the clinical manifestations depends on the type of chronic gastritis.

  1. Type A, autoimmune is characterized by the destruction of the gland of the stomach, containing the covering cells and reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Reduced acidity complicates the normal process of digestion."Stagnation" of food leads to increased gas production and regular diarrhea.
  2. Type B with high acidity is characterized by more pronounced clinical signs. Symptoms of chronic gastritis of the stomach in this case can be called heartburn, eructation, a feeling of heaviness after each meal and regular constipation.
  3. Type C( reflux) in which the contents of the 12-colon intestine is thrown into the esophagus or stomach.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis in adults are manifested by pain syndrome and upset stomach, heartburn, eructations, and occasionally vomiting with an unpleasant aftertaste. Non-atrophic chronic gastritis symptoms, which are cramping pain in the peri-ocular and epigastric region, is typical for young people and children.

In middle and old age, atrophic gastritis develops more often. Pain in chronic gastritis, depending on its type, can be of varying degrees of exacerbation, but for the most part they are noisy. If you analyze the complaints with chronic gastritis, then almost always they are reduced to an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, belching with air or after eating, a feeling of heaviness, fullness of the stomach, aching pain and nausea.

If you do not pay attention to it in time and do not start treatment, it will lead to the defeat of the pancreas, the groove tract, stomach ulcer and even the possibility of a cancer. When choosing a method of treatment, they are guided by the elimination of the causes of gastritis causing development or its aggravation. In addition, stimulate the processes that contribute to the recovery of the gastric mucosa.

In general, treating the treatment of chronic gastritis in the complex, use medication, diet and preventive measures in case of exacerbation. Drug treatment is carried out with antibiotics in combination with drugs that affect the level of acidity decrease. Preventing the destruction of cells under the influence of hydrochloric acid is carried out using bismuth preparations, which are due to the formation of a protective shell on the surface of the mucosa.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined exclusively by the doctor, based on the symptoms of chronic gastritis in adults. Based on the specific form of the disease and its course, a corresponding diet is prescribed. It is clear that in case of exacerbation, it is necessary to categorically exclude fatty, spicy, salty foods, alcohol and smoking from the diet.

It is also important to adhere to the temperature regime, since hot food damages the mucous membrane, and the cold food increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach by increasing the time required for food processing. Useful porridge, low-fat cooked foods with a minimum of salt, fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, mineral water, and, of course, small portions, but at least 5-6 meals a day on a strict schedule.

Chronic gastritis in children: symptoms of

Inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa are most common in children in the period of intensive growth at the age of 7 to 12 years. Causes of chronic gastritis can be hereditary predisposition, family eating habits and improper eating habits. In addition, when teenage smoking develops atrophy of blood vessels that supply mucous blood. With chronic stress and nervous disorders, the protective barrier in the stomach is broken.

At children hr.gastritis symptoms almost coincide with similar symptoms in adults, and most often manifested in pain after eating in the upper abdomen, heartburn and belching. In this case, children often complain of lack of appetite, weakness and rapid fatigue. When the chronic course of the disease is possible iron deficiency anemia, accompanied by dizziness, paleness and rapid heart rate. Usually, children suffer from constipation, and the tongue is given a white coating. At the first sign of gastritis in a medical institution, a child is examined using a special tube that allows you to examine the esophagus, stomach and 12-типерстную intestine. In any case, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the child with a suspicion of gastritis, so as not to start the disease.

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