Heavy pancreatitis( form of inflammation)

Severe pancreatitis is not an easy test for the entire human body. As a rule, heavy pancreatitis goes hand in hand with various dangerous complications that cause death. Complications are of a menacing nature, as they cause dysfunction of all vital organs. It can be such diseases as pseudocysts, abscesses, necrosis, as well as the risk of multiple organ dysfunction.

The characteristic signs of severe pancreatitis in diagnosing are as follows:

  • Unstable hemodynamics - body shock, and low blood pressure.
  • Peritoneal syndrome - manifests itself in ruptures of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, including the small and large intestine, stomach and a fragment of the duodenum.
  • Oliguria is a condition in which the urine output is set below 400 ml / day.
  • Encephalopathy - which literally means a brain disease. The tissues of the brain suffer changes, which leads to its destruction.

At the general analysis in the patient in a blood the following picture is observed: a hemoglobin above 150, leucocytes above 14000. At biochemistry of a blood the raised norm of sugar( more than 10 mmol / l), nitrogenous components which quantity is overestimated reveal. When an electrocardiogram( ECG) is performed, the patient is diagnosed with myocardial ischemia, and the metabolic disturbance is not an exception. Local manifestations of severe pancreatitis are caused by acute accumulations of fluid, which already complicate the course of the disease.

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It was found that the determining factors of mortality among patients with severe pancreatitis were: the age of a person, the state of the liver at the time of admission, what medications were taken the day before( cardiac, maintaining blood pressure) and various complications associated with respiration, infections and possible surgical intervention.

All chances of recovering from how quickly a person turns to doctors, where they will conduct diagnostic activities. The faster the complication is eliminated, the greater the chance of remaining alive. Patients with severe pancreatitis are usually placed in the intensive care units.

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