Breast Cyst - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The mammary gland cyst can be a single or multiple cavity formation in the breast tissue filled with a specific fluid. As the contents of the cyst may be pus or blood plasma.

For a long time, the cyst of the breast can not give any symptoms, perhaps only a slight sensation of burning and soreness in the mammary gland, which is intensified before the onset of menstruation.

What causes

What is it, and how to treat a breast cyst? The main cause of cyst in the breast is hormonal disorders. That is a violation of the ratio of estrogens and progesterone.

In addition, adversely affects the hormonal background of :

  • stressful situations;
  • absence of delivery at the age of 30 years and older;
  • thyroid disease;
  • ovarian disease( polycystosis);
  • refusal from breastfeeding or, conversely, too long a period of breastfeeding;
  • long-term use of contraceptives;
  • prolonged intensive thermal procedures, excessive insolation;
  • frequent stay under the open sun.

Another reason for the formation of cysts can be other diseases, on which the balance of hormones in the body depends.

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What is a breast cyst?

Why does the cyst of the breast appear, and what is it? The cyst is a cavity( single or multiple) in its ducts that is filled with non-inflammatory fluid and is bounded by a connective tissue capsule. Such a pathology for a long time can not manifest itself, but then there is soreness and burning in the mammary gland, the intensity of which is significantly increased before menstruation and during it.

The cyst can not go over into breast cancer, but it significantly increases the risk of its formation. Also, the cyst may become inflamed and inflamed, which is a dangerous and extremely unpleasant complication. Often, education is determined in patients with hormonal disorders.

Cysts are symptoms of the nodular form of mastopathy. They are formed due to the expansion of one of the ducts of the breast, first a capsule is formed from the connective tissue that limits the cavity, and then a non-inflammatory fluid accumulates in the cavity. According to the form of education can be rounded, oval or irregular in shape.

The size of the cyst varies from a few millimeters to 3-5 centimeters. The practice of mammology confirms that especially large in diameter formations can lead to deformation and change in the shape of the breast or to the complete replacement of its tissue by itself.

Classification of

Depending on the number of cysts, a single formation( solitary cyst) and multiple formations( polycystic mammary glands) are distinguished. Also, depending on the number of cavities, the cyst can be single-chambered and multi-chambered. If the capsule of the cyst from the inside has proliferations, then they say about an atypical cyst.

In addition, isolated other individual forms of cysts:

  1. Fatty .It is formed in the sebaceous glands of the skin, often causes inflammatory processes, but it has no special effect on the lactation process and has nothing to do with mammary gland tissue.
  2. Multi-chamber .Very unpleasant diagnosis. First one cyst develops, then new ones are formed, next, after which they merge. Thus, a multi-compartment cyst is formed. The disease is detected on ultrasound.
  3. Protocol .More often this diagnosis is put to women of the premenopausal period, this ductal formation inside the breast can develop into a malignant tumor.
  4. The solitary .This formation, round shape and elastic consistency. It is a swelling filled with a liquid of different colors. The longer the cyst, the denser its capsule.

The size of the tumor can be from a few millimeters( then they can be detected only by ultrasound) to a few centimeters( detectable by palpation of the chest).That cyst that can be detected by palpation is called large.

Symptoms of the Breast Cyst

In the initial stage of the breast cyst may not give any symptoms, as a result of which the woman does not feel discomfort in the chest, she can learn about her education due to a detailed self-diagnosis or on examination at the mammalogist.

The presence of a cyst can be determined by certain characteristics:

  • decrease in the size of the cyst after monthly.
  • is probed with soft, moving round or oval nodules in the chest.
  • tenderness or hypersensitivity in the cyst area.
  • enlargement of the nodule size and unusual breast sensitivity shortly before the onset of menstruation.

When the capsule reaches medium or large sizes, it is easily palpable and painful before menstruation. Growing in size, the cyst begins to exert pressure on surrounding tissues and enhance unpleasant effects.

Diagnosis of cysts

A medium sized cyst can be detected by palpation, small formations can be examined by mammography or ultrasound of the breast. If the data are questionable, patients are shown an MRI of the breast, but this method is rarely used.

For further histological examination, the doctor takes a biopsy - a test tissue sampling to determine the nature of the tumor.

How to treat a breast cyst?

With a diagnosed breast cyst, treatment in most cases is treated without surgery.

First of all, in the process of cyst treatment the doctor carries out a puncture of education. To do this, using a thin needle from the cavity, the accumulated liquid is drawn out, after which air is pumped into the capsule, which promotes the growth of the cells. In some cases, alcohol is introduced into the cavity of the formation to ensure rapid fusion. In this case, the scar, which appears after the removal of the mammary gland, on mammography resembles breast cancer.

Large cysts containing a large number of cells are extracted surgically - cut from the breast. It is necessary to do this so that the cyst is not condensed and does not turn into a malignant neoplasm. Surgical intervention is also necessary in case of repeated appearance of a cyst. It can be small cysts, but appearing after a while again, after their removal.

The process of removal of the breast cyst does not affect the functionality of the glands and does not prevent further breastfeeding.

Additional treatments for

Also, to minimize the discomfort associated with a breast cyst, adhere to these recommendations:

  • if necessary, take OTC;
  • eat less salt;
  • avoid caffeine;
  • wear a supporting bra.

Breast cyst treatment with folk remedies has many different options. The most common are tinctures of burdock or St. John's wort.

In the list of such products, for the removal of pain, compresses made from cabbage leaves are effectively applied. It can be medical formulations made from mushroom chaga, or for their creation is used gentian large-leafed and sweet clover.


The breast cyst itself does not pose an immediate threat, and does not lead to a marked deterioration in the quality of life( if not large).

Problems arise when inflammation is attached, infection and suppuration of the cyst, as well as in the case of giant cysts deforming the gland and causing noticeably troubling discomfort. Extremely rare, but there are cases of the degeneration of cysts into cancer. However, the presence of fibro-cystic mastopathy in women increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

Does the breast cyst itself dissolve?

A fairly rare phenomenon, when there is an independent resorption of the breast, therefore, you should not start the disease. Even small cysts do not resolve themselves, but are treated conservatively. If the cyst is 1.5 centimeters in size, a puncture is taken for the intake of the contents and the introduction of ozone or air into the cavity. At a given size of the cyst, it is necessary to smooth its walls.

Any treatment with folk remedies( herbs and compresses), in the hope that the cyst itself will resolve, is unacceptable. Only the doctor prescribes treatment, carefully monitoring the dynamics of the cysts. It is also unacceptable to have an independent treatment without establishing a diagnosis. Experimenting on their health, in the expectation that the compaction will resolve, is unacceptable.

Is it possible to massage the mammary gland?

In the mammary gland very delicate tissues and produce intensive breast massage to squeeze out liquid through the nipple-it's very dangerous, the mammary gland should not be touched again, not that it is intensively massaged. This should not be done in any case.

Try not to injure the breasts with liniments with bones, try to prevent her bruises, how you can treat the skin on your chest with care, with age you can lubricate it with olive oil, it will be more elastic and not so dry. Quite another matter, if a woman gave birth and the breast is filled with milk on day 2-3 after delivery, this is an exception when massaging is simply necessary so that there is no stagnation and lactation mastitis.

Is it possible to degenerate the cyst into a malignant tumor?

Practice shows that a cyst degeneration into a malignant tumor or cancer is rare enough. An exception is the presence of sprouting in the cyst, cystadenopapillum. This pathology will sooner or later necessarily pass into the intra-flow, and then into the infiltrating protocol cancer.

Official epidemiological data confirm the increased risk of occurrence and development of a cancer of a breast at the women having cysts of mammary glands.

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