Diagnosis with esophagitis, diagnosis, blood test

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Diagnosis of esophagitis is an extremely easy process. Already at an early stage of communication with the patient, the doctor must detect this disease and make a preliminary diagnosis. The further conclusion is made, proceeding from analyzes and researches. How does the diagnosis of "esophagitis" occur?

The disease has various forms of complications and severity of the disease. The clinical picture consists of a preliminary examination taking into account the revealed symptoms. Clinical symptoms can also be expressed differently. All symptoms are manifested depending on the complication and neglect of the disease:

  • Acute catarrhal and erosive. In such a course of the disease, the face should have clinical symptoms: a burning sensation behind the pectoralis muscle or pain when swallowing.
  • Hemorrhagic causes vomiting bloody mass and melena.
  • Pseudomembranous esophagitis is characterized by vomiting, consisting of particles of esophageal mucosa and fibrin. You can see this phenomenon only by detecting the particles of the film.
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  • The most difficult thing is to detect symptoms of septic intoxication. In this case, on the walls of the esophagus is formed phlegmon and abscess.

For all these types of esophagitis, the physician can prescribe an X-ray examination to confirm the diagnosis. It is worth knowing that such a study should be conducted with great care. In acute disease it is not possible to do esophagoscopy. The diagnosis follows only from an anamnesis and a clinical picture. To a complex form of illness carry and mediastipit.

  • Chronic. The chronic course of the disease is very similar to the acute form, so the physician, especially the beginner, needs to properly examine the patient.
  • Reflux esophagitis. With such a course of the disease, there is a possibility: heartburn, chest pain with swallowing, regurgitation when tilted or horizontally.

X-ray examination and esophagoscopy are used to diagnose these types of diseases. The X-ray is carried out in a horizontal position. So the easiest way to determine the presence of a hernia in the diaphragm of the esophageal opening and to identify gastroesophageal reflux. Esophagoscopy allows to determine the nature and degree of complexity of inflammation of the esophageal wall. For reflux esophagitis is characterized by an increased level of acidity of gastric juice. With the long course of the disease and the lack of proper and thorough treatment, there may be a scar inflammatory cover that disrupts the integrity and structure of the esophagus.

Differential diagnosis of esophagitis

Often the diagnosis of acute form does not cause great difficulty. The clinical picture of reflux disease is also very clear and simple. Special difficulties in differential diagnosis with other diseases are not observed. X-rays and esophagoscopy give the final result. In practice, there is a rare difficulty, this is when doctors confuse chest pain with chest pain. In this case, the differential diagnosis of esophagitis comes to the aid of an electrocardiologic study, also with a load. In another way, bicycle ergometry.

Blood with esophagitis

Blood can also say a lot about the disease. With reflux esophagitis, a general and biochemical blood test is taken. At the general or common analysis there is a probability of an anemia at repeated hemorrhages of an esophagus. Biochemistry asserts and shows hypoproteinemia, reduced acidity to 4.0 on the lower part of the esophagus.

An overall blood test is used to detect and confirm the diagnosis of acute esophagitis. With a moderate and severe course of the disease, a higher level of leukocytes and an increase in ESR are detected. ESR - signs of an inflammatory and progressive nature.

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